3. 特朗普對科學的圍攻:前 30 天是如何展開的,接下來會發生什麼? Trump’s siege of science: how the first 30 days unfolded and what’s next (www.nature.com)
4. 人類脂肪酸合成酶中酰基載體蛋白的穿梭快照 Snapshots of acyl carrier protein shuttling in human fatty acid synthase (www.nature.com)
5. 人類脂肪酸合成酶在冷凝循環中的結構動態變化 Structural dynamics of human fatty acid synthase in the condensing cycle (www.nature.com)
9. 出版商更正:皮膚自主產生抗體調節宿主與微生物群的相互作用 Publisher Correction: Skin autonomous antibody production regulates host–microbiota interactions (www.nature.com)
10. 微軟宣稱取得量子計算突破--但一些物理學家對此持懷疑態度 Microsoft claims quantum-computing breakthrough — but some physicists are sceptical (www.nature.com)
11. 晶圓級單晶過渡金屬二鹵化物的下軸法 Hypotaxy of wafer-scale single-crystal transition metal dichalcogenides (www.nature.com)
12. 微軟打造人工智能,創造 "令人印象深刻 "的視頻遊戲世界 Microsoft builds AI that creates ‘impressive’ video-game worlds (www.nature.com)
13. 終於可以在體外研究性細胞形成的關鍵過程了 Key process in sex-cell formation can finally be studied in vitro (www.nature.com)
16. 種族主義評級在五星級系統中揮之不去--豎起大拇指就能解決這個問題 Racist ratings linger in five-star systems — a thumbs up could fix that (www.nature.com)
18. 癌症 RNA 處理異常產生的多肽為免疫療法提供了靶點 Peptides from abnormal RNA processing in cancer offer an immunotherapy target (www.nature.com)
19. 當評分從五星變為拇指向上或向下時,消除了種族偏見 Racial bias eliminated when ratings switch from five stars to thumbs up or down (www.nature.com)
20. 為線粒體融合踩剎車,防止線粒體 DNA 逃逸 Putting the brakes on mitochondrial fusion to prevent escape of mitochondrial DNA (www.nature.com)
21. 定製疫苗可激發針對胰腺癌的長效免疫活性 Bespoke vaccines can elicit long-lived immune activity against pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
23. 對 2000 年至 2023 年全球冰川質量變化的群體估計 Community estimate of global glacier mass changes from 2000 to 2023 (www.nature.com)
24. 集成微蜂窩中的連續可變多方糾纏 Continuous-variable multipartite entanglement in an integrated microcomb (www.nature.com)
25. 瘧原蟲血期發育需要染色質重塑因子 Snf2L Plasmodium blood stage development requires the chromatin remodeller Snf2L (www.nature.com)
26. 壓力擾亂代理和促進習慣的雙重途徑架構 A dual-pathway architecture for stress to disrupt agency and promote habit (www.nature.com)
27. 全腫瘤範圍的 RNA 剪接畸變產生可操作的公共新抗原 Tumour-wide RNA splicing aberrations generate actionable public neoantigens (www.nature.com)
28. Parkin-PINK1 和 OMA1 對線粒體融合的雙重調控 Dual regulation of mitochondrial fusion by Parkin–PINK1 and OMA1 (www.nature.com)
29. 合作清除營養物質是癌症的進化優勢 Cooperative nutrient scavenging is an evolutionary advantage in cancer (www.nature.com)
30. 相同材料自發排列成三電系列 Spontaneous ordering of identical materials into a triboelectric series (www.nature.com)
31. 人類相關基因模型確定肝癌精準療法 Human-correlated genetic models identify precision therapy for liver cancer (www.nature.com)
32. 用於分佈強化學習的紋狀體對立迴路 An opponent striatal circuit for distributional reinforcement learning (www.nature.com)
33. 量表二分法減少了顧客的種族歧視和收入不平等 Scale dichotomization reduces customer racial discrimination and income inequality (www.nature.com)
34. 重建依賴於 SPO11 的雙鏈斷裂形成 Reconstitution of SPO11-dependent double-strand break formation (www.nature.com)
35. 減數分裂 DNA 雙斷裂形成的體外重組 In vitro reconstitution of meiotic DNA double-strand-break formation (www.nature.com)
36. 答覆與黑死病有關的自然選擇證據不足 Reply to: Insufficient evidence for natural selection associated with the Black Death (www.nature.com)
37. InAs-Al 混合器件中的干涉單次奇偶性測量 Interferometric single-shot parity measurement in InAs–Al hybrid devices (www.nature.com)
