2. 為什麼一名青少年感染禽流感會給科學家敲響警鐘? 11-20 Why a teenager’s bird-flu infection is ringing alarm bells for scientists (www.nature.com)
3. 農民的火災給非洲天氣留下了長久的汙點 11-20 Farmers’ fires leave long-lasting smudge on African weather (www.nature.com)
4. 穿腦分子可能為治療膠質母細胞瘤腫瘤提供途徑 11-20 Brain-penetrating molecule might offer a route to treat glioblastoma tumours (www.nature.com)
5. 進化創新揭示了作物高效光合作用的工程設計方法 11-20 Evolutionary innovation hints at ways to engineer efficient photosynthesis in crops (www.nature.com)
6. 受烏賊啟發的藥丸將藥物直接噴入你的腸道 11-20 Squid-inspired pills squirt drugs straight into your gut (www.nature.com)
7. 永恆 "的化學物質可以用巧妙的化學方法銷燬--現在就在實驗室外測試這些技術吧 11-20 ‘Forever’ chemicals can be destroyed with clever chemistry — now test these techniques outside the lab (www.nature.com)
10. 受烏賊啟發的噴射裝置無需針頭即可輸送藥物 11-20 Squid-inspired jet devices deliver drugs without a need for needles (www.nature.com)
11. 人類抗體對瘧原蟲的可變蛋白質具有廣泛的抑制作用 11-20 Human antibodies offer broad inhibition against variable proteins of the malaria parasite (www.nature.com)
13. 細胞圖譜揭開了人體的神秘面紗 11-20 Cellular atlases are unlocking the mysteries of the human body (www.nature.com)
14. 蒼蠅的行為狀態如何影響它的世界觀 11-20 How a fly’s behavioural state affects its view of the world (www.nature.com)
15. 您的朋友塑造了您的微生物群--他們的朋友也是如此 11-20 Your friends shape your microbiome — and so do their friends (www.nature.com)
16. 量子計算:物理學與人工智能合作消除量子錯誤 11-20 Quantum computing: physics–AI collaboration quashes quantum errors (www.nature.com)
18. 人工智能的計算差距:學術界無法獲得研究所需的強大芯片 11-20 AI’s computing gap: academics lack access to powerful chips needed for research (www.nature.com)
19. 常見基因變異對罕見病的影響比以前想象的要大 11-20 Common genetic variants contribute more to rare diseases than previously thought (www.nature.com)
20. 細胞的維基百科":研究人員對《人類細胞圖譜》進行了更新,效果顯著 11-20 A ‘Wikipedia for cells’: researchers get an updated look at the Human Cell Atlas, and it’s remarkable (www.nature.com)
21. 修訂後的歷史記錄使人們對全球變暖有了更清晰的認識 11-20 Revised historical record sharpens perspective on global warming (www.nature.com)
22. 量子處理器與實時經典通信的結合 11-20 Combining quantum processors with real-time classical communication (www.nature.com)
23. 礦化膠原夾板有助於提高骨自體移植的性能 11-20 Mineralized collagen plywood contributes to bone autograft performance (www.nature.com)
24. 果蠅的社會狀態通過三種迴路機制改變視覺 11-20 Social state alters vision using three circuit mechanisms in Drosophila (www.nature.com)
25. 一顆巨行星凌駕於一顆3兆年原恆星之上,盤面錯位 11-20 A giant planet transiting a 3-Myr protostar with a misaligned disk (www.nature.com)
26. 孤立村莊社會網絡內的腸道微生物菌株共享 11-20 Gut microbiome strain-sharing within isolated village social networks (www.nature.com)
27. 單細胞整合揭示炎症性腸道疾病中的變態反應 11-20 Single-cell integration reveals metaplasia in inflammatory gut diseases (www.nature.com)
28. 人類 HDAC6 感知纈氨酸丰度以調控 DNA 損傷 11-20 Human HDAC6 senses valine abundancy to regulate DNA damage (www.nature.com)
29. 分數切爾絕緣體體態和邊緣態的局部探測 11-20 Local probe of bulk and edge states in a fractional Chern insulator (www.nature.com)
30. Gliocidin 是一種針對膠質母細胞瘤的煙酰胺模擬原藥 11-20 Gliocidin is a nicotinamide-mimetic prodrug that targets glioblastoma (www.nature.com)
31. 人類神經器官組織的綜合轉錄組細胞圖譜 11-20 An integrated transcriptomic cell atlas of human neural organoids (www.nature.com)
33. 研究常見變異在罕見神經發育疾病中的作用 11-20 Examining the role of common variants in rare neurodevelopmental conditions (www.nature.com)
34. 從北美河流中收集的功能微生物組目錄 11-20 A functional microbiome catalogue crowdsourced from North American rivers (www.nature.com)
35. 非線性感受野喚起自然場景的冗餘視網膜編碼 11-20 Nonlinear receptive fields evoke redundant retinal coding of natural scenes (www.nature.com)
36. 扭曲 MoTe2 中分數切爾絕緣體的直接磁成像 11-20 Direct magnetic imaging of fractional Chern insulators in twisted MoTe2 (www.nature.com)
37. 受頭足類啟發的胃腸道藥物輸送噴射裝置 11-20 Cephalopod-inspired jetting devices for gastrointestinal drug delivery (www.nature.com)
