1. 特朗普政府因大幅削減哥倫比亞大學經費而被起訴 03-25 Trump administration sued over huge funding cuts at Columbia University (www.nature.com)
3. 科學家與流行音樂產業的合作如何將現場演出的碳排放量減少 98 03-25 How a scientist–pop industry partnership slashed a live gig’s carbon emissions by 98% (www.nature.com)
4. 古老的鐐銬見證了埃及金礦的殘酷 03-25 Ancient shackles testify to brutality of Egypt’s gold mines (www.nature.com)
5. 認識 "量子比特":量子比特更復雜的表親推動量子計算發展 03-25 Meet ‘qudits’: more complex cousins of qubits boost quantum computing (www.nature.com)
8. 氣候變化將導致房屋保險費飆升。如何控制成本 03-25 Climate change will send home insurance spiralling. Here’s how to control costs (www.nature.com)
9. 大西洋噴流在 600 年間發生了怎樣的變化--及其對天氣的影響 03-25 How the Atlantic jet stream has changed in 600 years — and what it means for weather (www.nature.com)
10. 斷食減肥風靡全球:對健康有什麼好處? 03-25 Fasting for weight loss is all the rage: what are the health benefits? (www.nature.com)
11. 每日簡報:嬰兒會留下記憶--那我們為什麼不能回憶起它們呢? 03-21 Daily briefing: Babies make memories — so why don’t we recall them? (www.nature.com)
12. 微生物可以捕捉碳並降解塑料--為什麼我們不更多地利用它們? 03-25 Microbes can capture carbon and degrade plastic — why aren’t we using them more? (www.nature.com)
16. 葡萄牙關於削減研究經費影響的經驗教訓 03-25 Lessons from Portugal on effects of cutting research funding (www.nature.com)
17. 焦慮可想而知":研究人員在美國邊境被拘留引發旅行擔憂 03-24 ‘Anxiety is palpable’: detention of researchers at US border spurs travel worries (www.nature.com)
18. 活細胞超分辨率顯微鏡揭示分子如何進出細胞核 03-24 Live-cell super-resolution microscopy reveals how molecules enter and exit the nucleus (www.nature.com)
19. 共享論文的第一作者身份會受到懲罰嗎?研究結果 03-24 Does sharing first authorship on a paper carry a penalty? What the research says (www.nature.com)
20. 歐洲核子研究中心的下一步行動事關科學和國際合作 03-24 What CERN does next matters for science and for international cooperation (www.nature.com)
21. 馬拉松運動員利用腦細胞絕緣體為比賽提供燃料 03-24 Marathon runners tap brain-cell insulation for racetime fuel (www.nature.com)
22. 通過自由基-自由基交叉偶聯實現炔烴 C-H 烷基化的通用化 03-24 Generalizing arene CH alkylations by radicalradical cross-coupling (www.nature.com)
25. 癱瘓男子接受 "重編程 "幹細胞後重新站立起來 03-24 Paralysed man stands again after receiving ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells (www.nature.com)
26. RNA 功能遵循形式--為何如此難以預測? 03-24 RNA function follows form – why is it so hard to predict? (www.nature.com)
27. 膨脹的宇宙--持續的緊張局勢是否為新物理學留下了空間? 03-24 The expanding Universe — do ongoing tensions leave room for new physics? (www.nature.com)
29. 冰川不僅僅是冰塊--拯救冰川的計劃不能忽視它們隱藏的生命 03-24 Glaciers are not just blocks of ice — plans to save them mustn’t overlook their hidden life (www.nature.com)
31. 為什麼非洲人應該講述人類起源的故事 03-24 Why Africans should be telling the story of human origins (www.nature.com)
32. 出版商更正:元基因組 "暗物質 "酶催化氧化纖維素轉化 03-21 Publisher Correction: A metagenomic ‘dark matter’ enzyme catalyses oxidative cellulose conversion (www.nature.com)
33. 美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)削減了一項 mRNA 疫苗資助。接下來還會有更多嗎? 03-21 NIH has cut one mRNA-vaccine grant. Will more follow? (www.nature.com)
34. 令人匪夷所思美國國防部削減新興威脅研究 03-21 ‘Boggles the mind’: US defence department slashes research on emerging threats (www.nature.com)
35. 作者更正:用遞歸生成的數據訓練人工智能模型時會崩潰 03-21 Author Correction: AI models collapse when trained on recursively generated data (www.nature.com)
36. 作者更正:可遺傳的多基因編輯:基因組醫學的下一個前沿? 03-21 Author Correction: Heritable polygenic editing: the next frontier in genomic medicine? (www.nature.com)
37. 每日簡報:推動星系分離的神秘力量可能越來越弱 03-20 Daily briefing: The mysterious force pushing galaxies apart might be getting weaker (www.nature.com)
38. 所有這一切都處於危機之中美國大學縮減員工和開支,因為特朗普削減開支的政策已初見成效 03-21 ‘All this is in crisis’: US universities curtail staff, spending as Trump cuts take hold (www.nature.com)