38. SPO11 二聚體足以在體外催化 DNA 雙鏈斷裂 SPO11 dimers are sufficient to catalyse DNA double-strand breaks in vitro (www.nature.com)
39. 全局模塊從局部相互作用和平滑梯度中穩健產生 Global modules robustly emerge from local interactions and smooth gradients (www.nature.com)
40. 用於高效穩定純紅 LED 的包晶異質外延技術 Perovskite heteroepitaxy for high-efficiency and stable pure-red LEDs (www.nature.com)
41. 用於傳感高度複雜氣體的調製環落梳狀干涉儀 Modulated ringdown comb interferometry for sensing of highly complex gases (www.nature.com)
42. 熱 Ca2/Mg2 交換反應合成二氧化碳去除材料 Thermal Ca2/Mg2 exchange reactions to synthesize CO2 removal materials (www.nature.com)
43. 痛覺神經元通過 CGRP-RAMP1 軸促進胃腫瘤進展 Nociceptive neurons promote gastric tumour progression via a CGRP–RAMP1 axis (www.nature.com)
44. 瀰漫中線膠質瘤中的 GABA 能神經元與膠質瘤突觸 GABAergic neuron-to-glioma synapses in diffuse midline gliomas (www.nature.com)
46. RNA 新抗原疫苗可激發胰腺癌患者的長效 CD8 T 細胞 RNA neoantigen vaccines prime long-lived CD8 T cells in pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
48. 表皮生長因子受體 TKI 和免疫選擇壓力下的克隆驅動新抗原丟失 Clonal driver neoantigen loss under EGFR TKI and immune selection pressures (www.nature.com)
49. 雙鏈斷裂時 DNA 複製局部衰減的機制 Mechanism for local attenuation of DNA replication at double-strand breaks (www.nature.com)
51. 與黑死病有關的自然選擇證據不足 Insufficient evidence for natural selection associated with the Black Death (www.nature.com)
53. 答覆大西洋乾旱不會威脅亞洲水塔 Reply to: Atlantic oceanic droughts do not threaten Asian water tower (www.nature.com)
54. 世界衛生組織的下一步是什麼?美國退出可能重塑世界衛生組織 What’s next for the World Health Organization? US exit could reshape agency (www.nature.com)
55. 作者更正:氣候變暖條件下強熱帶氣旋的季節性發展 Author Correction: Seasonal advance of intense tropical cyclones in a warming climate (www.nature.com)
57. 婦女需要平臺來表彰研究與技術領域的卓越成就 Women need platforms to celebrate excellence in research and technology (www.nature.com)
58. 每日簡報:CAR-T細胞療法受者癌症緩解近二十年 Daily briefing: CAR-T-cell therapy recipient nears two decades in cancer remission (www.nature.com)
59. 獨家報道這些大學撤回的科學文章最多 Exclusive: These universities have the most retracted scientific articles (www.nature.com)
60. 為什麼撤稿數據可以成為淨化科學的有力工具? Why retractions data could be a powerful tool for cleaning up science (www.nature.com)
61. 這些科學家為何花時間編輯和更新維基百科 Why these scientists devote time to editing and updating Wikipedia (www.nature.com)
62. 新發現的蝙蝠病毒利用臭名昭著的受體帶來 "溢出 "風險 Newfound bat virus that uses notorious receptor poses ‘spillover’ risk (www.nature.com)
63. 人類基因讓小鼠發出不同的吱吱聲--它對語言有貢獻嗎? A human gene makes mice squeak differently — did it contribute to language? (www.nature.com)
67. 迷幻藥能否經過微調,在緩解焦慮的同時跳過 "旅行"? Could psychedelics be fine-tuned to relieve anxiety but skip the ‘trip’? (www.nature.com)
68. 作者更正:胎兒肝細胞通過胎盤素-A保護HSPC基因組 Author Correction: Fetal hepatocytes protect the HSPC genome via fetuin-A (www.nature.com)
69. 中國憑藉 Deepseek 掀起波瀾,但其真正的雄心是人工智能驅動的產業創新 China made waves with Deepseek, but its real ambition is AI-driven industrial innovation (www.nature.com)
70. 1925 年關於採用 "科學家 "一詞的爭論白熱化 The 1925 debate about adopting the word ‘scientist’ heats up (www.nature.com)
72. 分子膠意外模擬癌症突變的效果 Molecular glue unexpectedly mimics the effect of cancer mutations (www.nature.com)
74. 偏頭痛不僅僅是頭痛--徹底反思為十億人帶來希望 Migraine is more than a headache — a radical rethink offers hope to one billion people (www.nature.com)
75. 不要忽視加州野火造成的心理健康損失 Don’t overlook the mental-health costs of California’s wildfires (www.nature.com)
