1. 特朗普的科學顧問:他們如何影響他的第二任總統任期 Trump’s science advisers: how they could influence his second presidency (www.nature.com)
2. RNA 分子通過恢復老化細胞使衰老小鼠返老還童 RNA molecule rejuvenates ageing mice by restoring old cells (www.nature.com)
4. 揭秘致命的亨廷頓氏症基因為何需要如此長的時間才能造成危害 Revealed: Why the fatal Huntington’s gene takes so long to cause harm (www.nature.com)
5. 每日簡報:人工智能設計的蛋白質為治療蛇咬傷提供了生命線 Daily briefing: AI-designed proteins offer lifeline for treating snake bites (www.nature.com)
8. 城市 "火風暴":兇猛蔓延背後的科學原因 Urban ‘firestorms’: the science behind their ferocious spread (www.nature.com)
9. 特朗普將削弱氣候行動--美國其他國家切勿效仿 Trump will weaken climate action — the rest of the US must not follow suit (www.nature.com)
10. 人類膠質母細胞瘤的全腦神經元迴路連接組 Brain-wide neuronal circuit connectome of human glioblastoma (www.nature.com)
11. 每日簡報:肥胖症的新定義不再侷限於體重指數,而是將重點放在健康上 Daily briefing: New obesity definition sidelines BMI to focus on health (www.nature.com)
12. 支持有色人種的同性戀科學家:"我認為我們還沒有觸及系統性排斥的表層 Championing queer scientists of colour: ‘I don’t think we’ve scratched the surface on systemic exclusion’ (www.nature.com)
15. Meta AI 開發出適用於數十種語言的語音對語音翻譯器 Meta AI creates speech-to-speech translator that works in dozens of languages (www.nature.com)
16. 歐洲會加強國防研究嗎?戰爭引發重大反思 Will Europe ramp up defence research? War prompts major rethink (www.nature.com)
18. 作者更正:免疫基因的進化與黑死病有關 Author Correction: Evolution of immune genes is associated with the Black Death (www.nature.com)
19. 人工智能設計的蛋白質解決了百年難題--製造蛇類抗蛇毒血清 AI-designed proteins tackle century-old problem — making snake antivenoms (www.nature.com)
20. 維也納附近的兩個八世紀社區有共同的文化,但沒有共同的祖先 Two eighth-century communities near Vienna shared culture but not ancestries (www.nature.com)
21. 基因驅動大腦情感中樞及其聯繫的發展 Gene drives development of brain’s emotional centre and its connections (www.nature.com)
23. 努力實現開源和公平的語音到語音翻譯 Striving for open-source and equitable speech-to-speech translation (www.nature.com)
24. 突變使植物根系更受有益微生物的歡迎 A mutation makes plant roots more welcoming to beneficial microbes (www.nature.com)
25. CAR-T細胞療法治療致命性兒童腦腫瘤之路 The road to CAR-T-cell therapy for lethal childhood brain tumours (www.nature.com)
26. 婦女是鐵器時代英國社會網絡的核心 Women were at the centre of social networks in Iron Age Britain (www.nature.com)
27. 儘管共享阿瓦爾時期的文化,但古代 DNA 揭示了生殖障礙 Ancient DNA reveals reproductive barrier despite shared Avar-period culture (www.nature.com)
28. 陽離子肽通過嗜內酯蛋白介導的內吞作用導致記憶喪失 Cationic peptides cause memory loss through endophilin-mediated endocytosis (www.nature.com)
29. 丘腦-杏仁核和古皮層神經元及迴路的規格化 Specification of claustro-amygdalar and palaeocortical neurons and circuits (www.nature.com)
30. 多達 100 種語言的語音和文本機器聯合翻譯 Joint speech and text machine translation for up to 100 languages (www.nature.com)
31. 氣候變暖時,雲會減少陸地上的下沉長波輻射 Clouds reduce downwelling longwave radiation over land in a warming climate (www.nature.com)
32. 人工分子馬達通過催化傳遞化學能 Transducing chemical energy through catalysis by an artificial molecular motor (www.nature.com)
33. 元素低溫成像顯示 SOS1 依賴性液泡鈉積累 Elemental cryo-imaging reveals SOS1-dependent vacuolar sodium accumulation (www.nature.com)
34. 有孔蟲體內磷酸鹽儲存的廣泛存在及其相關性 Widespread occurrence and relevance of phosphate storage in foraminifera (www.nature.com)
35. 闡明小型漁業的多層面貢獻 Illuminating the multidimensional contributions of small-scale fisheries (www.nature.com)