38. 單分子狀態將轉錄因子結合與基因表達聯繫起來 11-20 Single-molecule states link transcription factor binding to gene expression (www.nature.com)
39. 為量子處理器學習高精度錯誤解碼 11-20 Learning high-accuracy error decoding for quantum processors (www.nature.com)
40. 肝 X 受體將腸道再生與腫瘤發生聯繫在一起 11-20 Liver X receptor unlinks intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis (www.nature.com)
42. 受空間限制的免疫和微生物群驅動的腸道適應性 11-20 Spatially restricted immune and microbiota-driven adaptation of the gut (www.nature.com)
43. 二十世紀初海洋表面溫度觀測的冷偏差 11-20 Early-twentieth-century cold bias in ocean surface temperature observations (www.nature.com)
44. 正常乳腺組織中存在罕見的非整倍體上皮細胞群 11-20 Normal breast tissues harbour rare populations of aneuploid epithelial cells (www.nature.com)
46. 祖先細胞身份網絡的汰換實現了 C4 光合作用 11-20 Exaptation of ancestral cell-identity networks enables C4 photosynthesis (www.nature.com)
47. 通過控制電子注入和洩漏實現高效的綠色 InP 基 QD-LED 11-20 Efficient green InP-based QD-LED by controlling electron injection and leakage (www.nature.com)
48. 繪製成連續組織軸的人類胸腺細胞空間圖譜 11-20 A spatial human thymus cell atlas mapped to a continuous tissue axis (www.nature.com)
49. 嚴重瘧疾毒蛋白的廣泛抑制抗體 11-20 Broadly inhibitory antibodies to severe malaria virulence proteins (www.nature.com)
50. 兒童單純皰疹性腦炎的腦免疫遺傳缺陷 11-20 Genetic defects of brain immunity in childhood herpes simplex encephalitis (www.nature.com)
51. 答覆對擬議的地下水地球系統邊界的關切 11-20 Reply to: Concerns regarding proposed groundwater Earth system boundary (www.nature.com)
53. 利用受挫離子對耦合未活化的烷基親電體 11-20 Coupling of unactivated alkyl electrophiles using frustrated ion pairs (www.nature.com)
54. 對擬議的地下水地球系統邊界的關注 11-20 Concerns regarding proposed groundwater Earth system boundary (www.nature.com)
55. 人類細胞圖譜從細胞普查到統一基礎模型 11-20 The Human Cell Atlas from a cell census to a unified foundation model (www.nature.com)
56. 光催化激活小分子和多氟烷基物質中的 C-F 鍵 11-20 Photocatalytic C–F bond activation in small molecules and polyfluoroalkyl substances (www.nature.com)
57. 可擴展搜索相似人類細胞的細胞圖譜基礎模型 11-20 A cell atlas foundation model for scalable search of similar human cells (www.nature.com)
58. 每日簡報:獲得諷刺科學的 "伊格諾貝爾獎 "的樂趣 11-19 Daily briefing: The fun of winning science’s satirical Ig Nobel prize (www.nature.com)
59. 自然指數科學城在物理科學領域的領先地位:區域中心推動中國的進步 11-20 Leading Nature Index science cities in physical sciences: regional centres drive China’s progress (www.nature.com)
60. 地球與環境科學領域領先的自然指數科學城:中國的研究成果不斷湧現 11-20 Leading Nature Index science cities in Earth and environmental science: Research output gathers pace in China (www.nature.com)
61. 中國製造 2025》如何助力中國城市的科學發展 11-20 How ‘Made in China 2025’ helped supercharge scientific development in China’s cities (www.nature.com)
62. 波士頓密集的健康科學網絡幫助該市保持領先地位 11-20 Boston’s dense health-sciences networks help the city to maintain its lead (www.nature.com)
63. 化學領域自然指數領先的科學城市:中國在化學領域一騎絕塵 11-20 Leading Nature Index science cities in chemistry: China positions for clean sweep (www.nature.com)
64. 掌握多種語言對我和我的科學既有幫助又有阻礙 11-20 How being multilingual both helps and hinders me and my science (www.nature.com)
65. 生物科學領域領先的自然指數科學城:合作為美國研究提供動力 11-20 Leading Nature Index science cities in biological sciences: collaboration powers US research (www.nature.com)
66. 自然指數科學城在健康科學領域處於領先地位:美國機構推動國家發展 11-20 Leading Nature Index science cities in health sciences: US institutions power country’s growth (www.nature.com)
67. 中國的區域城市如今已成為世界科學界的主要參與者 11-20 China’s regional cities are now major players in world science (www.nature.com)
68. 排名前 20 位的科學城有一半在中國--區域城市的發展是關鍵所在 11-20 Half of the top 20 science cities are now in China — and regional city growth is the key (www.nature.com)
70. 隨著海洋變暖,大西洋颶風的威力不斷增強 11-20 Ferocity of Atlantic hurricanes surges as the ocean warms (www.nature.com)
71. 我是應該攀登職業階梯,成為一名經理,還是會為離開實驗室而後悔? 11-20 Should I climb the career ladder as a manager, or will I regret leaving the lab bench behind? (www.nature.com)