76. 查爾斯-達爾文看到了發展在進化中的重要性 Charles Darwin saw the importance of development in evolution (www.nature.com)
80. 作者更正:FANCD2-FANCI 檢測 DNA 並識別雙鏈到單鏈連接點 Author Correction: FANCD2–FANCI surveys DNA and recognizes double- to single-stranded junctions (www.nature.com)
81. 一名婦女在接受 CAR-T 免疫療法後,癌症得到創紀錄的 19 年緩解 Woman in cancer remission for record 19 years after CAR-T immune treatment (www.nature.com)
82. 胰腺癌重編程單個神經元的特徵 Characterization of single neurons reprogrammed by pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
83. (La,Pr)3Ni2O7薄膜在 40 K 以上開始產生常壓超導電性 Ambient-pressure superconductivity onset above 40 K in (La,Pr)3Ni2O7 films (www.nature.com)
84. 空談拯救不了地球":齊心協力拯救巴拿馬公園 ‘Talking won’t save the planet’: uniting efforts to save Panama’s parks (www.nature.com)
85. 以下是如何獲得鉅額科研獎金以推動創新的方法 Here’s how to bag a hefty research prize to turbocharge innovation (www.nature.com)
87. 幾個世紀以來,研究人員一直忽視空氣傳播疾病--後來 COVID-19 改變了一切 Researchers overlooked airborne diseases for centuries — then COVID-19 changed everything (www.nature.com)
88. 每日簡報:科學家利用人工智能從零開始設計栩栩如生的酶 Daily briefing: Scientists use AI to design life-like enzymes from scratch (www.nature.com)
89. 金錢與謀殺:阿西洛馬 DNA 重組會議的陰暗面 Money and murder: the dark side of the Asilomar meeting on recombinant DNA (www.nature.com)
90. 成為目標並被輕視":美國環保機構的科學家在裁員之際大聲疾呼 ‘Targeted and belittled’: scientists at US environmental agency speak out as layoffs being (www.nature.com)
91. 美國國家航空航天局擁抱多樣性。特朗普的 "DEI大清洗 "重創太空科學家 NASA embraced diversity. Trump’s DEI purge is hitting space scientists hard (www.nature.com)
92. 研究氣候變化的感覺就像站在駛來的火車上 ‘Researching climate change feels like standing in the path of an approaching train’ (www.nature.com)
94. 電影中的蝙蝠:一位正在康復的學者講述的科學故事 Bats on film: scientific storytelling from a recovering academic (www.nature.com)
95. 每日簡報:簡單的血液檢測可早期診斷胰腺癌 Daily briefing: A simple blood test could diagnose pancreatic cancer early (www.nature.com)
96. 從農場到藥房:基因編輯植物生產出受歡迎的保健品 From farm to pharmacy: gene-edited plants produce a popular supplement (www.nature.com)
97. 科學家利用人工智能從零開始設計栩栩如生的酶 Scientists use AI to design life-like enzymes from scratch (www.nature.com)
98. 用原子製造量子比特的量子計算技術贏得鉅額投資 Quantum-computing technology that makes qubits from atoms wins mega investment (www.nature.com)
99. 疫苗懷疑論者小肯尼迪現在是美國科學界的一股強大力量:他會怎麼做? Vaccine sceptic RFK Jr is now a powerful force in US science: what will he do? (www.nature.com)
101. 英國皇家學會將在撤銷埃隆-馬斯克研究金的運動中召開會議 Royal Society will meet amid campaign to revoke Elon Musk’s fellowship (www.nature.com)
103. 保護腸道免受抗生素侵害的研究人員 The researchers on a quest to protect the gut from antibiotics (www.nature.com)
104. 作者更正:被動邊緣沉積物俯衝加速印度-歐亞大陸匯聚 Author Correction: India–Eurasia convergence speed-up by passive-margin sediment subduction (www.nature.com)
105. 特朗普團隊的行動會影響您的研究嗎?如何聯繫《自然》雜誌 Are the Trump team’s actions affecting your research? How to contact Nature (www.nature.com)
106. 出版商更正:通過腫瘤微環境中的線粒體轉移逃避免疫 Publisher Correction: Immune evasion through mitochondrial transfer in the tumour microenvironment (www.nature.com)
107. 博士學位正在失去光澤?為什麼攻讀博士學位的學生越來越少? Are PhDs losing their lustre? Why fewer students are enrolling in doctoral degrees (www.nature.com)
108. 廉價血液檢驗可在胰腺癌擴散前檢測出它 Cheap blood test detects pancreatic cancer before it spreads (www.nature.com)
110. 細菌抗病毒系統檢測並直接對抗感染 A bacterial antiviral system detects and directly fights against infection (www.nature.com)