39. 船舶汙染削減產生了令人振奮的效果:海上閃電減少了 03-21 Ship-pollution cuts have an electrifying effect: less lightning at sea (www.nature.com)
40. 特朗普團隊向海外研究人員發送 "調查問卷 "引發外國干預擔憂 03-20 Trump team ‘survey’ sent to overseas researchers prompts foreign interference fears (www.nature.com)
41. 作者更正:人類心臟龕位的空間分辨多組學研究 03-20 Author Correction: Spatially resolved multiomics of human cardiac niches (www.nature.com)
42. 嬰兒確實會留下記憶--那麼,為什麼我們不能回憶起自己最初的歲月呢? 03-20 Babies do make memories — so why can’t we recall our earliest years? (www.nature.com)
44. 環境壓力下摻孔 SmNiO2 在 40 K 附近的體超導性 03-20 Bulk superconductivity near 40 K in hole-doped SmNiO2 at ambient pressure (www.nature.com)
45. 每日簡報:約 1%的兒童的父子遺傳信息與歷史記錄不符 03-19 Daily briefing: About 1% of children have genetic paternity other than that recorded by history (www.nature.com)
46. 動物實驗方法偏見 "如何影響研究事業 03-20 How ‘animal methods bias’ is affecting research careers (www.nature.com)
47. 作者更正:用 KM3NeT 觀測超高能宇宙中微子 03-20 Author Correction: Observation of an ultra-high-energy cosmic neutrino with KM3NeT (www.nature.com)
48. 暗能量是否越來越弱?最新數據支持驚人發現 03-19 Is dark energy getting weaker? Fresh data bolster shock finding (www.nature.com)
49. 地球自轉能產生能量嗎?物理學家對有爭議的說法意見不一 03-19 Can Earth’s rotation generate power? Physicists divided over controversial claim (www.nature.com)
50. 圖書館能否聯合起來,確保對所有人開放? 03-19 Could libraries band together to ensure open access for all? (www.nature.com)
51. 微型衛星創下安全量子通信的新紀錄 03-19 Tiny satellite sets new record for secure quantum communication (www.nature.com)
52. 用於森林恢復的最佳樹種是什麼? 03-19 What is the best type of tree to use for forest restoration? (www.nature.com)
53. 實現遠距離安全量子通信的實際飛躍 03-19 A practical leap towards secure quantum communication over long distances (www.nature.com)
54. 需要改寫教科書中關於大腦最豐富受體的假設 03-19 A textbook assumption about the brain’s most abundant receptors needs to be rewritten (www.nature.com)
56. 終生累積的突變為胃癌埋下伏筆 03-19 Mutations that accrue through life set the stage for stomach cancer (www.nature.com)
57. 免疫細胞用捕捉細菌的粘液 "包紮 "傷口 03-19 Immune cells ‘bandage’ wounds with bacteria-trapping goo (www.nature.com)
58. 微型衛星為在地球任何地方發送量子信息鋪平了道路 03-19 Mini-satellite paves the way for quantum messaging anywhere on Earth (www.nature.com)
59. 鳥類大腦幫助科學家揭開語言的秘密 03-19 Bird brains help scientists to unveil the secrets of speech (www.nature.com)
60. 古代泥炭揭示了上一個冰河時代末期海平面兩次快速上升的過程 03-19 Ancient peat reveals that sea level surged rapidly twice at the end of the last ice age (www.nature.com)
61. 通過反向傳播語言模型反饋優化生成式人工智能 03-19 Optimizing generative AI by backpropagating language model feedback (www.nature.com)
62. 產生基質的中性粒細胞填充並保護皮膚 03-19 Matrix-producing neutrophils populate and shield the skin (www.nature.com)
64. 瞬時沉默超突變可在克隆突變過程中保持 B 細胞的親和力 03-19 Transient silencing of hypermutation preserves B cell affinity during clonal bursting (www.nature.com)
65. 睡眠壓力積聚在電壓門控脂質過氧化記憶中 03-19 Sleep pressure accumulates in a voltage-gated lipid peroxidation memory (www.nature.com)
66. 繪製小鼠和人類肺部抗纖維化因子的組織學特徵圖 03-19 Histological signatures map anti-fibrotic factors in mouse and human lungs (www.nature.com)
67. 正常胃上皮細胞的體細胞突變情況 03-19 The somatic mutation landscape of normal gastric epithelium (www.nature.com)
68. 鐵基超導體中的庫珀對密度調製態 03-19 Cooper-pair density modulation state in an iron-based superconductor (www.nature.com)
70. 細胞形態的動態細胞骨架調節支持淋巴管內皮的恢復能力 03-19 Dynamic cytoskeletal regulation of cell shape supports resilience of lymphatic endothelium (www.nature.com)
71. 從北海泥炭揭示全新世早期全球海平面上升的情況 03-19 Global sea-level rise in the early Holocene revealed from North Sea peats (www.nature.com)
72. 含 GluA2 的 AMPA 受體形成連續的 Ca2滲透通道 03-19 GluA2-containing AMPA receptors form a continuum of Ca2-permeable channels (www.nature.com)
73. 腫瘤溶解病毒 VG161 在難治性肝細胞癌中的應用 03-19 Oncolytic virus VG161 in refractory hepatocellular carcinoma (www.nature.com)