37. 具有自主活性的 CNGC15 可增強豆科植物和小麥的根內共生能力 Autoactive CNGC15 enhances root endosymbiosis in legume and wheat (www.nature.com)
38. 雙層納米石墨烯揭示了鹵化物通過苯洞的滲透過程 Bilayer nanographene reveals halide permeation through a benzene hole (www.nature.com)
39. 短暫休息時的集合再激活推動序列的快速學習 Ensemble reactivations during brief rest drive fast learning of sequences (www.nature.com)
40. 全新設計的蛋白質能中和致命的蛇毒毒素 De novo designed proteins neutralize lethal snake venom toxins (www.nature.com)
41. 魔波長光鑷中分子的長效糾纏 Long-lived entanglement of molecules in magic-wavelength optical tweezers (www.nature.com)
42. IL-33激活的ILC2誘導胰腺癌中的三級淋巴結構 IL-33-activated ILC2s induce tertiary lymphoid structures in pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
43. 靶向 FOXM1 凝聚物可減少乳腺腫瘤的生長和轉移 Targeting FOXM1 condensates reduces breast tumour growth and metastasis (www.nature.com)
44. PIWI Argonaute 切割 RNA 的結構洞察力 Structural insights into RNA cleavage by PIWI Argonaute (www.nature.com)
45. 轉錄調控元件的大規模並行表徵 Massively parallel characterization of transcriptional regulatory elements (www.nature.com)
46. 表達 GZMK 的 CD8 T 細胞促進反覆發作的氣道炎症性疾病 GZMK-expressing CD8 T cells promote recurrent airway inflammatory diseases (www.nature.com)
48. 體細胞中DNA突變病變的長期存在 Prolonged persistence of mutagenic DNA lesions in somatic cells (www.nature.com)
49. 利用可通用的深度學習工具瞄準蛋白質配體新表面 Targeting protein–ligand neosurfaces with a generalizable deep learning tool (www.nature.com)
50. 鐵器時代英國的大陸流入和普遍母系化現象 Continental influx and pervasive matrilocality in Iron Age Britain (www.nature.com)
51. 具有快速固硫反應的全固態鋰-S 電池 All-solid-state Li–S batteries with fast solid–solid sulfur reaction (www.nature.com)
52. 來自海馬體空間支架的偶發記憶和聯想記憶 Episodic and associative memory from spatial scaffolds in the hippocampus (www.nature.com)
53. 人工智能設計的抗蛇毒血清有助於治療致命的蛇咬傷 AI-designed antivenoms could help treat lethal snakebites (www.nature.com)
54. 獼猴感染牛 H5N1 支系的發病機制 Pathogenesis of bovine H5N1 clade infection in Macaques (www.nature.com)
55. 用於對映選擇性親核芳香取代的工程酶 Engineered enzymes for enantioselective nucleophilic aromatic substitutions (www.nature.com)
56. 親愛的唐納德-特朗普來自《自然》的一封信:如何讓科學蓬勃發展 Dear Donald Trump: A letter from Nature on how to make science thrive (www.nature.com)
57. 特朗普 2.0 對科學意味著什麼:可能的贏家和輸家 What Trump 2.0 means for science: the likely winners and losers (www.nature.com)
58. 每日簡報:冥王星-沙龍二重奏始於引力 "親吻與俘獲 Daily briefing: Pluto-Charon duet started with a gravitational ‘kiss-and-capture’ (www.nature.com)
60. 兩家公司共同發起登月任務:它們會創造歷史嗎? Two companies launch Moon missions together: will they make history? (www.nature.com)
61. 作者更正:內泌體系鏈發生熵塌縮,將囊泡聚集在一起 Author Correction: An endosomal tether undergoes an entropic collapse to bring vesicles together (www.nature.com)
62. 肥胖症的新定義不再關注體重指數,而是將重點放在健康上 New obesity definition sidelines BMI to focus on health (www.nature.com)
63. 人工智能驅動的合同自動化幫助科研經理提升水平 AI-powered contract automation helps research managers level up (www.nature.com)
64. 對於科學家來說,Bluesky 是否已經取代了 X?參與《自然》雜誌的投票 Has Bluesky replaced X for scientists? Take Nature’s poll (www.nature.com)
65. 科學招聘人員和求職者如何達成共識 How science recruiters and job applicants can get on the same page (www.nature.com)
66. 您是否需要在研究生院畢業前接受額外培訓?考慮學士後職位 Do you need extra training before graduate school? Consider a post-baccalaureate position (www.nature.com)
67. 用沸水而非猛火烹飪的科學理由 The scientific reason to cook with simmering rather than vigorously boiling water (www.nature.com)
