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ソース: バージョン: 他の言語: 購読: ソーシャル: 最終更新日: 2024-04-27T12:31:21.151+08:00   統計を見る
04-26  Want to make a difference? Try working at an environmental non-profit organization (
04-25  Daily briefing: How an unlikely friendship with Jung influenced Pauli’s physics (
04-26  Audio long read: Why loneliness is bad for your health (
04-24  Daily briefing: The origins of bioluminescence in animals date back over half a billion years (
04-26  Future of Humanity Institute shuts: what's next for ‘deep future’ research? (
04-25  Judge dismisses superconductivity physicist’s lawsuit against university (
04-25  NIH pay raise for postdocs and PhD students could have US ripple effect (
04-25  Air-travel climate-change emissions detailed for nearly 200 nations (
04-25  Garden-variety fungus is an expert at environmental clean-ups (
04-25  Scientists urged to collect royalties from the ‘magic money tree’ (
04-25  Rat neurons repair mouse brains — and restore sense of smell (
04-25  Are robots the solution to the crisis in older-person care? (
04-25  China's Moon atlas is the most detailed ever made (
04-25  ‘Shut up and calculate’: how Einstein lost the battle to explain quantum reality (
04-25  NATO is boosting AI and climate research as scientific diplomacy remains on ice (
04-25  Algorithm ranks peer reviewers by reputation — but critics warn of bias (
04-24  Plastic pollution: three numbers that support a crackdown (
04-24  This giant extinct salmon had tusks like a warthog (
04-24  Mini-colon and brain 'organoids' shed light on cancer and other diseases (
04-24  DNA from ancient graves reveals the culture of a mysterious nomadic people (
04-24  Tumours form without genetic mutations (
04-24  Retractions are part of science, but misconduct isn’t — lessons from a superconductivity lab (
04-24  Galaxy found napping in the primordial Universe (
04-24  Ancient DNA traces family lines and political shifts in the Avar empire (
04-24  Targeting RNA opens therapeutic avenues for Timothy syndrome (
04-24  Atomic clock keeps ultra-precise time aboard a rocking naval ship (
04-24  Network of large pedigrees reveals social practices of Avar communities (
04-24  PGE2 inhibits TIL expansion by disrupting IL-2 signalling and mitochondrial function (
04-24  Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms (
04-24  Emx2 underlies the development and evolution of marsupial gliding membranes (
04-24  Dearomatization drives complexity generation in freshwater organic matter (
04-24  Mechanism of single-stranded DNA annealing by RAD52–RPA complex (
04-24  Spatiotemporally resolved colorectal oncogenesis in mini-colons ex vivo (
04-24  One-dimensional proximity superconductivity in the quantum Hall regime (
04-24  High carrier mobility along the [111] orientation in Cu2O photoelectrodes (
04-24  Periportal macrophages protect against commensal-driven liver inflammation (
04-24  A magnetar giant flare in the nearby starburst galaxy M82 (
04-24  A high-density and high-confinement tokamak plasma regime for fusion energy (
04-24  PGE2 limits effector expansion of tumour-infiltrating stem-like CD8+ T cells (
04-24  Growth of diamond in liquid metal at 1 atm pressure (
04-24  Antisense oligonucleotide therapeutic approach for Timothy syndrome (
04-24  Discovery of WRN inhibitor HRO761 with synthetic lethality in MSI cancers (
04-24  Structures of human γδ T cell receptor–CD3 complex (
04-24  WHO redefines airborne transmission: what does that mean for future pandemics? (
04-24  Ecologists: don’t lose touch with the joy of fieldwork (
04-24  A chemical method for selective labelling of the key amino acid tryptophan (
04-24  Las Boriqueñas remembers the forgotten Puerto Rican women who tested the first pill (
04-24  First glowing animals lit up the oceans half a billion years ago (
04-23  Monkeypox virus: dangerous strain gains ability to spread through sex, new data suggest (
04-23  Publisher Correction: FOXO1 is a master regulator of memory programming in CAR T cells (
04-23  Any plan to make smoking obsolete is the right step (
04-23  Charles Darwin investigates: the curious case of primrose punishment (
04-22  Daily briefing: Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its worst mass bleaching event on record (
