1. 猎冰登月任务的未知命运让科学家们心存疑虑 08:00 Unknown fate of ice-hunting Moon missions leaves scientists in suspense (www.nature.com)
2. 美国历史悠久的黑人大学的财务桎梏 03-06 The financial shackling of historically Black universities in the United States (www.nature.com)
3. 变性研究人员受到攻击:LGBTQ 生物学家面临充满敌意的工作环境 03-06 Trans researchers under attack: LGBTQ biologists face hostile work environment (www.nature.com)
4. 在华外国研究人员面临越来越严格的限制 03-06 Foreign researchers in China face tightening restrictions (www.nature.com)
5. CYSLTR2 和 P2RY6 感知神经酰胺加剧动脉粥样硬化 03-06 Sensing ceramides by CYSLTR2 and P2RY6 to aggravate atherosclerosis (www.nature.com)
6. 古代木偶的一颦一笑暗示着共同的仪式 03-06 Ancient puppets that smile or scowl hint at shared rituals (www.nature.com)
7. 每日简报:PubMed停电加剧了人们对数据库未来的担忧 03-05 Daily briefing: PubMed blackout stokes fears about database’s future (www.nature.com)
8. 特朗普提名的美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)院长人选谈冻结拨款和促进 "科学异议 "问题 03-06 Trump''s nominee for NIH chief talks frozen grants and fostering ‘scientific dissent’ (www.nature.com)
9. 独家报道美国国立卫生研究院将终止数百项正在进行的研究拨款 03-06 Exclusive: NIH to terminate hundreds of active research grants (www.nature.com)
11. 为什么女性的大脑更有弹性:可能是因为她们 "沉默 "的 X 染色体 03-05 Why women’s brains are more resilient: it could be their ‘silent’ X chromosome (www.nature.com)
12. 人工智能算法帮助望远镜快速转向引力波源 03-05 AI algorithm helps telescopes to pivot fast towards gravitational-wave sources (www.nature.com)
13. 大脑如何决定是否坚持以及何时放弃 03-05 How the brain decides whether to persist — and when to give up (www.nature.com)
15. 这种关键蛋白质可能是大脑老化的罪魁祸首 03-05 This key protein could be responsible for brain ageing (www.nature.com)
16. 将蛋白质废物转化为抗生素是人体细胞的一种防御策略 03-05 Protein waste turned into antibiotics as a defence strategy of human cells (www.nature.com)
17. 古人类使用骨器的时间比想象的早一百万年 03-05 Ancient humans used bone tools one million years earlier than thought (www.nature.com)
18. 亚马逊森林砍伐使雨季更潮湿,旱季更干燥 03-05 Amazonian deforestation makes the wet season wetter, and the dry season dryer (www.nature.com)
19. 全基因组植物泛基因组可为下一代作物设计提供信息 03-05 Genus-wide plant pangenome could inform next-generation crop design (www.nature.com)
20. 人工智能如何让我们实时观看史诗般的恒星碰撞 03-05 How AI could let us watch epic star collisions in real time (www.nature.com)
21. 大脑如何决定何时坚持、放弃或尝试新事物 03-05 How the brain decides when to stick at it, give up or try something new (www.nature.com)
22. 使用环保量子点制造的 LED 该大放异彩了 03-05 It’s time to shine for LEDs made using ecofriendly quantum dots (www.nature.com)
23. 特制大麻素可能是缓解疼痛而不会产生不良影响的关键 03-05 Designer cannabinoids could be the key to pain relief without adverse effects (www.nature.com)
24. 最早的手工骨器可追溯到 150 万年前 03-05 Earliest crafted bone tools date back 1.5 million years (www.nature.com)
25. 茄科植物泛遗传学揭示了作物工程中的旁系亲缘关系 03-05 Solanum pan-genetics reveals paralogues as contingencies in crop engineering (www.nature.com)
26. 果蝇属苍蝇温度偏好的进化 03-05 Evolution of temperature preference in flies of the genus Drosophila (www.nature.com)
27. 光子晶体极化子凝聚体中新出现的超稳固性 03-05 Emerging supersolidity in photonic-crystal polariton condensates (www.nature.com)
28. 茶黄素合成酶通过一种不依赖于 NADPH 的超氧化物机制运行 03-05 Chanoclavine synthase operates by an NADPH-independent superoxide mechanism (www.nature.com)
29. 地球上热带森林树冠功能特征的差异 03-05 Canopy functional trait variation across Earth’s tropical forests (www.nature.com)
30. 小鼠造血的克隆动态和体细胞进化 03-05 Clonal dynamics and somatic evolution of haematopoiesis in mouse (www.nature.com)
31. 长期多细胞进化实验中的基因组复制 03-05 Genome duplication in a long-term multicellularity evolution experiment (www.nature.com)
32. 亚马逊森林砍伐对降水的影响在季节间发生逆转 03-05 Impact of Amazonian deforestation on precipitation reverses between seasons (www.nature.com)
33. 从相同病原体序列看 SARS-CoV-2 的精细传播模式 03-05 Fine-scale patterns of SARS-CoV-2 spread from identical pathogen sequences (www.nature.com)
34. CB1 中的一个隐秘口袋驱动着外周和功能选择性 03-05 A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity (www.nature.com)