68. 澳大利亞的社交媒體禁令行不通--有更好的辦法保護兒童安全 Australia’s social-media ban won’t work — there are better ways to keep kids safe (www.nature.com)
70. 研究人員表示,因誠實錯誤而撤稿會給人帶來極大壓力 Retractions caused by honest mistakes are extremely stressful, say researchers (www.nature.com)
71. 如何在中美關係惡化的情況下維持科學合作 How to sustain scientific collaboration amid worsening US–China relations (www.nature.com)
72. 每日簡報:洛杉磯致命大火背後的科學 Daily briefing: The science behind the deadly Los Angeles firestorm (www.nature.com)
73. 第二次世界大戰期間為保護植物而忍飢挨餓的驚人科學家 The astonishing scientists who starved to protect plants during the Second World War (www.nature.com)
75. AlphaFold 3 功能強大,但仍需要人工幫助才能實現正確的化學反應 AlphaFold 3 is great — but it still needs human help to get chemistry right (www.nature.com)
76. 向政策制定者提供建議不是教出來的--研究人員必須在實踐中學習 Advising policymakers can’t be taught — researchers must learn by doing (www.nature.com)
77. 慈善基金會必須介入,保護科學免受特朗普削減經費的影響 Philanthropic foundations must step in to shield science from Trump’s cuts (www.nature.com)
78. 苛刻的批評和不合理的期望會惡化博士生的心理健康 Harsh criticism and unreasonable expectations worsen PhD students’ mental health (www.nature.com)
79. 我們應該如何測試人工智能的人類智能水平?OpenAI的o3電子化探索 How should we test AI for human-level intelligence? OpenAI’s o3 electrifies quest (www.nature.com)
81. 我的量子計算工作旨在解決世界上最複雜的問題 My work on quantum computing aims to solve the world’s most complex problems (www.nature.com)
82. 每日簡報:地球首次突破 1.5 C 氣候極限 Daily briefing: Earth breaches 1.5 C climate limit for the first time (www.nature.com)
83. 膨脹顯微鏡 "十週年:組織膨脹法如何為大眾帶來超分辨率成像 ‘Expansion microscopy’ turns ten: how a tissue-swelling method brought super-resolution imaging to the masses (www.nature.com)
84. 博士父母:博士生期間生孩子的利與弊 PhD parents: the pros and cons of having a child during your doctorate (www.nature.com)
85. 尼古丁納粹":對研究菸草危害的科學家的抨擊 ‘Nicotine Nazis’: the brickbats hurled at scientists researching tobacco’s harms (www.nature.com)
87. 為什麼一個聽起來很傻的名字適合我們生物技術分拆公司的嚴肅使命? Why a silly-sounding name suits the serious mission of our biotech spin-off (www.nature.com)
89. Facebook 將放棄事實核查:研究人員怎麼看? Facebook to ditch fact-checking: what do researchers think? (www.nature.com)
91. 如果選舉是公平的,選民投票率將推動勝負的懸殊 Voter turnout drives margins of victory ― if elections are fair (www.nature.com)
92. 地球首次突破 1.5 C 氣候極限:這意味著什麼? Earth breaches 1.5 C climate limit for the first time: what does it mean? (www.nature.com)
93. 這是研究最多的 20 種細菌--大多數細菌都被忽視了 These are the 20 most-studied bacteria — the majority have been ignored (www.nature.com)
94. 每日簡報:認識 4.3 億年前的軟體動物化石--朋克和艾莫 Daily briefing: Meet Punk and Emo, the 430-million-year old mollusc fossils (www.nature.com)
95. 心理問題:調查學術界的 "心理健康危機 Mind matters: investigating academia’s ‘mental health crisis’ (www.nature.com)
96. 人工智能領域的後起之秀利用機器人和自動化技術加快工作進度 Rising stars in AI use robotics and automation to accelerate their work (www.nature.com)
97. 吉米-卡特訃告:美國前總統,卸任後致力於和平、人權和全球健康事業 Jimmy Carter obituary: former US president who dedicated his life after office to peace, human rights and global health (www.nature.com)
98. 重新利用鰓基因調控程序促進外耳進化 Repurposing of a gill gene regulatory program for outer ear evolution (www.nature.com)
99. 對退出學術界的生物學家的研究揭示了隱藏的性別差距 Study of biologists quitting academia reveals hidden gender gaps (www.nature.com)