72. 學生和祖父母如何解決全球心理健康危機 11-20 How students and grandparents could solve the global mental-health crisis (www.nature.com)
73. 行為不當的超導研究員離開大學 11-19 Superconductivity researcher who committed misconduct exits university (www.nature.com)
74. 萊昂-庫珀訃告:提出超導理論的諾貝爾獎獲得者 11-19 Leon Cooper obituary: Nobel laureate who developed theory of superconductivity (www.nature.com)
75. 50 年前為在語言任務中使用人工智能創造條件 11-19 Setting the stage for using AI in language tasks 50 years ago (www.nature.com)
76. 世界將如何應對特朗普退出全球協議 11-19 How the world will weather Trump’s withdrawal from global agreements (www.nature.com)
79. 每日簡報:美國國立衛生研究院為改革做好準備,特朗普政府步步逼近 11-16 Daily briefing: NIH braces for reform as Trump administration closes in (www.nature.com)
80. 在本國流離失所者的健康是一個被忽視的全球危機 11-19 Health of people who are displaced in their own countries is a neglected global crisis (www.nature.com)
81. 語言無法減少衝突對自然的影響--我們需要的是行動 11-19 Words won’t reduce the impact of conflict on nature — what’s needed is action (www.nature.com)
82. 諾貝爾經濟學獎獲得者的研究報告指出,不要取消可持續發展教育倡議 11-19 Nobel-prizewinning economics research says don’t dismantle DEI initiatives (www.nature.com)
83. 宣傳減肥藥物的風險和前景 11-19 Communicate the risk as well as the promise of weight-loss drugs (www.nature.com)
84. 英雄式干預 "不應成為珊瑚礁恢復的終極目標 11-19 ‘Heroic interference’ should not be the endgame of coral-reef restoration (www.nature.com)
85. 韓國是否具備成為領先航天國家的條件? 11-19 Does South Korea have what it takes to become a leading space nation? (www.nature.com)
86. 從月球遠側發回的首批岩石揭示了遠古火山活動 11-18 First rocks returned from Moon’s far side reveal ancient volcanic activity (www.nature.com)
87. 脂肪細胞對肥胖有 "記憶"--暗示了難以保持體重的原因 11-18 Fat cells have a ‘memory’ of obesity — hinting at why it’s hard to keep weight off (www.nature.com)
88. 減肥後脂肪組織仍保留著肥胖的表觀遺傳記憶 11-18 Adipose tissue retains an epigenetic memory of obesity after weight loss (www.nature.com)
89. 地質零淨效應和碳匯分類核算的必要性 11-18 Geological Net Zero and the need for disaggregated accounting for carbon sinks (www.nature.com)
90. 森林的光輝可以揭示環境變化的影響 11-18 What a forest’s glow can reveal about the impact of environmental change (www.nature.com)
91. 如果這是硬性規定,真的是罪過嗎?不良 "行為的神經學基礎 11-18 Is it really a sin if it’s hardwired in? The neurological basis for ‘bad’ behaviour (www.nature.com)
92. 科學工作面試中的殺手級問題以及如何應對這些問題 11-18 Killer questions at science job interviews and how to ace them (www.nature.com)
93. 每日簡報:科技巨頭投資新一代地熱能源 11-15 Daily briefing: Tech giants invest in next-generation geothermal energy (www.nature.com)
94. 為什麼我們需要一個機構來監督政府如何利用科學? 11-18 Why we need a body to oversee how science is used by governments (www.nature.com)
95. 出版商更正:組織間隙是布氏錐蟲抗原多樣性的儲存庫 11-16 Publisher Correction: Tissue spaces are reservoirs of antigenic diversity for Trypanosoma brucei (www.nature.com)
96. 人類大腦是如何變得如此巨大的:我們的細胞學會了如何應對因體積變大而帶來的壓力 11-15 How human brains got so big: our cells learned to handle the stress that comes with size (www.nature.com)
97. 主要生物醫學資助機構美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)準備在特朗普 2.0 政策下進行大規模改革 11-15 Major biomedical funder NIH poised for massive reform under Trump 2.0 (www.nature.com)
98. 假人輻射:測試太空旅行安全的女性人體模型 11-15 Radiation for dummies: the female mannequins testing space-travel safety (www.nature.com)
99. 每日簡報:CRISPR編輯技術讓大番茄變得更甜 11-14 Daily briefing: Big tomatoes get sweeter thanks to CRISPR editing (www.nature.com)
101. 從嫦娥六號玄武岩看 28 億年前的月球遠側火山活動 11-15 Lunar farside volcanism 2.8 billion years ago from Chang’e-6 basalts (www.nature.com)
103. 在非洲重症兒童中檢測到對關鍵瘧疾藥物的抗藥性 11-14 Resistance to crucial malaria drug detected in severely ill kids in Africa (www.nature.com)
104. 地熱發電有望成為未來世界清潔能源的主要參與者 11-14 Geothermal power is vying to be a major player in the world’s clean-energy future (www.nature.com)
105. 用於可溶性細胞通訊和疾病感知的工程受體 11-14 Engineered receptors for soluble cellular communication and disease sensing (www.nature.com)