04-18  Daily briefing: ‘Goldene’ is a gilded cousin of graphene that is one atom thick (
04-23  European ruling linking climate change to human rights could be a game changer — here’s how (
04-23  Breaking ice, and helicopter drops: winning photos of working scientists (
04-23  More work is needed to take on the rural wastewater challenge (
04-23  Chemistry lab destroyed by Taiwan earthquake has physical and mental impacts (
04-23  The Middle East’s largest hypersaline lake risks turning into an environmental disaster zone (
04-23  India’s 50-year-old Chipko movement is a model for environmental activism (
04-22  Dozens of genes are linked to post-traumatic stress disorder (
04-22  Multimodal cell atlas of the ageing human skeletal muscle (
04-22  Star Formation Shut Down by Multiphase Gas Outflow in a Galaxy at a Redshift of 2.45 (
04-22  How to freeze a memory: putting worms on ice stops them forgetting (
04-22  How ground glass might save crops from drought on a Caribbean island (
04-22  Author Correction: Interim analyses of a first-in-human phase 1/2 mRNA trial for propionic acidaemia (
04-22  Author Correction: Targeting SWI/SNF ATPases in enhancer-addicted prostate cancer (
04-19  Do insects have an inner life? Animal consciousness needs a rethink (
04-19  Living on Mars would probably suck — here's why (
04-19  Dogwhistles, drilling and the roots of Western civilization: Books in brief (
04-18  Nearly half of China’s major cities are sinking — some ‘rapidly’ (
04-18  AI’s keen diagnostic eye (
04-18  Violent volcanoes have wracked Jupiter’s moon Io for billions of years (
04-18  Burnt remains of Maya royalty mark a dramatic power shift (
04-18  Londoners see what a scientist looks like up close in 50 photographs (
04-18  Meet ‘goldene’: this gilded cousin of graphene is also one atom thick (
04-17  This water bottle purifies your drink with energy from your steps (
04-17  Humans and their livestock have sheltered in this cave for 10,000 years (
04-17  Control of neuronal excitation–inhibition balance by BMP–SMAD1 signalling (
04-17  The sympathetic nervous system arose in the earliest vertebrates (
04-17  An exploration of how the insect-wing hinge functions (
04-17  Surprise hybrid origins of a butterfly species (
04-17  Bacteria deploy umbrella toxins against their competitors (
04-17  Laser spectroscopy of triply charged 229Th isomer for a nuclear clock (
04-17  Streptomyces umbrella toxin particles block hyphal growth of competing species (
04-17  Digital colloid-enhanced Raman spectroscopy by single-molecule counting (
04-17  Machine learning reveals the control mechanics of an insect wing hinge (
04-17  Environmental drivers of increased ecosystem respiration in a warming tundra (
04-17  Stripped-envelope supernova light curves argue for central engine activity (
04-17  Brain endothelial GSDMD activation mediates inflammatory BBB breakdown (
04-17  Corner- and edge-mode enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer (
04-17  Control of working memory by phase–amplitude coupling of human hippocampal neurons (
04-17  Biogeographic response of marine plankton to Cenozoic environmental changes (
04-17  Seismological evidence for a multifault network at the subduction interface (
04-17  Refining the impact of genetic evidence on clinical success (
04-17  Neural crest origin of sympathetic neurons at the dawn of vertebrates (
04-17  Stepwise activation of a metabotropic glutamate receptor (
04-17  Methane emission from a cool brown dwarf (
04-17  Hybrid speciation driven by multilocus introgression of ecological traits (
04-17  AI and robotics demystify the workings of a fly's wing (
04-17  I dive for fish in the longest freshwater lake in the world (
04-17  What science can learn from Swiss apprenticeships (
04-17  How young people benefit from Swiss apprenticeships (
04-17  Smoking bans are coming: what does the evidence say? (
04-17  Dad always mows on summer Saturday mornings (
04-17  We must protect the global plastics treaty from corporate interference (
04-17  Researchers want a ‘nutrition label’ for academic-paper facts (
04-17  What toilets can reveal about COVID, cancer and other health threats (