111. 社會經濟地位佔最高學業成績種族差異的三分之一 Socio-economic status explains one-third of the racial disparity in top academic achievement (www.nature.com)
112. 破紀錄的中微子是迄今探測到的能量最高的中微子 Record-breaking neutrino is most energetic ever detected (www.nature.com)
114. 海龜利用磁性 "地圖 "和 "指南針 "為海洋導航 Sea turtles use magnetic ‘map’ and ‘compass’ to navigate the ocean (www.nature.com)
115. 數百年的與世隔絕如何造就格陵蘭人的獨特基因 How centuries of isolation shaped Greenlanders’ unique genetics (www.nature.com)
119. 巨大的水下望遠鏡探測到破紀錄的中微子 Record-breaking neutrino detected by huge underwater telescope (www.nature.com)
121. 格陵蘭土著居民的基因數據有助於縮小醫療差距 Genetic data from Indigenous Greenlanders could help to narrow health-care gap (www.nature.com)
123. 外部鋰供應重塑了鋰的不足和電池的壽命極限 External Li supply reshapes Li deficiency and lifetime limit of batteries (www.nature.com)
124. 衡量不同時期成績優異者之間的種族教育差距 Measuring racial educational disparities over time amongst top achievers (www.nature.com)
126. 大腦皮層杏仁核在塑造社交際遇中的關鍵作用 A crucial role for the cortical amygdala in shaping social encounters (www.nature.com)
127. 經修飾的宿主蛋白複合物對植物輔助蛋白 NLR 激活的平衡作用 Balanced plant helper NLR activation by a modified host protein complex (www.nature.com)
128. 半人馬座星系團核心氣體的整體運動 The bulk motion of gas in the core of the Centaurus galaxy cluster (www.nature.com)
129. UM171 和 KBTBD4 新變態癌症突變的趨同機制 Converging mechanism of UM171 and KBTBD4 neomorphic cancer mutations (www.nature.com)
132. 對中微子波包空間範圍的直接實驗約束 Direct experimental constraints on the spatial extent of a neutrino wavepacket (www.nature.com)
134. MorPhiC 聯合會:實現所有人類基因的功能鑑定 MorPhiC Consortium: towards functional characterization of all human genes (www.nature.com)
135. 海龜學習磁圖線索和兩種磁感應機制 Learned magnetic map cues and two mechanisms of magnetoreception in turtles (www.nature.com)
137. 一對比海王星小的系外行星逸出的氫氣 Hydrogen escaping from a pair of exoplanets smaller than Neptune (www.nature.com)
138. 內在電活動驅動小細胞肺癌進展 Intrinsic electrical activity drives small-cell lung cancer progression (www.nature.com)
139. 用惰性納米覆蓋層屏蔽 Pt/γ-Mo2N 可實現穩定的 H2 生產 Shielding Pt/γ-Mo2N by inert nano-overlays enables stable H2 production (www.nature.com)
140. 通過晶體對稱性操縱鉻銻中的變磁序 Manipulation of the altermagnetic order in CrSb via crystal symmetry (www.nature.com)
141. 巨噬細胞能防止周圍神經病變造成的感覺軸突損失 Macrophages protect against sensory axon loss in peripheral neuropathy (www.nature.com)
142. 格陵蘭的遺傳結構由人口、結構和選擇決定 Genetic architecture in Greenland is shaped by demography, structure and selection (www.nature.com)
143. 土壤無脊椎動物對生態系統功能的全球工程影響 Global engineering effects of soil invertebrates on ecosystem functions (www.nature.com)
144. UM171 粘合不對稱 CRL3-HDAC1/2 組裝以降解 CoREST 核心加壓物 UM171 glues asymmetric CRL3–HDAC1/2 assembly to degrade CoREST corepressors (www.nature.com)
145. 元基因組 "暗物質 "酶催化氧化纖維素轉化 A metagenomic ‘dark matter’ enzyme catalyses oxidative cellulose conversion (www.nature.com)
146. 應力傳感器沿腸道隱窩-絨毛軸的拓撲分離 Topological segregation of stress sensors along the gut crypt–villus axis (www.nature.com)
147. 轉錄組神經元類型在功能和形態上存在拓撲差異 Transcriptomic neuron types vary topographically in function and morphology (www.nature.com)
148. 轉錄適應性上調杜氏肌營養不良症中的胞磷膽素 Transcriptional adaptation upregulates utrophin in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (www.nature.com)
149. 學習在海馬中產生正交化狀態機 Learning produces an orthogonalized state machine in the hippocampus (www.nature.com)