101. 揭秘:作為人體 "氣泡膜 "的脂肪細胞 Revealed: the fatty cells that are the ‘bubble wrap’ of the body (www.nature.com)
102. 每日簡報:為什麼孩子們需要冒更多風險:科學揭示冒險遊戲的益處 Daily briefing: Why kids need to take more risks: science reveals the benefits of adventurous play (www.nature.com)
103. 為什麼最後一批昏睡病例最難消除 Why the last cases of sleeping sickness will be the hardest to eliminate (www.nature.com)
104. 作者更正:結直腸癌轉移過程中的漸進可塑性 Author Correction: Progressive plasticity during colorectal cancer metastasis (www.nature.com)
105. 適應急性或慢性病毒感染的早期 CD8 T 細胞前體 An early precursor CD8 T cell that adapts to acute or chronic viral infection (www.nature.com)
106. 隱窩密度和招募的增強子是腸道腫瘤發生的基礎 Crypt density and recruited enhancers underlie intestinal tumour initiation (www.nature.com)
107. 急性感染時會預先形成衰竭 T 細胞的前體 Precursors of exhausted T cells are preemptively formed in acute infection (www.nature.com)
108. 物理學家描述了無法歸類的奇異 "準粒子 Physicists describe exotic ‘paraparticles’ that defy categorization (www.nature.com)
109. 作者更正:983,578 人蛋白質編碼變異的深度目錄 Author Correction: A deep catalogue of protein-coding variation in 983,578 individuals (www.nature.com)
111. 作者更正:常見和罕見變異與克隆性造血表型的關係 Author Correction: Common and rare variant associations with clonal haematopoiesis phenotypes (www.nature.com)
112. 小而強大的蛋白質如何保護維持生命的酶 How a small but mighty protein protects a life-sustaining enzyme (www.nature.com)
113. 人類胚胎編輯防病技術既不安全,也未經證實--儘管預言很美好 Human embryo editing against disease is unsafe and unproven — despite rosy predictions (www.nature.com)
116. 人工智能從染色質數據中學習,發現基因之間的相互作用 AI learns from chromatin data to uncover gene interactions (www.nature.com)
117. 尖刺化石 "朋克 "和 "艾莫 "改變了我們對軟體動物進化的認識 Spiky fossils Punk and Emo change our understanding of molluscan evolution (www.nature.com)
120. 新的志留紀棘皮動物化石揭示了軟體動物複雜的早期歷史 New Silurian aculiferan fossils reveal complex early history of Mollusca (www.nature.com)
125. 用於無線電合成的光收集微電子裝置 Light-harvesting microelectronic devices for wireless electrosynthesis (www.nature.com)
128. 超冷費米氣體中的二維非赫米梯膚效應 Two-dimensional non-Hermitian skin effect in an ultracold Fermi gas (www.nature.com)
129. 用表格基礎模型對小數據進行精確預測 Accurate predictions on small data with a tabular foundation model (www.nature.com)
131. 發育中的人類新皮層的分子和細胞動力學 Molecular and cellular dynamics of the developing human neocortex (www.nature.com)
132. 碳酸鹽熔體在板塊邊緣形成的富硫化物大陸根 Sulfide-rich continental roots at cratonic margins formed by carbonated melts (www.nature.com)
134. 氮酶構象免受 O2 影響的結構基礎 Structural basis for the conformational protection of nitrogenase from O2 (www.nature.com)
135. 利用相干衍射成像和層析成像技術進行計算顯微學研究 Computational microscopy with coherent diffractive imaging and ptychography (www.nature.com)
137. 基於飽和基因組編輯的 BRCA2 變異臨床分類 Saturation genome editing-based clinical classification of BRCA2 variants (www.nature.com)
138. 壓電陶瓷的縱向應變增強和彎曲變形 Longitudinal strain enhancement and bending deformations in piezoceramics (www.nature.com)
139. 產生多樣性的逆轉錄因子的 RNA 控制 RNA control of reverse transcription in a diversity-generating retroelement (www.nature.com)
140. ERα內在紊亂的序列-結構-功能關係 The sequence–structure–function relationship of intrinsic ERα disorder (www.nature.com)
141. 用於耐用鋰金屬電池的基於 Li2ZrF6 的電解質 Li2ZrF6-based electrolytes for durable lithium metal batteries (www.nature.com)
142. 宿主代謝平衡微生物對膽汁酸信號的調控 Host metabolism balances microbial regulation of bile acid signalling (www.nature.com)