35. 坚毅、探索和脱离状态的皮层下配电盘 03-05 A subcortical switchboard for perseverative, exploratory and disengaged states (www.nature.com)
37. 线粒体丙酮酸载体的结构及其抑制机制 03-05 Structure of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier and its inhibition mechanism (www.nature.com)
38. 混合精度忆阻器和 SRAM 内存计算人工智能处理器 03-05 A mixed-precision memristor and SRAM compute-in-memory AI processor (www.nature.com)
39. 蛋白酶体衍生防御肽的细胞自主先天免疫功能 03-05 Cell-autonomous innate immunity by proteasome-derived defence peptides (www.nature.com)
40. 10,000 小时稳定的间歇式碱性海水电解法 03-05 10,000-h-stable intermittent alkaline seawater electrolysis (www.nature.com)
41. 原激素裂解预测发现了一种非促泌素抗肥胖肽 03-05 Prohormone cleavage prediction uncovers a non-incretin anti-obesity peptide (www.nature.com)
42. 感觉输入、性别和功能影响下丘脑细胞的发育 03-05 Sensory input, sex and function shape hypothalamic cell type development (www.nature.com)
44. 上皮细胞向间质转化的进化指纹 03-05 Evolutionary fingerprints of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (www.nature.com)
46. TIR1 产生的 cAMP 是转录辅助素信号的第二信使 03-05 TIR1-produced cAMP as a second messenger in transcriptional auxin signalling (www.nature.com)
47. 利用机器学习对双中子星合并进行实时推断 03-05 Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning (www.nature.com)
48. 用于高效稳定纯蓝 LED 的均相 ZnSeTeS 量子点 03-05 Homogeneous ZnSeTeS quantum dots for efficient and stable pure-blue LEDs (www.nature.com)
49. 阿司匹林通过限制血小板 TXA2 对 T 细胞免疫的抑制来防止转移 03-05 Aspirin prevents metastasis by limiting platelet TXA2 suppression of T cell immunity (www.nature.com)
50. 斜方体石墨烯的超导性和量子化反常霍尔效应 03-05 Superconductivity and quantized anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral graphene (www.nature.com)
52. 每日简报:美国科学家奋起反对特朗普瓦解联邦科学的努力 03-04 Daily briefing: US scientists rise up against Trump’s efforts to dismantle federal science (www.nature.com)
53. 寻找视网膜地理萎缩的解决方案 03-05 The search for solutions to geographic atrophy of the retina (www.nature.com)
55. 人工智能可促进低收入国家的眼科护理 03-05 Artificial intelligence could boost eye care in low-income countries (www.nature.com)
60. 沉默就是共谋"--大学必须与反教育歧视镇压作斗争 03-05 ‘Silence is complicity’ — universities must fight the anti-DEI crackdown (www.nature.com)
62. 神经元活动的多样性可能是由输入的差异造成的 03-05 Diversity in neuronal activity could be caused by differences in inputs (www.nature.com)
63. 古老的造礁珊瑚得到了微生物朋友的帮助 03-05 Ancient reef-building corals had a little help from microbial friends (www.nature.com)
64. 出土的基因多样性设计出 "完美马铃薯 03-05 ‘Perfect potato’ designed thanks to unearthed genetic diversity (www.nature.com)
65. 每一位伟大的女科学家背后,都有另一位伟大的女科学家 03-05 Behind every great woman in science, there’s another great woman in science (www.nature.com)
66. 人工智能究竟会消耗多少能源?好的、坏的和未知的 03-05 How much energy will AI really consume? The good, the bad and the unknown (www.nature.com)
67. 人工智能如何实现人类水平的智能:研究人员呼吁改变策略 03-04 How AI can achieve human-level intelligence: researchers call for change in tack (www.nature.com)
68. 我希望确保非洲人参与人工智能革命 03-04 I want to ensure that Africans take part in the AI revolution (www.nature.com)
69. Omg,Pubmed黑屏了吗?停电引发了对数据库未来的担忧 03-04 ''Omg, did Pubmed go dark?'' Blackout stokes fears about database’s future (www.nature.com)
71. 认识一下 "长毛鼠":为什么科学家怀疑它向重现猛犸象迈出了一大步? 03-04 Meet the ‘woolly mouse’: why scientists doubt it’s a big step towards recreating mammoths (www.nature.com)
72. 为避免签证歧视,我们将会议搬到了地球的另一端 03-04 We moved a conference halfway around the globe to avoid visa discrimination (www.nature.com)
73. 强迫性购物激增:是什么让人们大肆购物? 03-04 Compulsive shopping is surging: what makes people buy loads of stuff (www.nature.com)
75. 每日简报:新一轮裁员对美国科学界意味着什么? 03-03 Daily briefing: What another round of layoffs means for US science (www.nature.com)
77. 必须向人工智能传授概念,而不仅仅是原始数据中的模式 03-04 AI must be taught concepts, not just patterns in raw data (www.nature.com)
79. 人工智能幻觉是 LLM 设计的一个特点,而非缺陷 03-04 AI hallucinations are a feature of LLM design, not a bug (www.nature.com)