150. 用 KM3NeT 觀測超高能宇宙中微子 Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT (www.nature.com)
151. 通過準彈性中子散射觀測塑性冰 VII Observation of Plastic Ice VII by Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (www.nature.com)
153. 特蘭西瓦尼亞日記揭示幾個世紀以來的極端氣候 Transylvanian diaries reveal centuries-old climate extremes (www.nature.com)
155. 為什麼數學教育辜負了世界上最有天賦的兒童? Why is mathematics education failing some of the world’s most talented children? (www.nature.com)
156. 每日簡報:美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)撥款的 "毀滅性 "削減因法律挑戰而受阻 Daily briefing: ‘Devastating’ cuts to NIH grants blocked by legal challenge (www.nature.com)
157. 數十種肥胖症新藥即將上市:這些藥物值得關注 Dozens of new obesity drugs are coming: these are the ones to watch (www.nature.com)
158. 科學家反對挪威語言法,警告人才外流 Scientists fight Norway’s language law, warning of talent exodus (www.nature.com)
160. 作者更正:通過近乎無空洞三維打印實現鈦合金的高抗疲勞性 Author Correction: High fatigue resistance in a titanium alloy via near-void-free 3D printing (www.nature.com)
161. 如果日本重新考慮資金問題,就能再次成為科學界的重量級國家 Japan can be a science heavyweight once more — if it rethinks funding (www.nature.com)
162. 男性主導的校園已成為過去":東京大學解決性別差距問題 ‘Male-dominated campuses belong to the past’: the University of Tokyo tackles the gender gap (www.nature.com)
163. 神奇的人猿--1925 年發現的 "人猿 "化石令人興奮 Amazing Australopithecus — excitement from 1925 about a ‘man ape’ fossil find (www.nature.com)
164. 費德里科-馬約爾-薩拉戈薩訃告:倡導新生兒篩查的聯合國教科文組織前總幹事 Federico Mayor Zaragoza obituary: former UNESCO chief who championed neonatal screening (www.nature.com)
165. 你的大腦充滿了微塑料:它們會對你造成傷害嗎? Your brain is full of microplastics: are they harming you? (www.nature.com)
167. 自然市場並不是什麼新鮮事物--它們廣泛存在、受到監管並具有指導意義 Nature markets are nothing new — they are widespread, regulated and instructive (www.nature.com)
169. 通過向金融專業人員傳授保護知識,彌補生物多樣性資金缺口 Close the biodiversity funding gap by teaching conservation to financial professionals (www.nature.com)
170. 過時的開支規定阻礙了學者們以更可持續的方式旅行 Outdated rules on expenses prevent academics from travelling more sustainably (www.nature.com)
171. 特朗普團隊對美國國立衛生研究院撥款的 "毀滅性 "削減被美國法官擱置 ‘Devastating’ cuts to NIH grants by Trump’s team put on hold by US judge (www.nature.com)
172. 一名男子註定要患上早期老年痴呆症--這些基因或許能解釋他為何能逃脫厄運 A man was destined for early Alzheimer’s ― these genes might explain his escape (www.nature.com)
175. 打破語言障礙:"英語不流利往往被視為低等科學家 Breaking language barriers: ‘Not being fluent in English is often viewed as being an inferior scientist’ (www.nature.com)
177. 每日簡報:世界上速度最快的拳擊手--螳螂蝦的生存之道 Daily briefing: How mantis shrimps survive landing the world’s fastest punch (www.nature.com)
178. 我的公司如何以及為何從能源轉向農業技術 How and why my company pivoted from energy to agritechnology (www.nature.com)
180. 如何結束憤怒併為政治排毒:分享故事,而非統計數據 How to end outrage and detoxify politics: share stories, not statistics (www.nature.com)
182. 特朗普的反 "教育創新 "令是否打擊了私人資助者?HHMI 停止包容性科學計劃 Have Trump’s anti-DEI orders hit private funders? HHMI halts inclusive science programme (www.nature.com)
183. "我們成了眾矢之的":科學學會在特朗普打壓德國科學院後面臨壓力 “We are a target”: scientific society under pressure after Trump DEI crackdown (www.nature.com)
184. DeepMind 人工智能破解數學難題,媲美人類頂尖解題者 DeepMind AI crushes tough maths problems on par with top human solvers (www.nature.com)
185. 從病毒變種到毀滅性風暴,名稱如何影響公眾對科學的反應 From viral variants to devastating storms, how names shape the public''s reaction to science (www.nature.com)