74. 與人類複雜性狀相關的細胞空間分辨圖譜 03-19 Spatially resolved mapping of cells associated with human complex traits (www.nature.com)
75. 二維異質結構中的雙曲聲子-極化子電致發光 03-19 Hyperbolic phonon-polariton electroluminescence in 2D heterostructures (www.nature.com)
76. 雙曲極化子介導的電致發光和能量轉移 03-19 Electroluminescence and energy transfer mediated by hyperbolic polaritons (www.nature.com)
77. 油滴界面的水結構和電場 03-19 Water structure and electric fields at the interface of oil droplets (www.nature.com)
78. 複製螺旋酶解旋 DNA 的結構動力學 03-19 Structural dynamics of DNA unwinding by a replicative helicase (www.nature.com)
79. 雙色 MINFLUX 揭開核電進出口路徑重疊的神秘面紗 03-19 Overlapping nuclear import and export paths unveiled by two-colour MINFLUX (www.nature.com)
80. 感覺皮層中潛在知識的快速湧現推動了學習 03-19 Rapid emergence of latent knowledge in the sensory cortex drives learning (www.nature.com)
81. 鸚鵡和人類前腦運動網絡中的趨同發聲表徵 03-19 Convergent vocal representations in parrot and human forebrain motor networks (www.nature.com)
82. 高 Q 值氮化硅微諧振器中的下變頻光子對 03-19 Down-converted photon pairs in a high-Q silicon nitride microresonator (www.nature.com)
83. 調控體細胞超突變可促進抗體親和力成熟 03-19 Regulated somatic hypermutation enhances antibody affinity maturation (www.nature.com)
84. VDAC2 缺失會導致腫瘤破壞和炎症,從而影響癌症治療 03-19 VDAC2 loss elicits tumour destruction and inflammation for cancer therapy (www.nature.com)
85. 一種針對真菌細胞膜磷脂的多烯大環內酯類化合物 03-19 A polyene macrolide targeting phospholipids in the fungal cell membrane (www.nature.com)
87. 進化率分解揭示鳥類基因組變化的驅動因素 03-19 Drivers of avian genomic change revealed by evolutionary rate decomposition (www.nature.com)
88. 多層石墨烯中的波動磁性和波美蘭丘克效應 03-19 Fluctuating magnetism and Pomeranchuk effect in multilayer graphene (www.nature.com)
90. 世界上最小的 LED 顯示屏,像素比病毒還小 03-19 World’s tiniest LED display has pixels smaller than a virus (www.nature.com)
94. 美國科技產業如何影響向綠色能源的過渡 03-19 How the US tech industry is shaping the transition to green energy (www.nature.com)
98. 應對數據中心帶來的能源挑戰是實現綠色未來的關鍵 03-19 Meeting the energy challenge posed by data centres is central to a green future (www.nature.com)
99. 人工智能很快就能解決人類需要數週時間才能完成的項目 03-19 AI could soon tackle projects that take humans weeks (www.nature.com)
102. 每日簡報:美洲鬣蜥可能漂流到斐濟 03-18 Daily briefing: Iguanas from the Americas might have rafted to Fiji (www.nature.com)
103. 科學界最大的機器:建造下一個巨型粒子對撞機的內部鬥爭 03-19 The biggest machine in science: inside the fight to build the next giant particle collider (www.nature.com)
104. 光汙染威脅阿塔卡馬沙漠中的世界級望遠鏡群 03-19 Light pollution threatens fleet of world-class telescopes in Atacama Desert (www.nature.com)
105. 微軟量子計算說法仍缺乏證據:物理學家對此存疑 03-18 Microsoft quantum computing claim still lacks evidence: physicists are dubious (www.nature.com)
106. 鬣蜥漂洋過海8000公里到達斐濟 03-18 Iguanas reached Fiji by floating 8,000 kilometres across the sea (www.nature.com)
107. 食品工業廢料找到了作為生物塑料的第二次生命 03-18 Food-industry waste finds a second life as bioplastic (www.nature.com)
109. 人類線粒體丙酮酸載體的結構和機制 03-18 Structures and mechanism of human mitochondrial pyruvate carrier (www.nature.com)
112. 朗朗上口、清晰簡潔:三段式短語提高研究論文的引用率 03-18 Catchy, clear, concise: Three-part phrases boost research paper citations (www.nature.com)
113. 清理太空:衛星和望遠鏡如何共存 03-18 Cleaning up space: how satellites and telescopes can live together (www.nature.com)
115. 成群的衛星正在危害天文學。研究人員如何進行反擊 03-18 Swarms of satellites are harming astronomy. Here’s how researchers are fighting back (www.nature.com)
116. 太空碎片從天而降。我們需要應對這一日益嚴重的危險 03-18 Space debris is falling from the skies. We need to tackle this growing danger (www.nature.com)
119. 全球合作對 DeepSeek 和更廣泛的人工智能研究至關重要 03-18 Global cooperation is crucial for DeepSeek and broader AI research (www.nature.com)
120. 美國對科學的破壞可能改變全球研究格局 03-18 US disruptions to science could transform global research landscape (www.nature.com)