81. 人工智能助力实现更快、更智能同行评审的三个步骤 03-04 Three AI-powered steps to faster, smarter peer review (www.nature.com)
82. 中国对下一代计算机芯片的研究是美国产量的两倍 03-03 China research on next-generation computer chips is double the US output (www.nature.com)
83. 美国科学面临威胁--科学家们正在奋起反击 03-03 US science is under threat ― now scientists are fighting back (www.nature.com)
84. 促进科学发展:"向外国科学、技术和工程学生发放十年签证 03-03 Boosting science: ‘Give foreign STEM students ten-year visas’ (www.nature.com)
85. 每日简报:特朗普政府的政策给美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助的全球研究人员带来动荡 02-28 Daily briefing: Trump administration policies create turmoil for NIH-funded researchers worldwide (www.nature.com)
86. 持续活跃的胰高血糖素受体促使鸟类产生高血糖 03-03 Constitutively active glucagon receptor drives high blood glucose in birds (www.nature.com)
88. 克服困难:12 位战胜偏见在科学领域取得成功的女性 03-03 Against the odds: 12 women who beat bias to succeed in science (www.nature.com)
89. 面向学生的 ChatGPT:学习者发现聊天机器人的创造性新用途 03-03 ChatGPT for students: learners find creative new uses for chatbots (www.nature.com)
90. 私人航天器 "钉子 "登月:"蓝幽灵 "在月球表面的首批图像 03-03 Private spacecraft nails Moon landing: first images of Blue Ghost on the lunar surface (www.nature.com)
91. 面对美国国际开发署(USAID)的削减,帮助消除医疗不平等的四种方法 03-03 Four ways to help beat health inequities in the face of USAID cuts (www.nature.com)
92. 特朗普团队下令大幅裁减政府人员:科学如何应对 02-28 Trump team orders huge government layoffs: how science could fare (www.nature.com)
93. 学术界的 "独狼 "文化如何损害研究人员的心理健康? 02-28 How academia’s ‘lone wolf’ culture is harming researcher mental health (www.nature.com)
95. 乌克兰科研部门举步维艰--欧洲能否提供帮助? 02-28 Ukraine’s research sector is struggling — can Europe help? (www.nature.com)
96. 音频长读:为什么孩子们需要冒更多的风险--科学揭示了天马行空、自由玩耍的益处 02-28 Audio long read: Why kids need to take more risks — science reveals the benefits of wild, free play (www.nature.com)
97. 每日简报:美国十年来首例麻疹死亡病例发生在一名未接种疫苗的儿童身上 02-27 Daily briefing: An unvaccinated child is first US measles death in a decade (www.nature.com)
98. 特朗普削减科研经费,美国大学减少博士招生人数 02-27 US universities curtail PhD admissions amid Trump science funding cuts (www.nature.com)
101. 超清晰聚焦观察脂肪细胞的形成--二月最佳科学图片 02-27 See fat cells forming in super-sharp focus — February’s best science images (www.nature.com)
102. 作者更正:CTLA4阻断可消减KEAP1/STK11对PD-(L)1抑制剂的相关耐药性 02-27 Author Correction: CTLA4 blockade abrogates KEAP1/STK11-related resistance to PD-(L)1 inhibitors (www.nature.com)
104. 每日简报:自然》杂志谴责特朗普对美国科研的攻击 02-26 Daily briefing: Nature denounces Trump’s attack on US research (www.nature.com)
106. 认识一下正在前往月球的冰雪狩猎机器人 02-27 Meet the ice-hunting robots headed for the Moon right now (www.nature.com)
108. 大西洋环流可能比人们想象的更能抵御全球变暖的影响 02-26 Atlantic circulation could be more resilient to global warming than was thought (www.nature.com)
109. 揭示真菌如何构建改变地球的 "道路 "网络 02-26 Revealing how fungi build planet-altering ‘road’ networks (www.nature.com)
110. 计算工作流程限制了复杂分子合成中的 "猜测和检查 "需求 02-26 Computational workflow limits need to ‘guess and check’ in the synthesis of complex molecules (www.nature.com)
111. 粘液 "保护大脑安全--并能防止衰老 02-26 ‘Slime’ keeps the brain safe ― and could guard against ageing (www.nature.com)
112. 标志性洋流系统暂时不会受到气候崩溃的影响 02-26 Iconic ocean-current system is safe from climate collapse ― for now (www.nature.com)
113. 疗养院居民的皮肤是传播有害和耐药微生物的源头 02-26 Nursing-home residents’ skin is a source of transmitted harmful and drug-resistant microbes (www.nature.com)
114. 超弹性钛合金有望用于太空任务 02-26 Superelastic titanium alloy has potential for space missions (www.nature.com)
115. 牙齿复杂性增减的进化灵活性激发了鱼类的多样化 02-26 Evolutionary flexibility to gain or lose tooth complexity sparks fish diversification (www.nature.com)
116. SMC复合物的广泛相互影响塑造了三维基因组折叠 02-26 Extensive mutual influences of SMC complexes shape 3D genome folding (www.nature.com)
118. 通过串联玻色子量子比特实现硬件高效量子纠错 02-26 Hardware-efficient quantum error correction via concatenated bosonic qubits (www.nature.com)