144. 元分析揭示了植物多樣性對生產力影響的全球差異 Meta-analysis reveals global variations in plant diversity effects on productivity (www.nature.com)
146. BRCA2 變體的功能評估和臨床分類 Functional evaluation and clinical classification of BRCA2 variants (www.nature.com)
147. 衛星 DNA 的形狀決定了雌性減數分裂過程中的圓心位點包裝 Satellite DNA shapes dictate pericentromere packaging in female meiosis (www.nature.com)
149. 謝斯納蛋白 II 對鉬氮酶的構象保護 Conformational protection of molybdenum nitrogenase by Shethna protein II (www.nature.com)
150. 在單一之字形邊緣具有局部態的簡納斯石墨烯納米帶 Janus graphene nanoribbons with localized states on a single zigzag edge (www.nature.com)
151. 雙向組蛋白單胺化動態調控神經節律性 Bidirectional histone monoaminylation dynamics regulate neural rhythmicity (www.nature.com)
153. 可遺傳的多基因編輯:基因組醫學的下一個前沿? Heritable polygenic editing: the next frontier in genomic medicine? (www.nature.com)
154. 陽離子鈀絡合物對酮和酯的β-C-H 鍵官能化作用 β-CH bond functionalization of ketones and esters by cationic Pd complexes (www.nature.com)
155. 氨基酸和 KLHL22 不會通過 DEPDC5 降解激活 mTORC1 Amino acids and KLHL22 do not activate mTORC1 via DEPDC5 degradation (www.nature.com)
157. 回覆:氨基酸和 KLHL22 不會通過 DEPDC5 降解激活 mTORC1 Reply to: Amino acids and KLHL22 do not activate mTORC1 via DEPDC5 degradation (www.nature.com)
159. 每日簡報:歐洲最早的城市為何消失?揭開神秘的庫庫特尼-特里皮利亞文化的面紗 Daily briefing: Why did Europe’s first cities disappear? Uncovering the mysterious Cucuteni–Trypillia culture (www.nature.com)
160. 為什麼孩子們需要冒更多的風險:科學揭示了天馬行空、自由玩耍的益處 Why kids need to take more risks: science reveals the benefits of wild, free play (www.nature.com)
163. 量子力學是如何在 100 年前的幾個革命性月份中出現的 How quantum mechanics emerged in a few revolutionary months 100 years ago (www.nature.com)
164. 病毒下一步會做什麼?人工智能幫助科學家預測病毒進化 What will viruses do next? AI is helping scientists predict their evolution (www.nature.com)
165. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)仍未制定將珍貴的火星岩石帶到地球的計劃 NASA still has no plan to bring precious Mars rocks to Earth (www.nature.com)
166. 氣候工程面臨敵意--科學家認為它可以如何前進 Climate engineering faces hostility— here’s how scientists say it might move forwards (www.nature.com)
170. 每日簡報:沉睡的小鼠暗示新記憶不會覆蓋舊記憶的原因 Daily briefing: Sleeping mice hint at why new memories don’t overwrite old ones (www.nature.com)
171. 誰建造了歐洲最早的城市?城市革命的線索浮出水面 Who built Europe’s first cities? Clues about the urban revolution emerge (www.nature.com)
172. 研究人員:集中精力解決民生問題,爭取政治支持 Researchers: concentrate on bread-and-butter issues to get political buy-in (www.nature.com)
175. 為確保信任,人工智能天氣預報模型仍需接受物理學培訓 To ensure trust, AI weather-forecast models still need training in physics (www.nature.com)
176. 地球在 2023 年和 2024 年打破高溫記錄:全球變暖是否正在加速? Earth shattered heat records in 2023 and 2024: is global warming speeding up? (www.nature.com)
177. 包含 1.4 萬篇被撤回的預印本的 "WithdrarXiv "數據庫發佈 ‘WithdrarXiv’ database of 14,000 retracted preprints launches (www.nature.com)
178. 航天器最近一次飛越太陽:這次旅行將告訴我們什麼? Spacecraft makes closest-ever fly-by of Sun: what the trip will tell us (www.nature.com)
179. 追逐的顫音:記錄愛爾蘭正在消失的荒野中的鳥鳴 The trill of the chase: recording birdsong in Ireland’s disappearing wilderness (www.nature.com)
180. 最後的禁忌之一":打破學術界對藥物濫用症的成見 ‘One of the last taboos’: breaking the stigma of substance-use disorders in academia (www.nature.com)
181. 為什麼新記憶不會覆蓋舊記憶?睡眠科學提供了線索 Why don’t new memories overwrite old ones? Sleep science holds clues (www.nature.com)