121. 作者更正:軸突初段的內吞作用可維持神經元的極性 03-18 Author Correction: Endocytosis in the axon initial segment maintains neuronal polarity (www.nature.com)
122. 撥款法案避免了政府停擺,美國科學界將迎來什麼? 03-17 What’s in store for US science as funding bill averts government shutdown (www.nature.com)
123. 亨廷頓氏病基因中的錯誤先是慢慢積累,然後突然爆發 03-17 Errors in the Huntington’s disease gene accumulate slowly and then all at once (www.nature.com)
124. 150萬年前類人猿製造骨器傳統的早期起源 03-17 The early origins of bone-tool manufacturing traditions by hominins 1.5 million years ago (www.nature.com)
125. 不畏歲月摧殘的恐龍細胞化石--關鍵發現 20 年後的今天 03-17 Fossilized dinosaur cells that defied the ravages of time — 20 years since a key discovery (www.nature.com)
126. 工程菌首次製造出結實柔韌的 "尼龍 03-17 Strong, flexible ‘nylon’ made by engineered bacteria for the first time (www.nature.com)
127. 我如何讓哥倫比亞偏遠社區用上更安全的水 03-17 How I connect Colombia’s remote communities to safer water (www.nature.com)
128. 博士旅行獎學金如何豐富了國際細胞生物學會議的內容 03-17 How a PhD travel fellowship enriched an international cell-biology meeting (www.nature.com)
129. 科學正在發生以色列和巴勒斯坦科學家在衝突中繼續合作 03-17 ‘Science is happening’: Israeli and Palestinian scientists continue collaborations amid conflict (www.nature.com)
131. 作者更正:調節抗腫瘤免疫的 B 細胞特異性檢查點分子 03-17 Author Correction: B-cell-specific checkpoint molecules that regulate anti-tumour immunity (www.nature.com)
132. 研究人員如何與土著和地方知識公平合作 03-17 How researchers can work fairly with Indigenous and local knowledge (www.nature.com)
135. 我花了兩年時間組織一次國際會議。如何獲得工作報酬? 03-17 I spent two years organizing an international conference. How do I get compensated for my work? (www.nature.com)
137. 我的職業生涯結束了哥倫比亞大學的科學家們受到特朗普團隊削減經費的沉重打擊 03-14 ‘My career is over’: Columbia University scientists hit hard by Trump team’s cuts (www.nature.com)
141. 每日簡報:五十多年過去了,斯坦福監獄實驗應否撤回? 03-13 Daily briefing: Should the Stanford Prison Experiment be retracted more than fifty years on? (www.nature.com)
142. 土星有多達 274 顆衛星--科學家們想知道為什麼 03-13 Saturn has a whopping 274 moons ― scientists want to know why (www.nature.com)
143. 為什麼富裕國家幫助其他國家去碳化是合理的? 03-13 Why it makes sense for wealthier nations to help others decarbonize (www.nature.com)
144. 小肯尼迪的疫苗計劃會讓美國再次傳染嗎? 03-13 Will RFK Jr’s vaccine agenda make American contagious again? (www.nature.com)
145. 特大暴風雪傾瀉 110 億噸積雪--積聚了正在融化的冰原 03-13 Mega-storm dumps 11 billion tonnes of snow ― and builds up a melting ice sheet (www.nature.com)
146. 男子佩戴鈦合金心臟存活 100 天--世界首例 03-13 Man survives with titanium heart for 100 days – a world first (www.nature.com)
147. 這些沮喪的科學家想離開美國,您想嗎?參與《自然》雜誌的民意調查 03-13 These frustrated scientists want to leave the United States – do you? Take Nature’s poll (www.nature.com)
149. 火星是否孕育著生命?在一塊奇特的岩石上發現了最有力的跡象之一 03-12 Did Mars harbour life? One of the strongest signs yet is spotted in a peculiar rock (www.nature.com)
150. 大腦衰老的速度受這 64 種基因影響 03-12 How fast your brain ages is affected by these 64 genes (www.nature.com)
151. 計算公司 D-Wave 提出新的 "量子優勢 "主張 03-12 Fresh ‘quantum advantage’ claim made by computing firm D-Wave (www.nature.com)
154. 古代 DNA 顯示石器時代的歐洲人曾從海上前往非洲 03-12 Ancient DNA shows Stone Age Europeans voyaged by sea to Africa (www.nature.com)
155. 網絡量子計算機操作系統是向前邁出的切實可行的一大步 03-12 An operating system for networked quantum computers is a huge practical step forward (www.nature.com)
156. 瞭解社會互動的大腦構件 03-12 The brain’s building blocks for understanding social interactions (www.nature.com)
157. 免疫分子將 COVID-19 與兒童嚴重炎症性疾病聯繫起來 03-12 Immune molecule links COVID‑19 with severe inflammatory disorder in children (www.nature.com)
158. 超越石墨烯!科學家鍛造出雙生釕和大量原子厚金屬 03-12 Move over graphene! Scientists forge bismuthene and host of atoms-thick metals (www.nature.com)