119. 优雅小鼠代谢通量的系统级半定量图谱 02-26 A systems-level, semi-quantitative landscape of metabolic flux in C. elegans (www.nature.com)
120. 十万基因组计划中的罕见疾病基因关联发现 02-26 Rare disease gene association discovery in the 100,000 Genomes Project (www.nature.com)
121. 森林中聚集与丰度和共存的纬度比例关系 02-26 Latitudinal scaling of aggregation with abundance and coexistence in forests (www.nature.com)
122. 无序辅助实矩拓扑光子晶体 02-26 Disorder-assisted real–momentum topological photonic crystal (www.nature.com)
123. 三维扭曲磁性带中几何和自旋手性的相互作用 02-26 Interplay of geometrical and spin chiralities in 3D twisted magnetic ribbons (www.nature.com)
125. 用于胚胎世系追踪的基因组覆盖单细胞组蛋白修饰 02-26 Genome-coverage single-cell histone modifications for embryo lineage tracing (www.nature.com)
126. 15 万年前非洲潮湿热带森林中的人类 02-26 Humans in Africa’s wet tropical forests 150 thousand years ago (www.nature.com)
127. 单纤维计算机实现纺织网络和分布式推理 02-26 A single-fibre computer enables textile networks and distributed inference (www.nature.com)
128. 利用多电池结构实现千瓦级弹性冷却 02-26 Achieving kilowatt-scale elastocaloric cooling by a multi-cell architecture (www.nature.com)
129. 从进化模型中得出的人类基因功能简编 02-26 A compendium of human gene functions derived from evolutionary modelling (www.nature.com)
130. 多发射极量子网络节点的复用纠缠 02-26 Multiplexed entanglement of multi-emitter quantum network nodes (www.nature.com)
131. 冰川等静力调整揭示火星内部粘度结构 02-26 Glacial isostatic adjustment reveals Mars’s interior viscosity structure (www.nature.com)
132. 疗养院居民皮肤上的克隆念珠菌和 ESKAPE 病原体 02-26 Clonal Candida auris and ESKAPE pathogens on the skin of residents of nursing homes (www.nature.com)
133. 人类神经元加速区的比较特征 02-26 Comparative characterization of human accelerated regions in neurons (www.nature.com)
134. 极端气候条件下大西洋翻转环流仍在继续 02-26 Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes (www.nature.com)
135. 保守的 HIV-1 间距肽 2 触发基质晶格成熟 02-26 The conserved HIV-1 spacer peptide 2 triggers matrix lattice maturation (www.nature.com)
136. 糖萼失调会损害老化和疾病过程中的血脑屏障 02-26 Glycocalyx dysregulation impairs blood–brain barrier in ageing and disease (www.nature.com)
137. 动物体内新陈代谢重新布线的系统级设计原理 02-26 Systems-level design principles of metabolic rewiring in an animal (www.nature.com)
138. 下丘脑回路是社会稳态动态控制的基础 02-26 A hypothalamic circuit underlying the dynamic control of social homeostasis (www.nature.com)
139. 功能截然不同的大脑皮层神经元的全脑突触前网络 02-26 Brain-wide presynaptic networks of functionally distinct cortical neurons (www.nature.com)
140. 猕猴基因组完整序列的综合分析 02-26 Integrated analysis of the complete sequence of a macaque genome (www.nature.com)
141. 关键创新的进化不稳定性刺激了快速多样化 02-26 Evolutionary lability of a key innovation spurs rapid diversification (www.nature.com)
142. 巨噬细胞回收被吞噬的细菌,促进免疫代谢反应 02-26 Macrophages recycle phagocytosed bacteria to fuel immunometabolic responses (www.nature.com)
143. 胶质瘤中髓系细胞的程序、起源和免疫调节功能 02-26 Programs, origins and immunomodulatory functions of myeloid cells in glioma (www.nature.com)
144. 轻质形状记忆合金,具有优异的抗温度波动性能 02-26 A lightweight shape-memory alloy with superior temperature-fluctuation resistance (www.nature.com)
145. 基于质谱的蛋白质组学:从单细胞到临床应用 02-26 Mass-spectrometry-based proteomics: from single cells to clinical applications (www.nature.com)
147. 答复因果主张、因果假设和保护区的影响 02-26 Reply to: Causal claims, causal assumptions and protected area impact (www.nature.com)
148. 如果心跳停止,这款智能手表--人工智能可以向您求救 02-26 If your heart stops, this smartwatch-AI can call for help (www.nature.com)
152. 在消费类智能手表上自动检测脉搏损失 02-26 Automated loss of pulse detection on a consumer smartwatch (www.nature.com)
153. 因果主张、因果假设和保护区影响 02-26 Causal claims, causal assumptions and protected area impact (www.nature.com)
154. 美国国立卫生研究院的动荡引发了对其全球拨款前景的担忧 02-26 NIH turmoil sparks anxiety over future of its global grants (www.nature.com)
156. 揭露 Theranos 丑闻如何改变了张艾嘉的职业生涯 02-26 How blowing the whistle on the Theranos scandal transformed Erika Cheung’s career (www.nature.com)