187. Bonobos 知道你什麼時候知道什麼時候不知道 Bonobos know when you’re in the know ― and when you’re not (www.nature.com)
188. 全球科學家正爭分奪秒搶救在特朗普動亂中被關閉的重要健康數據庫 Scientists globally are racing to save vital health databases taken down amid Trump chaos (www.nature.com)
191. 大腦如何抑制恐懼:小鼠研究為焦慮症治療提供了途徑 How the brain suppresses fear: mouse study offers path to anxiety treatments (www.nature.com)
192. 螳螂蝦擁有世界上最快的出拳速度--它們的四肢是如何存活下來的 Mantis shrimp have the world’s fastest punch — here’s how their limbs survive (www.nature.com)
193. OpenAI 的 "深度研究 "工具:它對科學家有用嗎? OpenAI’s ‘deep research’ tool: is it useful for scientists? (www.nature.com)
194. 2025 年測試的減肥藥物:它們能打敗 Ozempic 嗎? The weight-loss drugs being tested in 2025: will they beat Ozempic? (www.nature.com)
195. 每日簡報:轉基因豬器官移植試驗獲綠燈 Daily briefing: Genetically modified pig-organ transplant trial gets green light (www.nature.com)
196. 這是一場混亂美國凍結資金危及全球健康 ‘It is chaos’: US funding freezes are endangering global health (www.nature.com)
198. 創紀錄的埋珠寶庫彰顯古代女性的力量 Record-setting trove of buried beads speaks to power of ancient women (www.nature.com)
200. 這些加沙科學家在戰爭、破壞和不確定性中保持研究活力 These Gaza scientists are keeping research alive amid war, destruction and uncertainty (www.nature.com)
202. 孩子們在現實世界中的算術技能無法遷移到課堂上 Kids’ real-world arithmetic skills don’t transfer to the classroom (www.nature.com)
203. 歐亞大陸具有影響力的亞姆納文化的遺傳和地理起源 Genetic and geographical origins of Eurasia’s influential Yamna culture (www.nature.com)
204. 為什麼標準方法忽略了某些抗生素失效的真正原因? Why a standard method overlooks the real reason some antibiotics fail (www.nature.com)
205. 超級殺手的複雜問題暴露了癌細胞的弱點 Superkiller complex problems expose a cancer-cell vulnerability (www.nature.com)
208. 探究扭曲石墨烯的 "非常規 "超導性 ‘Unconventional’ superconductivity probed in twisted graphene (www.nature.com)
209. 一個語系是如何佔領世界的:古老 DNA 追溯其傳播過程 How one language family took over the world: ancient DNA traces its spread (www.nature.com)
210. 學校聰明還是街頭聰明?印度兒童數學技能測試 School smart or street smart? Maths skills of children in India tested (www.nature.com)
211. 鳥類頭骨化石表明南極水鳥在白堊紀大滅絕中倖存下來 Fossil bird skull suggests Antarctic waterfowl survived Cretaceous mass extinction (www.nature.com)
212. 大同兒童 "化石提供了童年演變的線索 ‘Taung Child’ fossil offers clues about the evolution of childhood (www.nature.com)
213. 預防高危腎癌復發的個性化癌症疫苗 A personalized cancer vaccine to prevent the return of high-risk kidney cancer (www.nature.com)
214. 走出非洲:慶祝人類起源研究 100 週年 Out of Africa: celebrating 100 years of human-origins research (www.nature.com)
215. 超大質量黑洞最內層軌道附近的毫赫茲振盪 Millihertz oscillations near the innermost orbit of a supermassive black hole (www.nature.com)
216. 抗體預防可能會掩蓋獼猴的亞臨床 SIV 感染 Antibody prophylaxis may mask subclinical SIV infections in macaques (www.nature.com)
217. 兩眼觀察》及其他土著神經科學視角 Two-Eyed Seeing and other Indigenous perspectives for neuroscience (www.nature.com)
218. 超潤滑範德華空腔陣列的多型切換 Polytype switching by super-lubricant van der Waals cavity arrays (www.nature.com)
219. 模擬數字量子模擬器上的熱化和臨界現象 Thermalization and criticality on an analogue–digital quantum simulator (www.nature.com)
220. 具有金屬面外導電性的二維聚苯胺晶體 Two-dimensional polyaniline crystal with metallic out-of-plane conductivity (www.nature.com)
222. 作為超聲波可編程傳輸平臺的 H 鍵有機框架 H-bonded organic frameworks as ultrasound-programmable delivery platform (www.nature.com)
223. 新抗原疫苗在腎細胞癌中產生抗腫瘤免疫力 A neoantigen vaccine generates antitumour immunity in renal cell carcinoma (www.nature.com)