159. 距今 100 多萬年的歐洲人古面孔 03-12 An archaic European face more than one million years old (www.nature.com)
160. 通過免疫細胞位置和基因表達預測肝癌復發 03-12 Liver cancer recurrence predicted by immune-cell location and gene expression (www.nature.com)
161. 基於光子芯片的超寬帶參量放大器 03-12 An ultra-broadband photonic-chip-based parametric amplifier (www.nature.com)
162. 鳥鳴學習的雙重神經調節動力學基礎 03-12 Dual neuromodulatory dynamics underlie birdsong learning (www.nature.com)
163. 看似靜止的摩擦界面的滑動和癒合 03-12 Sliding and healing of frictional interfaces that appear stationary (www.nature.com)
164. 東馬格里布新石器時代狩獵者祖先的高度連續性 03-12 High continuity of forager ancestry in the Neolithic period of the eastern Maghreb (www.nature.com)
165. 由自旋空間群決定的共軛磁體中的非常規磁子 03-12 Unconventional magnons in collinear magnets dictated by spin space groups (www.nature.com)
166. 奧地利每小時暴雨量的增加反映在洪水變化上 03-12 Increasing hourly heavy rainfall in Austria reflected in flood changes (www.nature.com)
167. 預測肝細胞癌復發的空間免疫評分系統 03-12 Spatial immune scoring system predicts hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence (www.nature.com)
168. 質體/寄生蟲 ATP/ADP 轉運體的結構和機制 03-12 Structure and mechanism of the plastid/parasite ATP/ADP translocator (www.nature.com)
169. 背內側額葉皮層複雜社會決策的基礎功能 03-12 Basis functions for complex social decisions in dorsomedial frontal cortex (www.nature.com)
170. 肝星狀細胞通過R-軟骨素 3控制肝臟分區、大小和功能 03-12 Hepatic stellate cells control liver zonation, size and functions via R-spondin 3 (www.nature.com)
171. 磷烯納米帶中的磁性和光學活性邊緣 03-12 Magnetically and optically active edges in phosphorene nanoribbons (www.nature.com)
172. 通過扭轉屈曲在手性超材料中產生大量可恢復彈性能量 03-12 Large recoverable elastic energy in chiral metamaterials via twist buckling (www.nature.com)
173. 自然行為是通過多巴胺介導的強化作用學會的 03-12 Natural behaviour is learned through dopamine-mediated reinforcement (www.nature.com)
174. MYC ecDNA 促進了 PDAC 腫瘤內的異質性和可塑性 03-12 MYC ecDNA promotes intratumour heterogeneity and plasticity in PDAC (www.nature.com)
175. 2023-2024 年海面溫度躍升破紀錄的可能性不大,但並非意料之外 03-12 Record sea surface temperature jump in 2023–2024 unlikely but not unexpected (www.nature.com)
178. 物種更替並不能拯救破碎景觀中的生物多樣性 03-12 Species turnover does not rescue biodiversity in fragmented landscapes (www.nature.com)
179. 在翁斯特倫厚度極限下實現二維金屬 03-12 Realization of 2D metals at the ångström thickness limit (www.nature.com)
180. 紮根牢固的真核生物樹揭示了它們的挖掘祖先 03-12 A robustly rooted tree of eukaryotes reveals their excavate ancestry (www.nature.com)
181. 在量子網絡節點上執行應用程序的操作系統 03-12 An operating system for executing applications on quantum network nodes (www.nature.com)
182. TGFβ 將 EBV 與兒童多系統炎症綜合徵聯繫起來 03-12 TGFβ links EBV to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (www.nature.com)
183. 水稻對病毒感染的感知和抗病毒防禦的啟動 03-12 Perception of viral infections and initiation of antiviral defence in rice (www.nature.com)
184. 非洲錐蟲抗原表達層次的基因組決定因素 03-12 Genomic determinants of antigen expression hierarchy in African trypanosomes (www.nature.com)
185. 地中海降水的主要特點是時間變化大而非趨勢性 03-12 High temporal variability not trend dominates Mediterranean precipitation (www.nature.com)
189. 答覆天氣異常無法解釋昆蟲數量下降的原因 03-12 Reply to: Weather anomalies cannot explain insect decline (www.nature.com)
190. 每日簡報:美國國家航空航天局開始大規模解僱科學家 03-11 Daily briefing: NASA begins mass firings of scientists (www.nature.com)
191. 伊麗莎白-弗爾巴訃告:古生物學家,解決了困擾達爾文的難題 03-12 Elisabeth Vrba obituary: palaeontologist who solved a problem that vexed Darwin (www.nature.com)
192. 您製作了一個實驗室網站。網站上應該寫些什麼? 03-12 So you’ve made a lab website. What should go on it? (www.nature.com)
194. 兒科顳葉疾病研究中心的醫療記錄 03-12 Medical records from the Center for the Study of Temporal Disorders, Pediatric Department (www.nature.com)
195. 作者更正:在費米-哈伯德量子模擬器中觀測長岡極子 03-12 Author Correction: Observation of Nagaoka polarons in a Fermi–Hubbard quantum simulator (www.nature.com)