157. 量子技术需要大量投资才能兑现其巨大承诺 02-26 Quantum technologies need big investments to deliver on their big promises (www.nature.com)
159. 人工智能能否帮助战胜贫困?研究人员测试援助最贫困人口的方法 02-26 Can AI help beat poverty? Researchers test ways to aid the poorest people (www.nature.com)
160. 每日简报:博士后和博士生深受特朗普打击科学的影响 02-25 Daily briefing: Postdocs and PhD students hit hard by Trump’s crackdown on science (www.nature.com)
161. 特朗普官员禁止美国气候团队参加全球会谈 02-26 Trump officials bar US climate team from global talks (www.nature.com)
162. 特朗普 2.0:对任何地方的科学的攻击就是对任何地方的科学的攻击 02-25 Trump 2.0: an assault on science anywhere is an assault on science everywhere (www.nature.com)
164. 作者更正:人类下丘脑的综合空间-细胞图谱 02-25 Author Correction: A comprehensive spatio-cellular map of the human hypothalamus (www.nature.com)
165. 作者更正:中和 GDF-15 可克服实体瘤的抗 PD-1 和抗 PD-L1 抗药性 02-25 Author Correction: Neutralizing GDF-15 can overcome anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-L1 resistance in solid tumours (www.nature.com)
167. 通过衡量有利于学术界的行为,超越 "发表或毁灭 "的局限 02-25 Move beyond ‘publish or perish’ by measuring behaviours that benefit academia (www.nature.com)
169. 您的衰老速度有多快?分子 "时钟 "能告诉您哪些健康信息 02-25 How quickly are you ageing? What molecular ‘clocks’ can tell you about your health (www.nature.com)
170. 我们每年使用 300 亿吨混凝土--如何实现可持续发展? 02-25 We use 30 billion tonnes of concrete each year — here’s how to make it sustainable (www.nature.com)
171. 中国低空经济发展需更加谨慎 02-25 China’s low-altitude economy needs to grow with more caution (www.nature.com)
173. 其他国家应效仿尼泊尔应对宫颈癌的方法 02-25 Other countries should copy Nepal’s approach to tackling cervical cancer (www.nature.com)
174. 分享研究成果是有效科学传播的关键 02-25 Sharing benefits of research is key to effective science communication (www.nature.com)
175. 每日简报:人工智能生成的图像无法实现的科学照片功能 02-24 Daily briefing: What science photos do that AI-generated images can’t (www.nature.com)
176. 博士后和博士生深受特朗普打击科学的影响 02-24 Postdocs and PhD students hit hard by Trump’s crackdown on science (www.nature.com)
178. 乳腺癌发病率呈上升趋势:数据显示生存率差距巨大 02-24 Breast cancer is on the rise: data reveal drastic gap in survival rates (www.nature.com)
179. 作者更正:龙恩冰架在上一个间冰期幸存下来 02-24 Author Correction: The Ronne Ice Shelf survived the last interglacial (www.nature.com)
180. 英国博士生欢迎薪资提高 8%,但要求增加薪资以满足不断上涨的生活费用 02-24 UK PhD students welcome 8% pay boost, but demand more to meet rising living costs (www.nature.com)
181. 古代顶级掠食者用鬣狗般的牙齿撕咬河马 02-24 Ancient apex predator tore into hippos with hyena-like teeth (www.nature.com)
183. 绝不能忘记 COVID 所揭露的种族不公正现象 02-24 The racial injustice laid bare by COVID must not be forgotten (www.nature.com)
184. 科学家如何推动气候行动:赞美自然,促进希望 02-24 How scientists can drive climate action: celebrate nature and promote hope (www.nature.com)
185. 作者更正:HIV-1 Env 三聚体不对称地与膜上的 CD4 受体接触 02-24 Author Correction: HIV-1 Env trimers asymmetrically engage CD4 receptors in membranes (www.nature.com)
186. 每日简报:COVID-19 从何而来?证据指向浣熊犬 02-21 Daily briefing: Where did COVID-19 come from? Evidence points to raccoon dogs (www.nature.com)
187. 人工智能会危及科学摄影吗?仍有时间制定道德行为守则 02-24 Will AI jeopardize science photography? There’s still time to create an ethical code of conduct (www.nature.com)
188. 徒步穿越尼泊尔,缩小科学领域的性别差距 02-24 Trekking across Nepal to bridge its gender gap in the sciences (www.nature.com)
189. 癌症演变可为个性化抗癌疫苗的靶点提供信息 02-21 Cancer evolution could inform targets for personalized anticancer vaccines (www.nature.com)
191. 热带雨林最后的古老植被正在被非法砍伐 02-21 Tropical forest’s last old growth is being toppled — illegally (www.nature.com)
194. 关于过去、现在和未来的人物故事:书籍简介 02-21 Stories of people, past, present and future: Books in brief (www.nature.com)
195. 小行星 2024 YR4 现在不太可能撞击地球--但科学家已做好应对未来威胁的准备 02-21 Asteroid 2024 YR4 now unlikely to hit Earth — but scientists are ready for future threats (www.nature.com)
196. 每日简报:首次成功治疗子宫内运动神经元疾病 02-20 Daily briefing: First in-womb treatment for motor-neuron condition is a success (www.nature.com)