106. 美國人對科學家的信任終於開始恢復--但還很勉強 11-14 Trust in scientists starts to recover in the United States at last — but barely (www.nature.com)
108. 巨大的食肉 "恐怖鳥 "體型堪比大熊貓 11-14 Huge carnivorous ‘terror bird’ rivalled the giant panda in size (www.nature.com)
109. 每日簡報:大象學會了洗澡--直到它的嫉妒對手開始搞破壞 11-13 Daily briefing: An elephant learns to shower — until her jealous rival turns to sabotage (www.nature.com)
110. 為什麼人工智能生成的推薦信會讓申請人失望? 11-14 Why AI-generated recommendation letters sell applicants short (www.nature.com)
111. 為氣候融資提供資金為何符合富國利益 11-13 Why it’s in rich nations’ interests to fund climate finance (www.nature.com)
112. 谷歌利用數百萬部手機繪製地球電離層地圖並改進 GPS 11-13 Google uses millions of phones to map Earth’s ionosphere and improve GPS (www.nature.com)
115. 頭骨中的骨髓在衰老過程中發揮著令人驚訝的重要作用 11-13 Bone marrow in the skull plays a surprisingly important role in ageing (www.nature.com)
116. 德馬尼西早期智人牙齒生長期延長的證據 11-13 Dental evidence for extended growth in early Homo from Dmanisi (www.nature.com)
117. NK2R 控制能量消耗和進食以治療代謝性疾病 11-13 NK2R control of energy expenditure and feeding to treat metabolic diseases (www.nature.com)
118. 將全球消費控制在地球範圍內 11-13 Keeping the global consumption within the planetary boundaries (www.nature.com)
119. 成人顱骨骨髓是一個不斷擴大且富有彈性的造血庫 11-13 Adult skull bone marrow is an expanding and resilient haematopoietic reservoir (www.nature.com)
120. 野生和馴化大麥泛基因組的結構變異 11-13 Structural variation in the pangenome of wild and domesticated barley (www.nature.com)
121. 在不斷變化的海洋中,現代浮游有孔蟲僅靠遷移是不夠的 11-13 Migrating is not enough for modern planktonic foraminifera in a changing ocean (www.nature.com)
122. 過去有孔蟲的適應能力在未來變暖期間受到限制 11-13 Past foraminiferal acclimatization capacity is limited during future warming (www.nature.com)
123. 分子量子比特之間的糾纏和 iSWAP 柵極 11-13 Entanglement and iSWAP gate between molecular qubits (www.nature.com)
125. 2019-2020 年澳大利亞特大火災對生物多樣性的影響 11-13 Biodiversity impacts of the 2019–2020 Australian megafires (www.nature.com)
126. 釋放糖分制動器可使番茄更甜,而不會影響產量 11-13 Releasing a sugar brake generates sweeter tomato without yield penalty (www.nature.com)
127. 靜脈注射和顱內 GD2-CAR T 細胞治療 H3K27M 瀰漫中線膠質瘤 11-13 Intravenous and intracranial GD2-CAR T cells for H3K27M diffuse midline gliomas (www.nature.com)
128. 多角胞抑制複合體 1 對 H2A 泛素化的讀寫機制 11-13 Read–write mechanisms of H2A ubiquitination by Polycomb repressive complex 1 (www.nature.com)
129. 二維希爾伯特空間碎片和分形激元觀測 11-13 Observation of Hilbert space fragmentation and fractonic excitations in 2D (www.nature.com)
130. 前額葉經腦不確定性處理驅動靈活切換 11-13 Prefrontal transthalamic uncertainty processing drives flexible switching (www.nature.com)
131. 用於快速、無標記檢測膠質瘤浸潤的基礎模型 11-13 Foundation models for fast, label-free detection of glioma infiltration (www.nature.com)
132. 胰腺癌細胞間信號的臨床功能蛋白質組學 11-13 Clinical functional proteomics of intercellular signalling in pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
133. 噻唑、異噻唑和其他唑類化合物的光化學變化 11-13 Photochemical permutation of thiazoles, isothiazoles and other azoles (www.nature.com)
134. 澳大利亞大火導致複雜的生物多樣性結果 11-13 Australian megafires drove complex biodiversity outcomes (www.nature.com)
135. 鐵含量意外限制了海洋 "黃昏地帶 "的細菌生長 11-13 Iron levels unexpectedly limit bacterial growth in the ocean’s twilight zone (www.nature.com)
136. 機器人外骨骼能實時適應腿部運動的變化 11-13 Robotic exoskeleton adapts to changes in leg movements in real time (www.nature.com)
137. 8000 萬年前的鳥類頭骨化石澄清了早期鳥類的進化過程 11-13 Fossilized bird skull from 80 million years ago clarifies early avian evolution (www.nature.com)
138. 一舉兩得:肥胖症候選藥物既能提高能量利用率,又能減少卡路里攝入量 11-13 Two for one: candidate obesity drug boosts energy use and curbs calorie intake (www.nature.com)
139. 番茄工程技術點中甜點,製成富含糖分的大果實 11-13 Tomato engineering hits the sweet spot to make big sugar-rich fruit (www.nature.com)