196. 為什麼 "智慧城市 "的支持者會忽視研究? 03-12 Why are proponents of ‘smart cities’ neglecting research? (www.nature.com)
197. COVID 改變病毒學的四種方式:從有史以來測序最多的病毒中汲取的教訓 03-12 Four ways COVID changed virology: lessons from the most sequenced virus of all time (www.nature.com)
198. 糟糕的浪漫:雄性章魚向配偶注射致命毒液 03-11 Bad romance: male octopuses inject deadly venom into their mates (www.nature.com)
199. 作者更正:將頭部方向信號轉化為目標導向型轉向指令 03-11 Author Correction: Transforming a head direction signal into a goal-oriented steering command (www.nature.com)
200. 用低溫電子顯微鏡觀察 RNA 的複雜水網絡 03-11 Complex water networks visualized by cryogenic electron microscopy of RNA (www.nature.com)
201. 預印本網站 bioRxiv 和 medRxiv 開啟獨立新紀元 03-11 Preprint sites bioRxiv and medRxiv launch new era of independence (www.nature.com)
202. 美國國家航空航天局(NASA)在特朗普團隊的最後期限前開始大規模解僱科學家 03-11 NASA begins mass firings of scientists ahead of Trump team’s deadline (www.nature.com)
204. 作者更正:硅中無序摻雜原子網絡的分類 03-11 Author Correction: Classification with a disordered dopant atom network in silicon (www.nature.com)
205. 公共衛生專家應更具政治性,而不是更弱 03-11 Public-health experts should be more political, not less (www.nature.com)
207. 每日簡報:數千人在#支持科學#集會上抗議特朗普削減開支 03-10 Daily briefing: Thousands protest Trump cuts at #StandUpForScience rallies (www.nature.com)
208. 要獲得更可靠的人工智能,學者們應該編輯維基百科 03-11 For more reliable AI, academics should edit Wikipedia (www.nature.com)
209. COP30 必須建立有約束力的機制來應對氣候變化,而不是空洞的承諾 03-11 COP30 must deliver binding mechanisms to address climate change, not empty promises (www.nature.com)
210. 類似的手性現象也出現在細胞培養物和人體人群中 03-11 Similar chiral phenomena occur in cell cultures and human crowds (www.nature.com)
211. 伊朗開心果生產的命運值得全世界借鑑 03-11 Fate of pistachio production in Iran holds lessons for the world (www.nature.com)
212. 龐大的長江數字孿生系統如何防止中國洪水氾濫 03-11 How a vast digital twin of the Yangtze River could prevent flooding in China (www.nature.com)
213. 美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)如何主導世界健康研究--圖表 03-10 How the NIH dominates the world’s health research — in charts (www.nature.com)
215. 微塑料有害健康嗎?需要更嚴謹的科學研究 03-10 Are microplastics bad for your health? More rigorous science is needed (www.nature.com)
216. 每日簡報:這種關鍵蛋白質可能是大腦老化的罪魁禍首 03-07 Daily briefing: This key protein could be responsible for brain ageing (www.nature.com)
217. 量子 "原理揭示原子存在的原因 03-10 The ‘quantum’ principle that says why atoms are as they are (www.nature.com)
218. #ScientistAtWork 2025:自然》雜誌正在徵集捕捉研究人員工作生活的精彩攝影圖片 03-10 #ScientistAtWork 2025: Nature is seeking stunning photographic images that capture researchers’ working lives (www.nature.com)
219. 我們在戒備森嚴的監獄中教授神經科學的經驗 03-10 Our experience of teaching neuroscience in a maximum-security prison (www.nature.com)
220. 如果研究得到尊重,科學外交有助於彌合全球裂痕 03-10 Science diplomacy can help to heal global rifts — if research is respected (www.nature.com)
221. 科學家不會沉默":數千人抗議特朗普削減研究經費 03-07 ‘Scientists will not be silenced’: thousands protest Trump research cuts (www.nature.com)
222. 誰有可能從昏迷中醒來?腦電波提供線索 03-07 Who’s likely to wake up from a coma? Brain waves provide a clue (www.nature.com)
223. 造成大片熱帶森林消失的罪魁禍首令人吃驚 03-07 The surprising culprit for the loss of huge swathes of tropical forest (www.nature.com)
224. 博士生的實驗室規模如何影響他們未來學術成功的機會 03-07 How a PhD student’s lab size affects their chance of future academic success (www.nature.com)
225. 我被告知要堅強起來":學術界是否完全搞錯了復原力? 03-07 ‘I was told to toughen up’: is academia getting resilience all wrong? (www.nature.com)
226. 岩石獵人、樹木守護者和出租車司機:書籍簡介 03-07 Rock hunters, tree huggers and taxi drivers: Books in brief (www.nature.com)
227. 作者更正:氣候變暖和變冷催化生物多樣性的廣泛時間更替 03-07 Author Correction: Warming and cooling catalyse widespread temporal turnover in biodiversity (www.nature.com)