197. 是什么引发了 COVID 的大流行?越来越多的证据表明是浣熊犬 02-21 What sparked the COVID pandemic? Mounting evidence points to raccoon dogs (www.nature.com)
198. 揭秘尽管有挑战特朗普命令的诉讼,美国国立卫生研究院的研究拨款仍被冻结 02-20 Revealed: NIH research grants still frozen despite lawsuits challenging Trump order (www.nature.com)
199. 人工智能工具通过血液样本诊断糖尿病、艾滋病毒和 COVID 02-20 AI tool diagnoses diabetes, HIV and COVID from a blood sample (www.nature.com)
200. 领导博士后网络如何提升我的职业前景 02-20 How leading a postdoc network boosted my career prospects (www.nature.com)
201. 作者更正:印欧人的基因起源 02-20 Author Correction: The genetic origin of the Indo-Europeans (www.nature.com)
202. 每日简报:认识编辑维基百科的科学家们 02-19 Daily briefing: Meet the scientists who edit Wikipedia (www.nature.com)
203. 特朗普对科学的围攻:前 30 天是如何展开的,接下来会发生什么? 02-20 Trump’s siege of science: how the first 30 days unfolded and what’s next (www.nature.com)
204. 人类脂肪酸合成酶中酰基载体蛋白的穿梭快照 02-20 Snapshots of acyl carrier protein shuttling in human fatty acid synthase (www.nature.com)
205. 人类脂肪酸合成酶在冷凝循环中的结构动态变化 02-20 Structural dynamics of human fatty acid synthase in the condensing cycle (www.nature.com)
207. 终止转录本部位的内源性 DNA 损伤 02-19 Endogenous DNA damage at sites of terminated transcripts (www.nature.com)
208. 低铱器件加快了绿色氢能的发展步伐 02-19 Low-iridium device speeds progress towards green hydrogen (www.nature.com)
209. 出版商更正:皮肤自主产生抗体调节宿主与微生物群的相互作用 02-19 Publisher Correction: Skin autonomous antibody production regulates host–microbiota interactions (www.nature.com)
210. 微软宣称取得量子计算突破--但一些物理学家对此持怀疑态度 02-19 Microsoft claims quantum-computing breakthrough — but some physicists are sceptical (www.nature.com)
211. 晶圆级单晶过渡金属二卤化物的下轴法 02-19 Hypotaxy of wafer-scale single-crystal transition metal dichalcogenides (www.nature.com)
212. 微软打造人工智能,创造 "令人印象深刻 "的视频游戏世界 02-19 Microsoft builds AI that creates ‘impressive’ video-game worlds (www.nature.com)
213. 终于可以在体外研究性细胞形成的关键过程了 02-19 Key process in sex-cell formation can finally be studied in vitro (www.nature.com)
214. 史上最大的人工智能生物学模型按需编写 DNA 02-19 Biggest-ever AI biology model writes DNA on demand (www.nature.com)
216. 种族主义评级在五星级系统中挥之不去--竖起大拇指就能解决这个问题 02-19 Racist ratings linger in five-star systems — a thumbs up could fix that (www.nature.com)
218. 癌症 RNA 处理异常产生的多肽为免疫疗法提供了靶点 02-19 Peptides from abnormal RNA processing in cancer offer an immunotherapy target (www.nature.com)
219. 当评分从五星变为拇指向上或向下时,消除了种族偏见 02-19 Racial bias eliminated when ratings switch from five stars to thumbs up or down (www.nature.com)
220. 为线粒体融合踩刹车,防止线粒体 DNA 逃逸 02-19 Putting the brakes on mitochondrial fusion to prevent escape of mitochondrial DNA (www.nature.com)
221. 定制疫苗可激发针对胰腺癌的长效免疫活性 02-19 Bespoke vaccines can elicit long-lived immune activity against pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
222. 模拟传染病流行的人工智能 02-19 Artificial intelligence for modelling infectious disease epidemics (www.nature.com)
223. 对 2000 年至 2023 年全球冰川质量变化的群体估计 02-19 Community estimate of global glacier mass changes from 2000 to 2023 (www.nature.com)
224. 集成微蜂窝中的连续可变多方纠缠 02-19 Continuous-variable multipartite entanglement in an integrated microcomb (www.nature.com)
225. 疟原虫血期发育需要染色质重塑因子 Snf2L 02-19 Plasmodium blood stage development requires the chromatin remodeller Snf2L (www.nature.com)
226. 压力扰乱代理和促进习惯的双重途径架构 02-19 A dual-pathway architecture for stress to disrupt agency and promote habit (www.nature.com)
227. 全肿瘤范围的 RNA 剪接畸变产生可操作的公共新抗原 02-19 Tumour-wide RNA splicing aberrations generate actionable public neoantigens (www.nature.com)
228. Parkin-PINK1 和 OMA1 对线粒体融合的双重调控 02-19 Dual regulation of mitochondrial fusion by Parkin–PINK1 and OMA1 (www.nature.com)
229. 合作清除营养物质是癌症的进化优势 02-19 Cooperative nutrient scavenging is an evolutionary advantage in cancer (www.nature.com)
230. 相同材料自发排列成三电系列 02-19 Spontaneous ordering of identical materials into a triboelectric series (www.nature.com)