182. 高引用次數的 "早熟 "早期職業科學家大量湧現 ‘Precocious’ early-career scientists with high citation counts proliferate (www.nature.com)
183. 作者更正:利用 AI2BMD 對蛋白質分子動力學進行 Ab initio 特性分析 Author Correction: Ab initio characterization of protein molecular dynamics with AI2BMD (www.nature.com)
184. 作者更正:氧化環化試劑揭示色氨酸陽離子與π的相互作用 Author Correction: Oxidative cyclization reagents reveal tryptophan cation–π interactions (www.nature.com)
186. 懷孕和哺乳期小鼠腸道內膜擴張,確保後代健康 Gut lining in pregnant and lactating mice expands to ensure offspring health (www.nature.com)
187. 在硅片上直接製造激光器為芯片生產問題提供瞭解決方案 Direct fabrication of lasers on silicon suggests solution to chip-production problem (www.nature.com)
188. 解決衰老細胞狀態與肝癌之間的矛盾聯繫 Paradoxical link between senescent cell state and liver cancer resolved (www.nature.com)
191. 黃石公園火山口玄武岩-流紋岩熔體貯存過程 The progression of basaltic–rhyolitic melt storage at Yellowstone Caldera (www.nature.com)
192. 擬南芥中通過 CENH3 染色質進行的親中心逆轉錄質子整合 Centrophilic retrotransposon integration via CENH3 chromatin in Arabidopsis (www.nature.com)
193. 天冬氨酸信號通過替代翻譯驅動肺轉移 Aspartate signalling drives lung metastasis via alternative translation (www.nature.com)
195. 來自附近快速射電暴的脈衝星式偏振角擺動 A pulsar-like polarization angle swing from a nearby fast radio burst (www.nature.com)
196. 上一個冰川期生物量燃燒的急劇變化 Abrupt changes in biomass burning during the last glacial period (www.nature.com)
197. 神經膠質瘤的發生模擬了神經嵴樣細胞協調的損傷反應 Gliomagenesis mimics an injury response orchestrated by neural crest-like cells (www.nature.com)
198. 哺乳動物運動纖毛軸絲結構的多樣性 Structural diversity of axonemes across mammalian motile cilia (www.nature.com)
199. 利用閃爍制約快速射電暴的磁層起源 Magnetospheric origin of a fast radio burst constrained using scintillation (www.nature.com)
200. 冰川溪流細菌微生物群的多樣性和生物地理學 Diversity and biogeography of the bacterial microbiome in glacier-fed streams (www.nature.com)
201. mTOR 信號的失調是導致無腦畸形的一個共同機制 Dysregulation of mTOR signalling is a converging mechanism in lissencephaly (www.nature.com)
203. 單倍表達可控制先天性免疫錯誤的穿透性 Monoallelic expression can govern penetrance of inborn errors of immunity (www.nature.com)
204. 混合維冷原子費米-哈巴系統中單個條紋的形成 Formation of individual stripes in a mixed-dimensional cold-atom Fermi–Hubbard system (www.nature.com)
205. 光子合成頻率維度中的非阿貝爾晶格規量場 Non-Abelian lattice gauge fields in photonic synthetic frequency dimensions (www.nature.com)
206. 小鼠健康老化的全腦細胞特異性轉錄組特徵 Brain-wide cell-type-specific transcriptomic signatures of healthy ageing in mice (www.nature.com)
209. FBP1 控制著由衰老的 MASH 肝細胞演變而來的肝癌 FBP1 controls liver cancer evolution from senescent MASH hepatocytes (www.nature.com)
210. 上轉換微量測量儀揭示體內腔內力的動態變化 Upconverting microgauges reveal intraluminal force dynamics in vivo (www.nature.com)
211. 骨髓龕位協調幹細胞分級和免疫耐受 Bone marrow niches orchestrate stem-cell hierarchy and immune tolerance (www.nature.com)
212. 在 300 毫米 CMOS 先導生產線上完全製造出砷化鎵納米橋激光二極管 GaAs nano-ridge laser diodes fully fabricated in a 300-mm CMOS pilot line (www.nature.com)
213. 冰芯在重建溫度季節性方面的侷限性 Limitations of ice cores in reconstructing temperature seasonality (www.nature.com)
214. 答覆冰芯在重建溫度季節性方面的侷限性 Reply to: Limitations of ice cores in reconstructing temperature seasonality (www.nature.com)
219. 人工智能如何解鎖古代典籍--並可能改寫歷史 How AI is unlocking ancient texts — and could rewrite history (www.nature.com)