228. 人工智能工具正在發現研究論文中的錯誤:一場日益壯大的運動的內幕 03-07 AI tools are spotting errors in research papers: inside a growing movement (www.nature.com)
229. 微軟量子計算 "突破 "面臨新挑戰 03-07 Microsoft quantum computing ''breakthrough'' faces fresh challenge (www.nature.com)
230. 每日簡報:第二條 X 染色體並不那麼沉默寡言 03-06 Daily briefing: The second X chromosome isn’t so silent after all (www.nature.com)
231. 獵冰登月任務的未知命運讓科學家們心存疑慮 03-07 Unknown fate of ice-hunting Moon missions leaves scientists in suspense (www.nature.com)
232. 美國曆史悠久的黑人大學的財務桎梏 03-06 The financial shackling of historically Black universities in the United States (www.nature.com)
233. 變性研究人員受到攻擊:LGBTQ 生物學家面臨充滿敵意的工作環境 03-06 Trans researchers under attack: LGBTQ biologists face hostile work environment (www.nature.com)
234. 在華外國研究人員面臨越來越嚴格的限制 03-06 Foreign researchers in China face tightening restrictions (www.nature.com)
235. CYSLTR2 和 P2RY6 感知神經酰胺加劇動脈粥樣硬化 03-06 Sensing ceramides by CYSLTR2 and P2RY6 to aggravate atherosclerosis (www.nature.com)
236. 古代木偶的一顰一笑暗示著共同的儀式 03-06 Ancient puppets that smile or scowl hint at shared rituals (www.nature.com)
237. 每日簡報:PubMed停電加劇了人們對數據庫未來的擔憂 03-05 Daily briefing: PubMed blackout stokes fears about database’s future (www.nature.com)
238. 特朗普提名的美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)院長人選談凍結撥款和促進 "科學異議 "問題 03-06 Trump''s nominee for NIH chief talks frozen grants and fostering ‘scientific dissent’ (www.nature.com)
239. 獨家報道美國國立衛生研究院將終止數百項正在進行的研究撥款 03-06 Exclusive: NIH to terminate hundreds of active research grants (www.nature.com)
241. 為什麼女性的大腦更有彈性:可能是因為她們 "沉默 "的 X 染色體 03-05 Why women’s brains are more resilient: it could be their ‘silent’ X chromosome (www.nature.com)
242. 人工智能算法幫助望遠鏡快速轉向引力波源 03-05 AI algorithm helps telescopes to pivot fast towards gravitational-wave sources (www.nature.com)
243. 大腦如何決定是否堅持以及何時放棄 03-05 How the brain decides whether to persist — and when to give up (www.nature.com)
245. 這種關鍵蛋白質可能是大腦老化的罪魁禍首 03-05 This key protein could be responsible for brain ageing (www.nature.com)
246. 將蛋白質廢物轉化為抗生素是人體細胞的一種防禦策略 03-05 Protein waste turned into antibiotics as a defence strategy of human cells (www.nature.com)
247. 古人類使用骨器的時間比想象的早一百萬年 03-05 Ancient humans used bone tools one million years earlier than thought (www.nature.com)
248. 亞馬遜森林砍伐使雨季更潮溼,旱季更乾燥 03-05 Amazonian deforestation makes the wet season wetter, and the dry season dryer (www.nature.com)
249. 全基因組植物泛基因組可為下一代作物設計提供信息 03-05 Genus-wide plant pangenome could inform next-generation crop design (www.nature.com)
250. 人工智能如何讓我們實時觀看史詩般的恆星碰撞 03-05 How AI could let us watch epic star collisions in real time (www.nature.com)
251. 大腦如何決定何時堅持、放棄或嘗試新事物 03-05 How the brain decides when to stick at it, give up or try something new (www.nature.com)
252. 使用環保量子點製造的 LED 該大放異彩了 03-05 It’s time to shine for LEDs made using ecofriendly quantum dots (www.nature.com)
253. 特製大麻素可能是緩解疼痛而不會產生不良影響的關鍵 03-05 Designer cannabinoids could be the key to pain relief without adverse effects (www.nature.com)
254. 最早的手工骨器可追溯到 150 萬年前 03-05 Earliest crafted bone tools date back 1.5 million years (www.nature.com)
255. 茄科植物泛遺傳學揭示了作物工程中的旁系親緣關係 03-05 Solanum pan-genetics reveals paralogues as contingencies in crop engineering (www.nature.com)
256. 果蠅屬蒼蠅溫度偏好的進化 03-05 Evolution of temperature preference in flies of the genus Drosophila (www.nature.com)
257. 光子晶體極化子凝聚體中新出現的超穩固性 03-05 Emerging supersolidity in photonic-crystal polariton condensates (www.nature.com)
258. 茶黃素合成酶通過一種不依賴於 NADPH 的超氧化物機制運行 03-05 Chanoclavine synthase operates by an NADPH-independent superoxide mechanism (www.nature.com)
259. 地球上熱帶森林樹冠功能特徵的差異 03-05 Canopy functional trait variation across Earth’s tropical forests (www.nature.com)