140. 由非典型細胞週期蛋白依賴性激酶阻止的細胞分裂錯誤 11-13 Errors in cell division stopped by an atypical cyclin-dependent kinase (www.nature.com)
141. 不斷增加的二氧化碳和氮沉降是否對全球生物多樣性構成共同威脅? 11-13 Are rising carbon dioxide and nitrogen deposition a joint threat to biodiversity globally? (www.nature.com)
143. 當細菌進入真菌並世代相傳時會發生什麼? 11-13 What happens when a bacterium gets into a fungus and stays — for generations (www.nature.com)
145. 高溫 205Tl 衰變澄清了早期太陽系中 205Pb 的年代測定 11-13 High-temperature 205Tl decay clarifies 205Pb dating in early Solar System (www.nature.com)
146. 超大質量星系在最初十億年的加速形成 ; 11-13 Accelerated formation of ultra-massive galaxies in the first billion years (www.nature.com)
147. 量子絕緣體中的電荷中性電子激發 11-13 Charge-neutral electronic excitations in quantum insulators (www.nature.com)
149. 通過生物關節力矩估算實現任務識別外骨骼控制 11-13 Task-agnostic exoskeleton control via biological joint moment estimation (www.nature.com)
150. 螢石在水中低溫活化後生成氟化合物 11-13 Fluorspar to fluorochemicals upon low-temperature activation in water (www.nature.com)
155. 人工智能能否查閱科學文獻,並弄清其中的含義? 11-13 Can AI review the scientific literature — and figure out what it all means? (www.nature.com)
156. 當旅行者號呼叫時,冰巨行星正在經歷糟糕的一天 11-12 Ice-giant planet was having a bad day when Voyager came calling (www.nature.com)
158. 作者更正:抑制胰腺癌 RAS-GTP 的腫瘤選擇性活性 11-12 Author Correction: Tumour-selective activity of RAS-GTP inhibition in pancreatic cancer (www.nature.com)
159. 為促進科學發展,不斷壯大的金磚國家集團必須擁護包容性和透明度 11-12 To boost science, the growing BRICS group must embrace inclusion and transparency (www.nature.com)
160. 我因我的成果而獲得報酬,而不是因為我是毛利人":為什麼土著研究人員經常面臨雙重任務? 11-12 ‘I get paid for my outputs, not because I am Māori’: why Indigenous researchers often face double duty (www.nature.com)
161. 生長領域:探索組織和細胞如何生長的早期研究 11-12 Growth area: early studies exploring how tissues and cells grow (www.nature.com)
162. 韓國可以提升低收入國家的研究潛力 11-12 South Korea can boost the research potential of low-income countries (www.nature.com)
163. 地球向外星文明發出的第一條無線電信息為何遺漏了一半的人類? 11-12 Why did Earth’s first radio message to alien civilizations leave out half of humanity? (www.nature.com)
165. 探索製造感覺與實物一樣的仿生肢體 11-12 The quest to build bionic limbs that feel like the real thing (www.nature.com)
166. 每日簡報:有許多基於微生物的氣候解決方案--是時候使用它們了 11-11 Daily briefing: There is a multitude of microbe-based climate solutions — time to use them (www.nature.com)
167. 冰芯數據顯示,全球變暖正處於 1.5 C臨界點的邊緣 11-12 Global warming is on the cusp of crucial 1.5 C threshold, suggest ice-core data (www.nature.com)
168. 下一次大規模火山爆發將導致氣候混亂--而我們卻毫無準備 11-12 The next massive volcano eruption will cause climate chaos — and we are unprepared (www.nature.com)
169. 高被引研究人員撤回論文的比例之高令人擔憂 11-12 Worryingly high prevalence of retraction among top-cited researchers (www.nature.com)
170. 災難性的西班牙洪災暴露出迫切需要更多的洪災風險專業人員 11-12 Devastating Spanish floods expose an urgent need for more flood-risk professionals (www.nature.com)
174. 特朗普陰影籠罩氣候峰會:COP29 能帶來什麼? 11-11 Trump’s shadow looms at climate summit: what COP29 could deliver (www.nature.com)
176. 800 萬個細胞:虛擬胚胎展示器官形成的精美細節 11-11 8 million cells: virtual embryo shows organs forming in exquisite detail (www.nature.com)
177. 人工智能蛋白質預測工具 AlphaFold3 現已開源 11-11 AI protein-prediction tool AlphaFold3 is now open source (www.nature.com)
178. 我如何在巴巴多斯將海藻轉化為汽車生物燃料 11-11 How I’m turning seaweed into biofuel for cars on Barbados (www.nature.com)
179. 兩地同時進行:疊加晶體可檢驗引力是否服從量子定律 11-11 Two places at once: superposed crystal could test whether gravity obeys quantum laws (www.nature.com)
180. 循環邏輯:瞭解 RNA 最奇特的形式 11-11 Circular logic: understanding RNA’s strangest form yet (www.nature.com)
181. 作者更正:利用類氦鈾測試極端場中的量子電動力學 11-11 Author Correction: Testing quantum electrodynamics in extreme fields using helium-like uranium (www.nature.com)
182. 每日簡報:從龐貝古城屍體鑄模中提取的首批 DNA 揭示了受害者的身份 11-08 Daily briefing: First DNA from Pompeii body casts illuminates who victims were (www.nature.com)