04-17  AI traces mysterious metastatic cancers to their source (
04-16  US COVID-origins hearing puts scientific journals in the hot seat (
04-16  Do climate lawsuits lead to action? Researchers assess their impact (
04-16  How India can become a science powerhouse (
04-16  A step along the path towards AlphaFold — 50 years ago (
04-16  Obesity drugs aren’t always forever. What happens when you quit? (
04-16  Shrouded in secrecy: how science is harmed by the bullying and harassment rumour mill (
04-16  It’s time to talk about the hidden human cost of the green transition (
04-16  Female academics need more support — in China as elsewhere (
04-16  Use game theory for climate models that really help reach net zero goals (
04-15  Revealed: the ten research papers that policy documents cite most (
04-15  Could JWST solve cosmology’s big mystery? Physicists debate Universe-expansion data (
04-15  AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report (
04-15  Light-wave-controlled Haldane model in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (
04-12  Daily briefing: First direct image of a ‘Wigner crystal’ made entirely of electrons (
04-15  Citizenship privilege harms science (
04-15  ‘Shrugging off failure is hard’: the $400-million grant setback that shaped the Smithsonian lead scientist’s career (
04-15  Are women in research being led up the garden path? (
04-15  How a young physicist’s job move helped Argentina join the ATLAS collaboration (
04-15  Lethal dust storms blanket Asia every spring — now AI could help predict them (
04-11  Daily briefing: Signs that ChatGPT is polluting peer review (
04-12  Author Correction: Controlling the helicity of light by electrical magnetization switching (
04-12  Peter Higgs obituary: physicist who predicted boson that explains why particles have mass (
04-11  Scientists discover first algae that can fix nitrogen — thanks to a tiny cell structure (
04-11  Biological age surges in survivors of childhood cancer (
04-11  Bitter taste receptors are even older than scientists thought (
04-11  This fMRI technique promised to transform brain research — why can no one replicate it? (
04-05  Sea spray carries huge amounts of ‘forever chemicals’ into the air (
04-10  Genetic risk variants lead to type 2 diabetes development through different pathways (
04-10  Scalable, high-quality 2D telluride nanosheets for energy and catalysis applications (
04-10  Frans de Waal (1948–2024), primatologist who questioned the uniqueness of human minds (
04-10  How to supercharge cancer-fighting cells: give them stem cell skills (
04-10  A bitter-taste receptor activated in a surprising way (
04-10  Light makes atoms behave like electromagnetic coils (
04-10  Controlling single polyatomic molecules in an optical array for quantum applications (
04-10  Is ChatGPT corrupting peer review? Telltale words hint at AI use (
04-10  Nanoscale scythe cuts molecular tethers using mechanical forces (
04-10  Wildlife boost in African forests certified for sustainable logging (
04-10  Bitter taste receptor activation by cholesterol and an intracellular tastant (
04-10  Terahertz electric-field-driven dynamical multiferroicity in SrTiO3 (
04-10  A hybrid topological quantum state in an elemental solid (
04-10  Direct observation of a magnetic-field-induced Wigner crystal (
04-10  Distal colonocytes targeted by C. rodentium recruit T-cell help for barrier defence (
04-10  Phononic switching of magnetization by the ultrafast Barnett effect (
04-10  Cell-type-resolved mosaicism reveals clonal dynamics of the human forebrain (
04-10  Metabolic rewiring promotes anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids (
04-10  FOXO1 enhances CAR T cell stemness, metabolic fitness and efficacy (
04-10  Emergence of fractal geometries in the evolution of a metabolic enzyme (
04-10  Sex differences orchestrated by androgens at single-cell resolution (
04-10  Force-controlled release of small molecules with a rotaxane actuator (
04-10  Ghost roads and the destruction of Asia-Pacific tropical forests (
04-10  The 'ghost roads' driving tropical deforestation (
04-10  Selenium alloyed tellurium oxide for amorphous p-channel transistors (
04-09  AI & robotics briefing: How AI is improving climate forecasts (