220. 運用法律上的 "真實惡意 "原則保護研究不當行為調查員 Apply the legal ‘true malice’ principle to protect research-misconduct sleuths (www.nature.com)
221. 要解決全球野火危機,不要只關注火焰 To solve the global wildfire crisis, don’t just focus on flames (www.nature.com)
222. 在無法獲得專業幫助時尋求心理健康支持的一種方法 One way to find mental-health support when professional help is not available (www.nature.com)
224. 2025 年必須改革全球金融規則 2025 must be the year when the rules of global finance are reformed (www.nature.com)
225. 音頻長讀:一個愚蠢的科學獎如何改變了我的職業生涯 Audio long read: How a silly science prize changed my career (www.nature.com)
227. CAR T 細胞":來自《自然》播客的節日模仿歌曲 ''CAR T cells'': a festive parody song from the Nature Podcast (www.nature.com)
228. Ozempic,你能行":來自 "自然播客 "的節日模仿歌曲 ‘Ozempic, you’re able’: a festive parody song from the Nature Podcast (www.nature.com)
229. 用於多接面光伏技術的引導型過氧化物前驅體解決方案 Steering perovskite precursor solutions for multijunction photovoltaics (www.nature.com)
230. 通過虛擬文庫選擇全合成二十五種微毒物 Total synthesis of twenty-five picrotoxanes by virtual library selection (www.nature.com)
231. 作者更正:π-HuB:人體蛋白質組導航儀 Author Correction: π-HuB: the proteomic navigator of the human body (www.nature.com)
234. 構建自己的受體:模塊化系統可針對任何抗原進行定製 Build your own receptor: modular system can be tailored to any antigen (www.nature.com)
237. 論文新穎性評分能否改變科學出版的權力格局? Can novelty scores on papers shift the power dynamics in scientific publishing? (www.nature.com)
238. 政治干預是否導致美國南部教師人才流失? Is political interference causing faculty brain drain in the southern United States? (www.nature.com)
239. 我在樹上開闢通道,幫助吼猴避免被電線電死 I create routes through trees to help stop howler monkeys being electrocuted by power lines (www.nature.com)
240. 幹細胞走向臨床:癌症、糖尿病和帕金森病的治療方法可能很快就會出現 Stem cells head to the clinic: treatments for cancer, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease could soon be here (www.nature.com)
241. 每日簡報:氣候科學家決心迎接特朗普 2.0 的挑戰 Daily briefing: Climate scientists determined to rise to the challenge of Trump 2.0 (www.nature.com)
242. 嫦娥六號遠側玄武岩記錄的強化月球發電機 A reinforced lunar dynamo recorded by Chang''e-6 farside basalt (www.nature.com)
243. 薄膜 La3Ni2O7 中的常壓超導特性 Signatures of ambient pressure superconductivity in thin film La3Ni2O7 (www.nature.com)
244. 遊戲中的皮膚--本地製造的抗體對抗常駐細菌 Skin in the game — locally made antibodies fight resident bacteria (www.nature.com)
246. 每日簡報:臭名昭著的 "羥氯喹治療COVID-19 "論文已被撤回 Daily briefing: Infamous ‘hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19’ paper has been retracted (www.nature.com)
248. 阿根廷核反應堆內,科學與政治相互碰撞 Inside an Argentinian nuclear reactor, science and politics collide (www.nature.com)
249. 如何通過行業博士後在科學界找到自己的位置 How to find your place in science through an industry postdoc (www.nature.com)
251. 人類進化出了長跑--但祖先 "露西 "跑得並不遠也不快 Humans evolved for distance running – but ancestor ‘Lucy’ didn’t go far or fast (www.nature.com)
253. 恐懼與決心:氣候科學家如何為特朗普 2.0 做準備 Dread and determination: how climate scientists are preparing for Trump 2.0 (www.nature.com)
254. 洛杉磯的鄰居們如何合作向代表人數不足的學生展示成功的 "潛規則 How Los Angeles neighbours partnered to show under-represented students the ‘unspoken rules’ to success (www.nature.com)
255. 2024 年有哪些重大新聞?加入我們的自然播客問答! What were some of the biggest stories of 2024? Join us for the Nature Podcast quiz! (www.nature.com)
260. 一種膽汁酸可解釋卡路里限制如何延緩衰老 A bile acid could explain how calorie restriction slows ageing (www.nature.com)