260. 小鼠造血的克隆動態和體細胞進化 03-05 Clonal dynamics and somatic evolution of haematopoiesis in mouse (www.nature.com)
261. 長期多細胞進化實驗中的基因組複製 03-05 Genome duplication in a long-term multicellularity evolution experiment (www.nature.com)
262. 亞馬遜森林砍伐對降水的影響在季節間發生逆轉 03-05 Impact of Amazonian deforestation on precipitation reverses between seasons (www.nature.com)
263. 從相同病原體序列看 SARS-CoV-2 的精細傳播模式 03-05 Fine-scale patterns of SARS-CoV-2 spread from identical pathogen sequences (www.nature.com)
264. CB1 中的一個隱秘口袋驅動著外周和功能選擇性 03-05 A cryptic pocket in CB1 drives peripheral and functional selectivity (www.nature.com)
265. 堅毅、探索和脫離狀態的皮層下配電盤 03-05 A subcortical switchboard for perseverative, exploratory and disengaged states (www.nature.com)
267. 線粒體丙酮酸載體的結構及其抑制機制 03-05 Structure of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier and its inhibition mechanism (www.nature.com)
268. 混合精度憶阻器和 SRAM 內存計算人工智能處理器 03-05 A mixed-precision memristor and SRAM compute-in-memory AI processor (www.nature.com)
269. 蛋白酶體衍生防禦肽的細胞自主先天免疫功能 03-05 Cell-autonomous innate immunity by proteasome-derived defence peptides (www.nature.com)
270. 10,000 小時穩定的間歇式鹼性海水電解法 03-05 10,000-h-stable intermittent alkaline seawater electrolysis (www.nature.com)
271. 原激素裂解預測發現了一種非促泌素抗肥胖肽 03-05 Prohormone cleavage prediction uncovers a non-incretin anti-obesity peptide (www.nature.com)
272. 感覺輸入、性別和功能影響下丘腦細胞的發育 03-05 Sensory input, sex and function shape hypothalamic cell type development (www.nature.com)
274. 上皮細胞向間質轉化的進化指紋 03-05 Evolutionary fingerprints of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (www.nature.com)
276. TIR1 產生的 cAMP 是轉錄輔助素信號的第二信使 03-05 TIR1-produced cAMP as a second messenger in transcriptional auxin signalling (www.nature.com)
277. 利用機器學習對雙中子星合併進行實時推斷 03-05 Real-time inference for binary neutron star mergers using machine learning (www.nature.com)
278. 用於高效穩定純藍 LED 的均相 ZnSeTeS 量子點 03-05 Homogeneous ZnSeTeS quantum dots for efficient and stable pure-blue LEDs (www.nature.com)
279. 阿司匹林通過限制血小板 TXA2 對 T 細胞免疫的抑制來防止轉移 03-05 Aspirin prevents metastasis by limiting platelet TXA2 suppression of T cell immunity (www.nature.com)
280. 斜方體石墨烯的超導性和量子化反常霍爾效應 03-05 Superconductivity and quantized anomalous Hall effect in rhombohedral graphene (www.nature.com)
282. 每日簡報:美國科學家奮起反對特朗普瓦解聯邦科學的努力 03-04 Daily briefing: US scientists rise up against Trump’s efforts to dismantle federal science (www.nature.com)
283. 尋找視網膜地理萎縮的解決方案 03-05 The search for solutions to geographic atrophy of the retina (www.nature.com)
285. 人工智能可促進低收入國家的眼科護理 03-05 Artificial intelligence could boost eye care in low-income countries (www.nature.com)
290. 沉默就是共謀"--大學必須與反教育歧視鎮壓作鬥爭 03-05 ‘Silence is complicity’ — universities must fight the anti-DEI crackdown (www.nature.com)
292. 神經元活動的多樣性可能是由輸入的差異造成的 03-05 Diversity in neuronal activity could be caused by differences in inputs (www.nature.com)
293. 古老的造礁珊瑚得到了微生物朋友的幫助 03-05 Ancient reef-building corals had a little help from microbial friends (www.nature.com)
294. 出土的基因多樣性設計出 "完美馬鈴薯 03-05 ‘Perfect potato’ designed thanks to unearthed genetic diversity (www.nature.com)
295. 每一位偉大的女科學家背後,都有另一位偉大的女科學家 03-05 Behind every great woman in science, there’s another great woman in science (www.nature.com)
296. 人工智能究竟會消耗多少能源?好的、壞的和未知的 03-05 How much energy will AI really consume? The good, the bad and the unknown (www.nature.com)
297. 人工智能如何實現人類水平的智能:研究人員呼籲改變策略 03-04 How AI can achieve human-level intelligence: researchers call for change in tack (www.nature.com)
298. 我希望確保非洲人參與人工智能革命 03-04 I want to ensure that Africans take part in the AI revolution (www.nature.com)
299. Omg,Pubmed黑屏了嗎?停電引發了對數據庫未來的擔憂 03-04 ''Omg, did Pubmed go dark?'' Blackout stokes fears about database’s future (www.nature.com)