04-10  The rise of eco-anxiety: scientists wake up to the mental-health toll of climate change (
04-10  What happens when climate change and the mental-health crisis collide? (
04-10  India is booming — but there are worries ahead for basic science (
04-09  Author Correction: Landscape-scale benefits of protected areas for tropical biodiversity (
04-09  Giant energy storage and power density negative capacitance superlattices (
04-08  Daily briefing: How a physicist faked blockbuster superconductivity claims (
04-09  Rwanda 30 years on: understanding the horror of genocide (
04-09  How I harnessed media engagement to supercharge my research career (
04-09  AI-fuelled election campaigns are here — where are the rules? (
04-09  The comings and goings of ants: how are social skills shaped in an ever-changing world? (
04-09  Declining postdoc numbers threaten the future of US life science (
04-09  Brazil’s postgraduate funding model is about rectifying past inequalities (
04-08  Brazil budget cuts could leave science labs without power and water (
04-08  Concurrent inhibition of oncogenic and wild-type RAS-GTP for cancer therapy (
04-08  The PARTNER trial of neoadjuvant olaparib in triple-negative breast cancer (
04-08  Tumor-selective activity of RAS-GTP inhibition in pancreatic cancer (
04-05  Daily briefing: Diabetes drug shows promise against Parkinson’s (
04-08  Author Correction: Macromolecular condensation buffers intracellular water potential (
04-08  Digging in: last chance to save a native forest (
04-08  How we landed job interviews for professorships straight out of our PhD programmes (
04-08  Survival of the nicest: have we got evolution the wrong way round? (
04-06  Exclusive: official investigation reveals how superconductivity physicist faked blockbuster results (
04-05  Baseball-sized hail in Spain began with a heatwave at sea (
04-05  Audio long read: Why are so many young people getting cancer? What the data say (
04-05  After the genocide: what scientists are learning from Rwanda (
04-05  Wild women and restoring public trust: Books in brief (
04-03  Daily briefing: Protein in embryo cells might be a reason for right- or left-handedness (
04-04  Smallest known starquakes are detected with a subtle shift of colour (
04-04  Will the Gates Foundation’s preprint-centric policy help open access? (
04-04  Tropical-forest destruction has slowed — but is still too high (
04-03  Diabetes drug slows development of Parkinson’s disease (
04-03  Total solar eclipse 2024: how it will help scientists to study the Sun (
04-03  Trio of radicals choreographed for versatile chemical reaction (
04-03  Time to sound the alarm about the hidden epidemic of kidney disease (
04-03  mRNA drug offers hope for treating a devastating childhood disease (
04-03  A quirky fluid that has robotic capabilities (
04-03  Metal telluride nanosheets by scalable solid lithiation and exfoliation (
04-03  Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg function (
04-03  Jurassic shuotheriids show earliest dental diversification of mammaliaforms (
04-03  Molecular insights into capsular polysaccharide secretion (
04-03  An optical tweezer array of ultracold polyatomic molecules (
04-03  A brain-specific angiogenic mechanism enabled by tip cell specialization (
04-03  Structural basis of Integrator-dependent RNA polymerase II termination (
04-03  Heat flows enrich prebiotic building blocks and enhance their reactivity (
04-03  Interim analyses of a first-in-human phase 1/2 mRNA trial for propionic acidaemia (
04-03  Bridging structural and cell biology with cryo-electron microscopy (
04-03  The variation and evolution of complete human centromeres (
04-03  Improving prime editing with an endogenous small RNA-binding protein (
04-03  Phase-change memory via a phase-changeable self-confined nano-filament (
04-03  Mechanical activation opens a lipid-lined pore in OSCA ion channels (
04-03  Fossils document evolutionary changes of jaw joint to mammalian middle ear (
04-03  Pregnancy's effect on 'biological' age, polite-birds, and the carbon cost of home-grown veg (
04-03  Five steps to connect genetic risk variants to disease (
04-03  Artificial intelligence can provide accurate forecasts of extreme floods at global scale (