184. 基層贈款撰寫方法可幫助小型機構的研究人員取得成功 11-11 Grass-roots grant-writing approaches can help researchers at small institutions to succeed (www.nature.com)
185. 阿爾茨海默氏症應該在沒有症狀的情況下診斷嗎?依靠血液化驗的建議令科學家們感到不安 11-08 Should Alzheimer’s be diagnosed without symptoms? Proposal to rely on blood tests roils scientists (www.nature.com)
187. 這位科學家用自己在實驗室培育的病毒治療自己的癌症 11-08 This scientist treated her own cancer with viruses she grew in the lab (www.nature.com)
188. 無需助聽器:蝙蝠的耳朵一直到老年都很靈敏 11-06 No hearing aids needed: bats’ ears stay keen well into old age (www.nature.com)
189. 基層壓力增大,促進對母乳餵養科學家的支持 11-08 Grass-roots pressure grows to boost support for breastfeeding scientists (www.nature.com)
190. 狂喜與美麗":一位作家對國際空間站的描繪 11-08 ‘Rapture and beauty’: a writer’s portrait of the International Space Station (www.nature.com)
192. 每日簡報:世界首顆木製衛星駛向太空 11-07 Daily briefing: World’s first wooden satellite heads for space (www.nature.com)
193. 世界首例幹細胞治療恢復人的視力 11-08 World-first stem-cell treatment restores vision in people (www.nature.com)
194. 特朗普贏得大選對人工智能、氣候和其他領域意味著什麼? 11-08 What Trump’s election victory could mean for AI, climate and more (www.nature.com)
195. 南非會成為第一個接受有爭議的人類基因組編輯形式的國家嗎? 11-07 Will South Africa become first country to accept controversial form of human genome editing? (www.nature.com)
196. 為什麼溼狗會把自己抖幹?神經科學給出了答案 11-07 Why do wet dogs shake themselves dry? Neuroscience has an answer (www.nature.com)
197. 首次從龐貝古城屍體鑄模中提取的 DNA 揭示了受害者的身份 11-07 First DNA from Pompeii body casts illuminates who victims were (www.nature.com)
198. 歐洲核子研究中心新任主任承諾推進價值 170 億美元的超級對撞機項目 11-07 New CERN chief pledges to forge ahead with 17-billion supercollider (www.nature.com)
199. 對 SARS-CoV-2 抗原從 XBB 向 JN.1 轉移的抗體反應不斷演變 11-07 Evolving antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 antigenic shift from XBB to JN.1 (www.nature.com)
201. 每日簡報:心臟病發作引發深度睡眠 11-06 Daily briefing: Heart attacks trigger deep healing sleep (www.nature.com)
202. 未被充分研究的子宮內膜異位症如何給數億婦女帶來痛苦 11-06 How understudied endometriosis causes pain for hundreds of millions of women (www.nature.com)
203. 特朗普贏得美國大選:科研人員必須保持強大和團結 11-06 Trump’s US election win: researchers must stay strong and united (www.nature.com)
204. 任何從事科學實踐的人都不應被排斥在外":英國唯一的黑人化學教授談多樣性 11-06 ‘Anyone engaging in scientific practice shouldn’t be excluded’: The United Kingdom’s only Black chemistry professor, on diversity (www.nature.com)
205. 不要責怪搜索引擎將用戶導向不可靠的網站 11-06 Don’t blame search engines for sending users to unreliable sites (www.nature.com)
206. 分工:線粒體分裂以滿足能量需求 11-06 Division of labour: mitochondria split to meet energy demands (www.nature.com)
207. 將原子核砸碎可揭示其難以捉摸的形狀 11-06 Smashing atomic nuclei together reveals their elusive shapes (www.nature.com)
209. 脂肪利用一種炎性免疫蛋白來保持新陳代謝的正常和準時 11-06 Fat keeps metabolism in tune and on time using an inflammatory immune protein (www.nature.com)
210. 我們需要為新世界做好準備":全球科學家對特朗普當選的反應 11-06 ‘We need to be ready for a new world’: scientists globally react to Trump election (www.nature.com)
213. 驚人發現揭示線粒體 "能量工廠 "有兩種不同類型 11-06 Surprise finding reveals mitochondrial ‘energy factories’ come in two different types (www.nature.com)
214. 棘手的問題:粘附性細菌如何誘發結腸癌 11-06 Sticky situation: how adhesive bacteria drive colon cancer (www.nature.com)
215. 結腸癌需要粘附素介導的上皮結合 11-06 Colibactin-driven colon cancer requires adhesin-mediated epithelial binding (www.nature.com)
217. 針對 ecDNA 陽性癌症加強轉錄複製衝突 11-06 Enhancing transcription–replication conflict targets ecDNA-positive cancers (www.nature.com)
218. 鐵性 In2Se3 中的電驅動長程固態非晶化現象 11-06 Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In2Se3 (www.nature.com)
219. 與學習相關的星形膠質細胞群調節記憶回憶 11-06 Learning-associated astrocyte ensembles regulate memory recall (www.nature.com)
220. 被動邊緣沉積物俯衝加速印度-歐亞大陸匯聚 11-06 India–Eurasia convergence speed-up by passive-margin sediment subduction (www.nature.com)