261. 蓄熱材料中的同步相變和化學反應 Simultaneous phase transition and chemical reaction in a heat-storing material (www.nature.com)
262. 南極冬季的海冰正在縮小:這對地球的海洋和大氣層意味著什麼? Sea ice is shrinking during Antarctic winter: here’s what it means for Earth’s oceans and atmosphere (www.nature.com)
263. 氣相沉積薄膜提高了便攜式核鐘的可能性 Vapour-deposited thin films raise the possibility of portable nuclear clocks (www.nature.com)
264. 機器學習有助於確定 RNA 分子的各種構象 Machine learning helps to determine the diverse conformations of RNA molecules (www.nature.com)
266. 通過程序對稱性破缺設計的四組份蛋白質納米籠 Four-component protein nanocages designed by programmed symmetry breaking (www.nature.com)
267. 基於生長的單晶二維半導體三維集成 Growth-based monolithic 3D integration of single-crystal 2D semiconductors (www.nature.com)
268. 2023 年南極海冰將創歷史新低,海洋熱量損失和風暴加劇 Record-low Antarctic sea ice in 2023 increased ocean heat loss and storms (www.nature.com)
269. 43.5億年前的潮汐驅動重熔表明月球已經很老了 Tidally driven remelting around 4.35 billion years ago indicates the Moon is old (www.nature.com)
271. 利用原子力顯微鏡和深度神經網絡確定 RNA 構象的結構 Determining structures of RNA conformers using AFM and deep neural networks (www.nature.com)
273. 基因工程染色體外擴增促進腫瘤發生 Engineered extrachromosomal oncogene amplifications promote tumorigenesis (www.nature.com)
276. 太赫茲場誘導 FePS3 中臨界附近的瞬變磁化 Terahertz field-induced metastable magnetization near criticality in FePS3 (www.nature.com)
277. 空間轉錄組時鐘揭示大腦老化過程中的細胞鄰近效應 Spatial transcriptomic clocks reveal cell proximity effects in brain ageing (www.nature.com)
278. 硅藻植物色素整合水下光譜以感知深度 Diatom phytochromes integrate the underwater light spectrum to sense depth (www.nature.com)
279. 用於可再生能源應用的三元熱能儲存材料 Trimodal thermal energy storage material for renewable energy applications (www.nature.com)
282. 石膽酸能與 TULP3 結合,激活 sirtuins 和 AMPK,從而延緩衰老 Lithocholic acid binds TULP3 to activate sirtuins and AMPK to slow down ageing (www.nature.com)
283. 石膽酸表徵了卡路里限制的抗衰老作用 Lithocholic acid phenocopies anti-ageing effects of calorie restriction (www.nature.com)
284. 核小體纖維拓撲結構引導轉錄因子與增強子結合 Nucleosome fibre topology guides transcription factor binding to enhancers (www.nature.com)
285. 超扁平和超柔韌金剛石膜的規模化生產 Scalable production of ultraflat and ultraflexible diamond membrane (www.nature.com)
286. 古代基因組揭示了美洲三聯體疾病的深遠歷史 Ancient genomes reveal a deep history of treponemal disease in the Americas (www.nature.com)
287. 即使在 600 C 的高溫下,這款數字存儲器仍能保持冷卻狀態 This digital-memory device keeps its cool even at 600 C (www.nature.com)
289. 小型無人機革命即將到來--科學家們需要確保其安全性 The small-drone revolution is coming — scientists need to ensure it will be safe (www.nature.com)
291. 汽車和電池企業如何規避美國的貿易關稅和規則 How car and battery companies can work around US trade tariffs and rules (www.nature.com)
292. 歷時四年的爭論之後,宣傳未經證實的治療方法的有爭議的 COVID 研究被撤回 Controversial COVID study that promoted unproven treatment retracted after four-year saga (www.nature.com)
294. 每日簡報:合成 "鏡像生命 "細菌如何感染世界 Daily briefing: How synthetic ‘mirror life’ bacteria could infect the world (www.nature.com)
295. 巨型研究發現不可信的試驗汙染了金標準醫學評論 Giant study finds untrustworthy trials pollute gold-standard medical reviews (www.nature.com)
296. 影響因子下降後,先鋒期刊 eLife 面臨重大考驗 Pioneering journal eLife faces major test after loss of impact factor (www.nature.com)
298. 好的 COP,壞的 COP:科學在環境峰會年中的掙扎 Good COPs, bad COPs: science struggles in a year of environmental summits (www.nature.com)