231. 人类相关基因模型确定肝癌精准疗法 02-19 Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer (www.nature.com)
232. 用于分布强化学习的纹状体对立回路 02-19 An opponent striatal circuit for distributional reinforcement learning (www.nature.com)
233. 量表二分法减少了顾客的种族歧视和收入不平等 02-19 Scale dichotomization reduces customer racial discrimination and income inequality (www.nature.com)
234. 重建依赖于 SPO11 的双链断裂形成 02-19 Reconstitution of SPO11-dependent double-strand break formation (www.nature.com)
235. 减数分裂 DNA 双断裂形成的体外重组 02-19 In vitro reconstitution of meiotic DNA double-strand-break formation (www.nature.com)
236. 答复与黑死病有关的自然选择证据不足 02-19 Reply to: Insufficient evidence for natural selection associated with the Black Death (www.nature.com)
237. InAs-Al 混合器件中的干涉单次奇偶性测量 02-19 Interferometric single-shot parity measurement in InAs–Al hybrid devices (www.nature.com)
238. SPO11 二聚体足以在体外催化 DNA 双链断裂 02-19 SPO11 dimers are sufficient to catalyse DNA double-strand breaks in vitro (www.nature.com)
239. 全局模块从局部相互作用和平滑梯度中稳健产生 02-19 Global modules robustly emerge from local interactions and smooth gradients (www.nature.com)
240. 用于高效稳定纯红 LED 的包晶异质外延技术 02-19 Perovskite heteroepitaxy for high-efficiency and stable pure-red LEDs (www.nature.com)
241. 用于传感高度复杂气体的调制环落梳状干涉仪 02-19 Modulated ringdown comb interferometry for sensing of highly complex gases (www.nature.com)
242. 热 Ca2/Mg2 交换反应合成二氧化碳去除材料 02-19 Thermal Ca2/Mg2 exchange reactions to synthesize CO2 removal materials (www.nature.com)
243. 痛觉神经元通过 CGRP-RAMP1 轴促进胃肿瘤进展 02-19 Nociceptive neurons promote gastric tumour progression via a CGRP–RAMP1 axis (www.nature.com)
244. 弥漫中线胶质瘤中的 GABA 能神经元与胶质瘤突触 02-19 GABAergic neuron-to-glioma synapses in diffuse midline gliomas (www.nature.com)
245. 从头设计跨膜荧光激活蛋白 02-19 De novo design of transmembrane fluorescence-activating proteins (www.nature.com)
246. RNA 新抗原疫苗可激发胰腺癌患者的长效 CD8 T 细胞 02-19 RNA neoantigen vaccines prime long-lived CD8 T cells in pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
248. 表皮生长因子受体 TKI 和免疫选择压力下的克隆驱动新抗原丢失 02-19 Clonal driver neoantigen loss under EGFR TKI and immune selection pressures (www.nature.com)
249. 双链断裂时 DNA 复制局部衰减的机制 02-19 Mechanism for local attenuation of DNA replication at double-strand breaks (www.nature.com)
251. 与黑死病有关的自然选择证据不足 02-19 Insufficient evidence for natural selection associated with the Black Death (www.nature.com)
252. 大西洋干旱不会威胁亚洲水塔 02-19 Atlantic oceanic droughts do not threaten Asian water tower (www.nature.com)
253. 答复大西洋干旱不会威胁亚洲水塔 02-19 Reply to: Atlantic oceanic droughts do not threaten Asian water tower (www.nature.com)
254. 世界卫生组织的下一步是什么?美国退出可能重塑世界卫生组织 02-19 What’s next for the World Health Organization? US exit could reshape agency (www.nature.com)
255. 作者更正:气候变暖条件下强热带气旋的季节性发展 02-19 Author Correction: Seasonal advance of intense tropical cyclones in a warming climate (www.nature.com)
257. 妇女需要平台来表彰研究与技术领域的卓越成就 02-19 Women need platforms to celebrate excellence in research and technology (www.nature.com)
258. 每日简报:CAR-T细胞疗法受者癌症缓解近二十年 02-18 Daily briefing: CAR-T-cell therapy recipient nears two decades in cancer remission (www.nature.com)
259. 独家报道这些大学撤回的科学文章最多 02-19 Exclusive: These universities have the most retracted scientific articles (www.nature.com)
260. 为什么撤稿数据可以成为净化科学的有力工具? 02-19 Why retractions data could be a powerful tool for cleaning up science (www.nature.com)
261. 这些科学家为何花时间编辑和更新维基百科 02-19 Why these scientists devote time to editing and updating Wikipedia (www.nature.com)
262. 新发现的蝙蝠病毒利用臭名昭著的受体带来 "溢出 "风险 02-19 Newfound bat virus that uses notorious receptor poses ‘spillover’ risk (www.nature.com)
263. 人类基因让小鼠发出不同的吱吱声--它对语言有贡献吗? 02-18 A human gene makes mice squeak differently — did it contribute to language? (www.nature.com)
264. 系外行星大气喷流的垂直结构 02-18 Vertical structure of an exoplanet’s atmospheric jet stream (www.nature.com)
265. 吸取 COVID 大流行的教训--为时未晚 02-18 Learn COVID pandemic lessons — before it’s too late (www.nature.com)