221. 離線集合共同激活將跨天記憶聯繫起來 11-06 Offline ensemble co-reactivation links memories across days (www.nature.com)
223. 具有高時空分辨率的寬帶高光譜圖像傳感器 11-06 A broadband hyperspectral image sensor with high spatio-temporal resolution (www.nature.com)
224. 鈣神經蛋白和 PKA 之間的突觸後競爭調節哺乳動物的睡眠-覺醒週期 11-06 Postsynaptic competition between calcineurin and PKA regulates mammalian sleep–wake cycles (www.nature.com)
225. 高能核碰撞中原子核的形狀成像 11-06 Imaging shapes of atomic nuclei in high-energy nuclear collisions (www.nature.com)
226. 間歇性速率編碼和特定線索組合支持工作記憶 11-06 Intermittent rate coding and cue-specific ensembles support working memory (www.nature.com)
227. 細胞對 ATP 的需求產生了代謝上不同的線粒體亞群 11-06 Cellular ATP demand creates metabolically distinct subpopulations of mitochondria (www.nature.com)
228. 利用 AI2BMD 對蛋白質分子動力學進行 Ab initio 表徵 11-06 Ab initio characterization of protein molecular dynamics with AI2BMD (www.nature.com)
230. 作為可設計量子固體的層狀混合超晶格 11-06 Layered hybrid superlattices as designable quantum solids (www.nature.com)
231. 自動整合真實世界數據可改善癌症結果預測 11-06 Automated real-world data integration improves cancer outcome prediction (www.nature.com)
232. 中樞模式發生器控制脊椎動物的超晝夜睡眠節律 11-06 Central pattern generator control of a vertebrate ultradian sleep rhythm (www.nature.com)
233. 近親動物的多細胞發育程序 11-06 A multicellular developmental program in a close animal relative (www.nature.com)
234. 缺氧誘導癌症炎症細胞死亡的機制 11-06 A mechanism for hypoxia-induced inflammatory cell death in cancer (www.nature.com)
235. 隨機神經肽信號競相校準飽食率 11-06 Stochastic neuropeptide signals compete to calibrate the rate of satiation (www.nature.com)
236. 通過賴氨酸靶向和新鋅螯合抑制突變選擇性 AKT 11-06 Mutant-selective AKT inhibition through lysine targeting and neo-zinc chelation (www.nature.com)
237. 核小體翻轉推動了 SWR1 的動力學校對和處理能力 11-06 Nucleosome flipping drives kinetic proofreading and processivity by SWR1 (www.nature.com)
238. 聚合型持久性細胞狀態的識別和基因剖析 11-06 Identification and genetic dissection of convergent persister cell states (www.nature.com)
239. 檢查點心肌炎對心臟、血液和腫瘤的免疫反應 11-06 Immune responses in checkpoint myocarditis across heart, blood and tumour (www.nature.com)
241. 大質量恆星形成星系中快速射電暴的優先出現 11-06 Preferential occurrence of fast radio bursts in massive star-forming galaxies (www.nature.com)
242. 用於探索性合成化學的自主移動機器人 11-06 Autonomous mobile robots for exploratory synthetic chemistry (www.nature.com)
243. 通過聚合物膜中的水合微孔進行選擇性離子傳輸 11-06 Selective ion transport through hydrated micropores in polymer membranes (www.nature.com)
244. 癌細胞中染色體外 DNA 的協調遺傳 11-06 Coordinated inheritance of extrachromosomal DNAs in cancer cells (www.nature.com)
246. 血液檢測有助於診斷躁鬱症--但一些研究人員對此持懷疑態度 11-06 Blood test could help diagnose bipolar disorder — but some researchers are sceptical (www.nature.com)
250. 科學傳播將受益於研究誠信標準 11-06 Science communication will benefit from research integrity standards (www.nature.com)
251. 公民科學家可以成為化學家--給他們一個機會 11-06 Citizen scientists can be chemists — give them a chance (www.nature.com)
252. 抗體不起作用讓實驗室擺脫破壞實驗的分子的競賽 11-06 The antibodies don’t work! The race to rid labs of molecules that ruin experiments (www.nature.com)
254. 作者更正:幹樣CD4 T細胞的分化命運控制著癌症免疫力 11-06 Author Correction: Differentiation fate of a stem-like CD4 T cell controls immunity to cancer (www.nature.com)
255. 每日簡報:揭露出售假學位欺詐者的人 11-05 Daily briefing: The man sniffing out fraudsters that sell fake degrees (www.nature.com)
256. 二維材料晶相的機理理解和高效工程設計 11-06 Mechanistic understanding and efficient engineering of crystal phases in 2D materials (www.nature.com)
257. 貓的大腦也會像我們一樣衰老--這有助於科學家瞭解認知能力衰退的原因 11-05 Cat brains age like ours — and could help scientists to understand cognitive decline (www.nature.com)
258. 如何讓作物不受氣候影響:科學家稱秘密就在泥土中 11-05 How to climate-proof crops: scientists say the secret’s in the dirt (www.nature.com)
259. 中國蓬勃發展的森林儲存了大量的碳 11-05 China’s thriving forests are stockpiling vast amounts of carbon (www.nature.com)