224. 兒童的算術技能不能在應用數學和學術數學之間遷移 Children’s arithmetic skills do not transfer between applied and academic mathematics (www.nature.com)
225. 蛋白質導入噬菌體細胞核的多界面許可 Multi-interface licensing of protein import into a phage nucleus (www.nature.com)
226. 奧米控前後對 SARS-CoV-2 再感染的不同保護作用 Differential protection against SARS-CoV-2 reinfection pre- and post-Omicron (www.nature.com)
227. RUNX2 通過肺泡向病理性成纖維細胞的轉化促進纖維化 RUNX2 promotes fibrosis via an alveolar-to-pathological fibroblast transition (www.nature.com)
230. 利用強化風化改造美國農業,實現碳減排 Transforming US agriculture for carbon removal with enhanced weathering (www.nature.com)
231. SKI複合體缺失使9p21.3缺失或MSI-H癌症依賴於PELO SKI complex loss renders 9p21.3-deleted or MSI-H cancers dependent on PELO (www.nature.com)
232. 北波羅的海地區從新石器時代到青銅時代的基因組歷史 A genomic history of the North Pontic Region from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (www.nature.com)
233. 可編程模擬器上的量子粗化和集體動力學 Quantum coarsening and collective dynamics on a programmable simulator (www.nature.com)
234. 癌症中 mRNA 質量控制複合物的合成致死率 Synthetic lethality of mRNA quality control complexes in cancer (www.nature.com)
235. 沙門氏菌應激和持久菌對抗生素清除率的影響有限 Limited impact of Salmonella stress and persisters on antibiotic clearance (www.nature.com)
236. 改造基因組編碼生物,使其含有一個終止密碼子 Engineering a genomically recoded organism with one stop codon (www.nature.com)
239. IL-27 可誘導細胞毒性 CD8 T 細胞程序,加強腫瘤控制 IL-27 elicits a cytotoxic CD8 T cell program to enforce tumour control (www.nature.com)
241. 白堊紀南極鳥類頭骨闡明瞭早期鳥類生態多樣性 Cretaceous Antarctic bird skull elucidates early avian ecological diversity (www.nature.com)
245. 扭曲三層石墨烯超導體的超流體剛度 Superfluid stiffness of twisted trilayer graphene superconductors (www.nature.com)
249. 每日簡報:科學家如何幫助保護美國聯邦研究 Daily briefing: How scientists can help protect US federal research (www.nature.com)
250. 戳戳、扭扭、震震:一種能給皮膚帶來觸感的可穿戴設備 Poke, twist, vibrate: a wearable device that delivers touch to the skin (www.nature.com)
251. 利用人工智能從臨床筆記中提取的數據預測癌症結果 Cancer outcomes predicted using AI-extracted data from clinical notes (www.nature.com)
252. 血液和骨髓移植幾十年後的幹細胞系譜追蹤 Lineage tracing of stem cells decades after blood and bone-marrow transplantation (www.nature.com)
253. 互聯網和人工智能會影響我們的記憶嗎?科學怎麼說 Are the Internet and AI affecting our memory? What the science says (www.nature.com)
254. 警告頂尖大學警惕在家門口建立不公平的研究合作關係 Top universities warned against unfair research partnerships on their doorstep (www.nature.com)
255. 首次豬器官人體移植試驗背後的科學原理 The science behind the first pig-organ transplant trial in humans (www.nature.com)
256. 鑽井,寶貝鑽井?特朗普政策將損害氣候--但美國的綠色轉型正在進行中 Drill, baby drill? Trump policies will hurt climate ― but US green transition is underway (www.nature.com)
257. 美國衛生機構尋求從科學論文中刪除與性別有關的術語 US health agency seeks to cut gender-related terms from scientific papers (www.nature.com)
260. 世界衛生組織如何在沒有美國的情況下蓬勃發展 How the World Health Organization can thrive without the United States (www.nature.com)
261. 研究人員如何使用人工智能?調查揭示科學利弊 How are researchers using AI? Survey reveals pros and cons for science (www.nature.com)
263. 你能體驗到真正的寂靜嗎?親密的展覽讓您瞭解更多 Can you ever experience true silence? Intimate exhibition offers insight (www.nature.com)
264. 絕望不是一種選擇"--科學家如何幫助保護聯邦研究成果 ‘Despair is not an option’ — how scientists can help protect federal research (www.nature.com)