266. 非常规 "镍超导体令物理学家兴奋不已 02-18 ‘Unconventional’ nickel superconductor excites physicists (www.nature.com)
267. 迷幻药能否经过微调,在缓解焦虑的同时跳过 "旅行"? 02-18 Could psychedelics be fine-tuned to relieve anxiety but skip the ‘trip’? (www.nature.com)
268. 作者更正:胎儿肝细胞通过胎盘素-A保护HSPC基因组 02-18 Author Correction: Fetal hepatocytes protect the HSPC genome via fetuin-A (www.nature.com)
269. 中国凭借 Deepseek 掀起波澜,但其真正的雄心是人工智能驱动的产业创新 02-18 China made waves with Deepseek, but its real ambition is AI-driven industrial innovation (www.nature.com)
270. 1925 年关于采用 "科学家 "一词的争论白热化 02-18 The 1925 debate about adopting the word ‘scientist’ heats up (www.nature.com)
272. 分子胶意外模拟癌症突变的效果 02-18 Molecular glue unexpectedly mimics the effect of cancer mutations (www.nature.com)
274. 偏头痛不仅仅是头痛--彻底反思为十亿人带来希望 02-18 Migraine is more than a headache — a radical rethink offers hope to one billion people (www.nature.com)
275. 不要忽视加州野火造成的心理健康损失 02-18 Don’t overlook the mental-health costs of California’s wildfires (www.nature.com)
276. 查尔斯-达尔文看到了发展在进化中的重要性 02-18 Charles Darwin saw the importance of development in evolution (www.nature.com)
279. 每日简报:阿西洛马会议的 "阴暗面 02-17 Daily briefing: The ‘dark side’ of the Asilomar conference (www.nature.com)
280. 作者更正:FANCD2-FANCI 检测 DNA 并识别双链到单链连接点 02-17 Author Correction: FANCD2–FANCI surveys DNA and recognizes double- to single-stranded junctions (www.nature.com)
281. 一名妇女在接受 CAR-T 免疫疗法后,癌症得到创纪录的 19 年缓解 02-17 Woman in cancer remission for record 19 years after CAR-T immune treatment (www.nature.com)
282. 胰腺癌重编程单个神经元的特征 02-17 Characterization of single neurons reprogrammed by pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
283. (La,Pr)3Ni2O7薄膜在 40 K 以上开始产生常压超导电性 02-17 Ambient-pressure superconductivity onset above 40 K in (La,Pr)3Ni2O7 films (www.nature.com)
284. 空谈拯救不了地球":齐心协力拯救巴拿马公园 02-17 ‘Talking won’t save the planet’: uniting efforts to save Panama’s parks (www.nature.com)
285. 以下是如何获得巨额科研奖金以推动创新的方法 02-17 Here’s how to bag a hefty research prize to turbocharge innovation (www.nature.com)
286. 什么是最好的人工智能研究工具?自然指南 02-17 What are the best AI tools for research? Nature’s guide (www.nature.com)
287. 几个世纪以来,研究人员一直忽视空气传播疾病--后来 COVID-19 改变了一切 02-17 Researchers overlooked airborne diseases for centuries — then COVID-19 changed everything (www.nature.com)
288. 每日简报:科学家利用人工智能从零开始设计栩栩如生的酶 02-14 Daily briefing: Scientists use AI to design life-like enzymes from scratch (www.nature.com)
289. 金钱与谋杀:阿西洛马 DNA 重组会议的阴暗面 02-17 Money and murder: the dark side of the Asilomar meeting on recombinant DNA (www.nature.com)
290. 成为目标并被轻视":美国环保机构的科学家在裁员之际大声疾呼 02-14 ‘Targeted and belittled’: scientists at US environmental agency speak out as layoffs being (www.nature.com)
291. 美国国家航空航天局拥抱多样性。特朗普的 "DEI大清洗 "重创太空科学家 02-14 NASA embraced diversity. Trump’s DEI purge is hitting space scientists hard (www.nature.com)
292. 研究气候变化的感觉就像站在驶来的火车上 02-14 ‘Researching climate change feels like standing in the path of an approaching train’ (www.nature.com)
294. 电影中的蝙蝠:一位正在康复的学者讲述的科学故事 02-14 Bats on film: scientific storytelling from a recovering academic (www.nature.com)
295. 每日简报:简单的血液检测可早期诊断胰腺癌 02-13 Daily briefing: A simple blood test could diagnose pancreatic cancer early (www.nature.com)
296. 从农场到药房:基因编辑植物生产出受欢迎的保健品 02-13 From farm to pharmacy: gene-edited plants produce a popular supplement (www.nature.com)
297. 科学家利用人工智能从零开始设计栩栩如生的酶 02-13 Scientists use AI to design life-like enzymes from scratch (www.nature.com)
298. 用原子制造量子比特的量子计算技术赢得巨额投资 02-13 Quantum-computing technology that makes qubits from atoms wins mega investment (www.nature.com)
299. 疫苗怀疑论者小肯尼迪现在是美国科学界的一股强大力量:他会怎么做? 02-13 Vaccine sceptic RFK Jr is now a powerful force in US science: what will he do? (www.nature.com)
300. 靶心银河系出现破纪录的九个星环 02-13 Bullseye! Galaxy hosts a record-breaking nine starry rings (www.nature.com)