261. COP29: 讓政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)參與氣候融資的定義工作 11-05 COP29: involve the IPCC in defining climate finance (www.nature.com)
264. ChatGPT 正在改變同行評審--我們該如何負責任地使用它? 11-05 ChatGPT is transforming peer review — how can we use it responsibly? (www.nature.com)
265. 人工智能生成的圖像威脅科學--研究人員希望如何發現它們 11-05 AI-generated images threaten science — here’s how researchers hope to spot them (www.nature.com)
267. 印度 200 億美元的化肥補貼可為農民帶來更多實惠--方法如下 11-05 India’s US20-billion fertilizer subsidies could do more for farmers — here’s how (www.nature.com)
268. 無形無質 "的真菌也需要分類學冠軍 11-05 ‘Invisible and uncharismatic’ fungi need taxonomy champions, too (www.nature.com)
269. 分佈式同行評審:烏克蘭如何獲得收益並將風險降至最低 11-05 Distributed peer review: how Ukraine has reaped the benefits and minimized the risks (www.nature.com)
270. 150 年來,螞蟻是如何培育真菌的? 11-05 How fungus-farming ants have nourished biology for 150 years (www.nature.com)
271. 西方科學外交必須反思其偏見,平等對待所有合作伙伴 11-05 Western science diplomacy must rethink its biases and treat all partners equally (www.nature.com)
272. 每日簡報:兒童時期攝入大量糖分會增加成年後患糖尿病的風險 11-04 Daily briefing: Lots of sugar as a child raises the risk of diabetes as an adult (www.nature.com)
273. 大獲全勝":生物多樣性峰會上出現野生動物保護付費計劃 11-04 ‘A big, big win’: plan to pay for wildlife conservation emerges at biodiversity summit (www.nature.com)
274. 我不得不讓一個學生離開,我覺得好像我辜負了他們--下次我該如何做得更好? 11-04 I had to let a student go and I feel as though I failed them — how do I do better next time? (www.nature.com)
278. 每日簡報:"不可能 "分子打破百年化學定律 11-01 Daily briefing: ‘Impossible’ molecules break 100-year old chemical rule (www.nature.com)
279. 仍在挑戰人工智能的五個結構生物學問題 11-04 Five structural-biology questions that still challenge AI (www.nature.com)
280. 莫哈韋幽靈:沿著聖安德烈亞斯斷層的情感之旅 11-04 Mojave Ghost: an emotive journey along the San Andreas Fault (www.nature.com)
281. 世界上最古老的樹?遺傳分析追溯標誌性潘多森林的演變過程 11-01 The world’s oldest tree? Genetic analysis traces evolution of iconic Pando forest (www.nature.com)
282. 每日簡報:mpox 病毒變種在人際傳播中的表現越來越好 10-31 Daily briefing: Variant of mpox virus is getting better at human-to-human transmission (www.nature.com)
284. 化學家制造出 "不可能 "分子,打破了有 100 年曆史的鍵合規則 11-01 Chemists make ‘impossible’ molecules that break 100-year-old bonding rule (www.nature.com)
285. 裸鼴鼠戰勝遺傳幽靈--實現長壽 10-31 Naked mole rats vanquish genetic ghosts — and achieve long life (www.nature.com)
286. 小時候愛吃甜食的成年人患糖尿病的風險飆升 10-31 Diabetes risk soars for adults who had a sweet tooth as kids (www.nature.com)
287. 觀看巨型 "幽靈粒子 "探測器等 - 十月最佳科學圖片 10-31 See a giant ‘ghost particle’ detector and more — October’s best science images (www.nature.com)
288. 海平面正在上升,而且上升速度正在加快 10-31 The seas are on the rise — and that surge is accelerating (www.nature.com)
289. 隱藏的參與者:腸道微生物群中殺死細菌的病毒 10-31 Hidden players: the bacteria-killing viruses of the gut microbiome (www.nature.com)
290. 每日簡報:如何從極端天氣事件中恢復精神狀態 10-29 Daily briefing: How to mentally recover from an extreme weather event (www.nature.com)
291. 暴飲暴食如何導致糖尿病?神經遞質激增 10-31 How does overeating lead to diabetes? A surge of neurotransmitters (www.nature.com)
292. 抗肥胖藥物能改變關節炎患者的生活 10-30 Anti-obesity drug has life-changing benefits for arthritis (www.nature.com)
293. 超精密三維癌細胞圖揭開腫瘤生長的秘密 10-30 Ultra-precise 3D maps of cancer cells unlock secrets of how tumours grow (www.nature.com)
294. 工程受體展示人類如何分辨無數氣味分子 10-30 Engineered receptors show how humans tell countless odour molecules apart (www.nature.com)
297. 科學關係的解凍有助於淨化印度和巴基斯坦的空氣 10-30 A thaw in scientific relations could help clear the air in India and Pakistan (www.nature.com)
298. 鄰近太陽系中的褐矮星實際上是旋轉二重奏 10-30 Brown dwarf in neighbouring solar system is actually a spinning duo (www.nature.com)
300. 猴痘病毒在人類中傳播的能力越來越強 10-30 Monkeypox virus keeps getting better at spreading among humans (www.nature.com)