265. 作者更正:病毒誘導的衰老是 COVID-19 的驅動因素和治療靶點 Author Correction: Virus-induced senescence is a driver and therapeutic target in COVID-19 (www.nature.com)
266. 作者更正:表達GZMK的CD8T細胞促進反覆發作的氣道炎症性疾病 Author Correction: GZMK-expressing CD8 T cells promote recurrent airway inflammatory diseases (www.nature.com)
267. 每日簡報:美國公共衛生機構的 "數據啟示錄 Daily briefing: A ‘data apocalypse’ at US public-health agencies (www.nature.com)
268. 每日簡報:美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)前院長莫妮卡-貝爾塔格諾利(Monica Bertagnolli)談特朗普 Daily briefing: Former NIH director Monica Bertagnolli talks Trump (www.nature.com)
269. 這座革命性的塑料回收廠能否幫助解決汙染危機? Can this revolutionary plastics-recycling plant help solve the pollution crisis? (www.nature.com)
272. 報告基因變化對作物的積極和消極影響 Report both positive and negative effects of gene changes on crops (www.nature.com)
275. 獨家:美國國家科學基金會(NSF)如何審查研究撥款是否違反特朗普的命令 Exclusive: how NSF is scouring research grants for violations of Trump’s orders (www.nature.com)
276. 接種 COVID 疫苗如何控制 "突破性 "感染 How COVID vaccination keeps a ‘breakthrough’ infection in check (www.nature.com)
277. 內葉-海馬空間圖中左右交替的θ掃描 Left–right-alternating theta sweeps in entorhinal–hippocampal maps of space (www.nature.com)
279. 在撒哈拉研究瀕危動物也有危險 Researching endangered animals in the Sahara has its own dangers (www.nature.com)
280. 我花了一年時間研究校園性暴力。以下是我的發現 I spent a year studying campus sexual violence. Here’s what I found out (www.nature.com)
281. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)"迄今為止最多產的行星獵手"--開普勒太空望遠鏡的故事 NASA’s ‘most prolific planet hunter so far’ — the story of the Kepler Space Telescope (www.nature.com)
282. 作者更正:多達 100 種語言的語音和文本機器聯合翻譯 Author Correction: Joint speech and text machine translation for up to 100 languages (www.nature.com)
283. 太空中的微生物:細菌如何幫助維持遠距離太空旅行 Microbes in space: how bacteria could help sustain long-distance space travel (www.nature.com)
284. 出版商更正:胎盤致血管內皮生長因子 mRNA 脂質納米粒子可改善小鼠子癇前期症狀 Publisher Correction: Placenta-tropic VEGF mRNA lipid nanoparticles ameliorate murine pre-eclampsia (www.nature.com)
285. 為什麼 100 年過去了,物理學家仍然不理解量子理論? Why even physicists still don’t understand quantum theory 100 years on (www.nature.com)
286. 倫敦地鐵 "蚊子有著令人驚訝的古老起源 ‘London Underground’ mosquito has surprisingly ancient origins (www.nature.com)
287. 你從未見過的線粒體--一月最佳科學圖片 Mitochondria as you’ve never seen them — January’s best science images (www.nature.com)
288. 作者更正:老年肺基質變化誘發黑色素瘤休眠期的出現 Author Correction: Stromal changes in the aged lung induce an emergence from melanoma dormancy (www.nature.com)
289. 作者更正:FBP1控制著衰老的MASH肝細胞演變成肝癌 Author Correction: FBP1 controls liver cancer evolution from senescent MASH hepatocytes (www.nature.com)
294. 美國藥品管理局批准強效止痛藥--幾十年來首款非阿片類藥物 US drug agency approves potent painkiller — the first non-opioid in decades (www.nature.com)
295. 數以千計的高引用率科學家至少有一次撤回論文的經歷 Thousands of highly cited scientists have at least one retraction (www.nature.com)
296. 高度焦慮的時刻拜登的美國國立衛生研究院院長談特朗普 2.0 和美國科學的未來 ‘High anxiety moment’: Biden’s NIH chief talks Trump 2.0 and the future of US science (www.nature.com)
297. 為什麼撓癢感覺很好:撓癢對免疫力的益處 Why it feels good to scratch that itch: the immune benefits of scratching (www.nature.com)
299. 生物學家在蛆蟲體內找到了感知食物味道和感覺的神經元 Biologists pinpoint neurons that sense how food tastes and feels — in maggots (www.nature.com)
300. 艾滋病毒免疫迴避素 Nef 可增強異體 CAR T 細胞的效力 HIV immune evasin Nef enhances allogeneic CAR T cell potency (www.nature.com)